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Planning Board Minutes March 23, 2009
These minutes are not verbatim – they are the secretary’s interpretation of what took place at the meeting. – Open Meeting Law – Section III.

Board Members: Marc Garrett, Malcolm MacGregor, Larry Rosenblum, Paul McAlduff, and
Bill Wennerberg
Planning Board Alternate: Timothy Grandy
Staff Members: Howard Coppari

Administrative Notes:
March 16, 2009
Larry Rosenblum moved to approve the minutes of March 16, 2009 as presented; the vote was unanimous (5-0).  

BOA 3521 – Randy & Anita Galletti        (cont. from March 16, 2009)
        122 Drew Road, Map 88, Lot 14
Mark Flaherty thanked the members for participating in the site visit on Saturday, March 21, 2009 and reviewed the request for a special permit in order to demolish an existing boathouse and fire damaged dwelling and reconstruct a new two-story single-family dwelling in the location of the existing boathouse.  The boathouse was previously a cottage that was abandoned when the existing single family home was constructed.    The fire damaged house will be razed to the foundation.  The foundation will remain for a future use as a secondary structure for a garage or barn.  Access to the site is off Drew Road through the Town Forest.  There is an existing well and septic system.  The septic system will be updated to include a new septic tank and pump chamber to pump to a new leaching field.  The new 1270 sq. ft. structure would be located 47’ from Great South Pond and will require review by the Conservation Commission.  The site is also considered an endangered species habitat and the applicant has applied to Natural Heritage for its comments.  Retaining walls that are in disrepair will be reconstructed in a pattern of 4’ high walls with terraced areas at the top.  A portion of the property has an aquacultural restriction that limits where construction can occur.   
Paul McAlduff commented that he was supportive of the proposed site for the new structure but requested that the foundation and the existing house be removed.
Malcolm MacGregor requested that there be minimal excavation of the bank and that the back foundation wall of the house would be a supportive wall for the existing bluff.  Mr. MacGregor also requested a vegetation plan.  
Larry Rosenblum suggested moving the house as far away from the pond as possible and taking advantage of the house’s foundation to act as a retaining wall for the bluff.   He thought that the grading plan needed improvement.  
Marc Garrett felt there were alternatives on the site for the location of the house, and was not supportive of the proposed location for the house.  Mr. Garrett suggested that the house could be constructed in an area outside the agricultural buffer and in a less environmentally sensitive area.  
Bill Wennerberg was not supportive of the proposed location of the structure and suggested that there were alternative locations on the site that would be more appropriate.  
Larry Rosenblum moved for the Board to recommend denial to the Zoning Board of Appeals based on the following:
The Planning Board is not adverse to the construction of a new single-family dwelling on the subject lot, but the Board has several concerns that should be addressed before any structure can be built in this environmentally sensitive area.  The Board encourages the applicant to consider alternatives (siting and design) to constructing a house in close proximity to Great South Pond.  Should a new application be filed, the Board suggests that a revised development application include new architectural plans, an evaluation of siting alternatives to justify the applicants preferred building location and a landscaping plan that demonstrates how the affected slope will be treated with natural vegetation and manmade materials to minimize erosion and enhance and protect existing wildlife habitat.
It is recommended that the petition for a Special Permit per Section 205-25, Paragraph A3, to construct a non-conforming structure is DENIED for the following reasons:
The proposed single-family house is an appropriate use within the character of the existing neighborhood.  However, the dwelling location is too close to Great South Pond and will have a larger footprint then the existing boathouse.
Adequate and appropriate facilities serve the site and do not require any town services.  The subject lot will continue to use a private well and an existing septic system.
The house is located in close proximity to Great South Pond and therefore will have a negative impact on the local environment.
The construction of a dwelling will be a nuisance and will have an adverse effect upon on the neighborhood’s natural resources given its close proximity to the pond and the ORW (Great South Pond) associated wildlife habitat.
The vote was (4-0-1) with Paul McAlduff in abstention.

Paul McAlduff presented information regarding energy alternatives that he will be presenting to the Energy Committee at their next meeting.

Paul McAlduff moved to adjourn at 7:42 p.m.; the vote was unanimous (5-0).  

Respectfully Submitted,

Eileen M. Hawthorne                                             Approved: April 13, 2009
Administrative Assistant