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Planning Board Minutes October 24, 2005
Planning Board Meeting
October 24, 2005

These minutes are not verbatim - they are the secretary's interpretation of what took place at the meeting. - Open Meeting Law - Section III.

Board Members: Loring Tripp, III, Nicholas Filla, and Paul McAlduff.
Planning Board Alternate: None
Staff Members: Valerie Massard
Recording Secretary: Eileen Hawthorne

Form A's:  
A4165 - Map 59, Lot 29 (4.42A) - Subdivide into Lots 29-48, (1.16A), 29-49 (0.97A), 29-50 (1.14A), 29-51 (1.15A)
Paul McAlduff moved for the clerk to sign the plan; the vote was unanimous (3-0).

A4166 - Map 78D, Lots 16-356, 16-357, and S-78- Lot line adjustments to create Lots 16-365A (.14A), 16-357A (.14A) and S-123 (3.24A)
Paul McAlduff moved for the clerk to sign the plan; the vote was unanimous (3-0).

A4167 - Map 86, Lots 13-3 and 14 - Lot line adjustment to create lots 13-4 (6.57 A) and 14-1 (0.94A).
Loring Tripp moved for the clerk to sign the plan subject to a lot line clarification; the vote was unanimous (3-0).

October 11, 2005
Paul McAlduff moved to approve the minutes of October 11, 2005 as presented; the vote was unanimous (3-0).

B478, Armstrong Road
Paul McAlduff moved to hold the Certificate of Completion until the following items on Earth Tech
Sidewalk width
Stabilization of the seeding and loaming of drainage basins
Drainage flushing
Review of the as-built plans
Review of the landscape plan
The vote was unanimous (3-0).

The Board had no comment on Walgreen
Pinehills LLC - Lot Release
The Pinehills had requested a release for the following lots in Sedgewood: 11-158, 11-159, 11-160, 11-161, 11-162, 11-163, 11-164, and 11-165.  The Board had previously signed a release, but a modification of the definitive subdivision plan renumbered the lots.
Paul McAlduff moved to release the above-mentioned lots; the vote was unanimous (3-0).

Paul McAlduff moved to adjourn at 6:40 p.m.; the vote was unanimous (3-0).

Respectfully Submitted,

Eileen M. Hawthorne
Administrative Assistant                                Approved on:________________