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March 26, 2012
Town of Princeton, MA
 Princeton Advisory Board

Meeting Minutes
March 26, 2012

Advisory Board Chair, Terry Hart, called the meeting to order at 5:34 PM.
AB members in attendance:
Terry Hart, John W. Shipman, James M. O’Coin, Alan Sentkowski, Joe Lotuff and George Handy.
The Princeton Advisory Board and the Capital Planning and Improvement Committee, met with the three members of the Princeton Select Board; Ray Dennehy, Edie Morgan and Stan Moss and Town Administrator, John Lebeaux.

With the Princeton Board of Selectmen, the Advisory Board and the Capital Planning and Improvement Committees reviewed budget and capital requests from the Princeton Police Department Chief, Michelle Powers and the Princeton Fire Department Chief, David Cobb.

Summary of department requests:
PPD: Motorola Base Radio/Repeater
PFD: Turnout gear, Engine #5 pump rebuild, Defib replacement (4), Water hole up-grade and new fire ponds, Chief’s command vehicle.

Additional review included the FY 2013 budget. Discussion included union and non-union salary funding, anticipated borrowing requirements, overtime budgets and year-end intra-departmental budget balances.  

The 2013 articles were reviewed and the AB was advised that a hearing on the warrant will be held on Monday May 7, 2012 at 7 PM in the Town Hall Annex.

 The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 PM.

John W. Shipman
Princeton Advisory Board