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August 25, 2016
BOARD/COMMITTEE: Advisory Committee

DATE:   August 25, 2016                                 TIME:  7:00PM

LOCATION: ~Princeton Center

REQUESTED BY: John Shipman, Chair
“The listings of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the Chair 48 hours before said meeting, which may be discussed at the meeting.~ Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.”


- Following topics as related to the STM Meeting Warrant for 9/13:
- Matrix proposal, June 2016 plus clarifications and modifications, presentation by Chris Lynch
- Updates from 8/22 BOS and 8/23 PBMLP meeting relating to the STM 9/13 warrant
- Updates, if any, PBMLP Cost/Subscriber Revenue/Expense Model
- Discussion of Bill Holder's long term debt materials
- Status update, if any, Comcast Proposal
- Review past meeting minutes for outstanding questions, status
- Time permitting, public opinion from the floor
- Approve Minutes
- Affirm next AC meeting dates

UPCOMING MEETING:       TIME:           PLACE:          

August 31st                     7:00 PM        TBD                        
September 6th           7:00 PM         TBD
September 7th           7:00 PM         TBD