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May 2, 2011 - Town Meeting Warrant Hearing
Advisory Committee minutes                      Revised DRAFT #2
Annual Town Meeting Warrant Hearing
May 2, 2011

The hearing was called to order at 7:03 pm in the Town Hall Annex.

Advisory Committee members attending were John Shipman, Alan Sentkowski, Jim O’Coin, Joe Lotuff and Stan Moss. Members Terry Hart and Neil Sulmasy were traveling out of town.

Also in attendance were Select Board member Joe O’Brien and Edie Morgan, Town Administrator John Lebeaux, two town employees and 6 others (board/committee members and/or general public).

John Shipman, Vice Chair and acting Chair, stated that since the majority of the ATM warrant had previously been voted by the Advisory Committee, reading the warrant article by article would be dispensed with and public attendees invited to address articles of concern or interest.

Alan Sentkowski then requested to address the Police Salaries budget, which was previously voted To Be Determined (subject to Union negotiations). Police Chief Michelle Powers noted that her request for an additional sergeant position was based upon increasing incidents requiring command presence, and the development of junior officers. .John Lebeaux then offered a detailed description of various aspects of the Police budget, noting that the Select Board has decided to budget a 2% police union salary increase prior to pending negotiations. Alan Sentkowski made a motion to approve this budget line item, Joe Lotuff seconded, and the motion approved unanimously.

Library director Wendy Pape asked to address Article 24, a $3000 funding request for an exterior drop-off box for returned library material. She stated the box, proposed location in the strip of grass in the top parking area, would be a convenience for Sunday returns (current in-library drop-off box would overflow and have to be emptied) and for mothers with very young children. Joe O’Brien noted that this was not a budget expansion, and would use undesignated funds to purchase and install the box. Jim O’Coin motion to approve Article 23, Alan Sentkowski seconded, and the motion approved unanimously.

Gary McLeod from the Assessors was present to represent Article 20 from the Board of Assessors, but no discussion was brought forward.

Leigh Digney, citizen, asked to discuss Article 28, funding for Regional Dispatch transition. Stan Moss, also a member of the Public Safety Committee, described that committee’s findings and recommendations to date. Noting that no decision had been made, he stated that funding this article would allow the Select Board to pursue dispatch regionalization if and when the right opportunity came forward, without requiring a special town meeting to for transition expenses. Joe O’Brien added additional information in regards to the intent of the article.

Elaine Kay, citizen, questioned the intent of Article 23, funding for a Planning Board study for a village district at Post Office Place. John Lebeaux, Alan Sentkowski, and Joe O’Brien all spoke to the intent of the study, and that town meeting approval of this article would not bind the town to any zoning changes.

John Lebeaux informed the Advisory Committee that various vendor professionals would attend town meeting to represent if needed the Thomas Prince renovation, and environmental remediation and monitoring articles.

Advisory Committee minutes of the April 14, 2011 meeting were approved unanimously.

The hearing was adjourned at 7:50 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Stan Moss, recorder