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Planning Board Minutes August 29, 2005
Planning Board Meeting
August 29, 2005

These minutes are not verbatim - they are the staff's interpretation of what took place at the meeting. - Open Meeting Law - Section III.

Board Members: Nicholas Filla, Larry Rosenblum, Loring Tripp III, Malcolm MacGregor, and Paul McAlduff.
Planning Board Alternate: Timothy Grandy
Staff Members: Lee Hartmann and Valerie Massard


Amend Zoning Table 5
The Planning Board voted to recommend the proposed amendments (dated 8-29-2005) to Fall Annual Town Meeting; the vote was unanimous (5-0).

                Article 17


DATE OF PUBLICATION OF PUBLIC HEARING:          July 27, 2005, August 3, 2005
        DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING:         AUGUST 15, 2005, AUGUST 22, 2005

To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning Bylaw by amending Table 5 to include existing area, dimensional, setback and buffer requirements already included within other sections of the Zoning Bylaw or take any other action relative thereto.

See attached language.


Table 5 is a quick reference that conveys area, dimensional, setback and buffer requirements for the zoning districts in the Zoning Bylaw.  Many property owners, consultants, real estate agents and public officials use  Table 5 on a daily basis, on-line, in person, and in hard copy.  However, Table 5 is incomplete because recent amendments have not been incorporated into Table 5.

In recent years, a number of changes have been made to the sections of the Zoning Bylaw which in and of themselves make reference Table 5; however, those changes have not been incorporated into Table 5 as those amendments took place.  In addition, there are some minor formatting errors in the existing recodified Table 5 that have created confusion.

The proposed changes include:
·       Adding RDD, RD, TDR, TRVD and VOSD standards where applicable.
·       Notes have been moved to improve cross-referencing .
·       Corrections to the formatting and wording of the recodified Table 5 have been made to accurately reflect buffers and yard requirements in the LI and AC districts.
·       The Downtown/Harbor and Mixed Commerce Districts have been added.
·       A note has been added to the Table with respect to the definition of FAR.


The intent of Table 5 is to convey the existing area, dimensional, setback and buffer requirements for the zoning districts in the Zoning Bylaw.  By updating Table 5, the existing area, dimensional, setback and buffer requirements for the zoning districts will be included in Table 5.  


No use, area or dimensional changes are proposed as part of this amendment.  The amendments only seek to include area, dimensional, setback and buffer requirements already defined within other sections of the Zoning Bylaw within Table 5.

Paul McAlduff moved to adjourn at 7:30 p.m.; the vote was unanimous (5-0).

The Board re-convened at 8:25 p.m.

Board Members: Nicholas Filla, Malcolm MacGregor, and Paul McAlduff.
Staff Members: Lee Hartmann and Valerie Massard

Valerie Massard presented the phasing covenant for the subdivision.  
Malcolm MacGregor moved to sign the covenant; the vote was unanimous (3-0) Mr. Filla, Mr. McAlduff and Mr. MacGregor present for the vote.

B509 - The Trails
Valerie Massard presented the phasing covenant for the subdivision.  
Paul McAlduff moved to sign the covenant; the vote was unanimous (3-0) Mr. Filla, Mr. McAlduff and Mr. MacGregor present for the vote.

Valerie Massard presented the request for the release of the following lots in The Trails subdivision for conveyance purposes only:
Lots 17-16, 17-17, 17-18 and 17-19, The Trails, Off Ship Pond Road, Plymouth, Massachusetts.
Paul McAlduff moved to approve the release of the above-mentioned lots; the vote was unanimous (3-0).  

Paul McAlduff moved to adjourn at 8:30 p.m.; the vote was unanimous (3-0).

Respectfully Submitted,

Eileen M. Hawthorne
Administrative Assistant                                Approved on: September 12, 2005