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Town Woods Operating Committee Meeting Minutes 09/26/2013
Town Woods Operating Committee Meeting
Thursday September 26,2013
Meeting called to order at 11:08 am

Jerry Silbert
Bonnie Reemsnyder
Don Bugbee
Anna Silberberg
Nicole Stajduhar
Wendy Visgilio

The Town Woods Operating Committees Purpose is to advise Old Lyme BOS and BOF members on Town Woods Park fields and facilities.

1. Procedures: Budget Process- The discussion led on plans for this year’s budget process.  The committee needs to put together the budget for the upcoming year in the fall then meet with a BOF member. It is reviewed by BOS and BOF with final approval in May. This committee will tighten the process to coincide with the BOF process. Because of the experimental process with the Town Woods fields and the implementation of a 3-year turf management plan it has been a challenge. The board is committed to making sure the process is tightened up to meet BOF guidelines.

2. Field Maintenance-
At this time the fields are recovering well and are in good shape due to less usage (high school) and the work of Ron Tyler and Jerry Silbert.  Concern over grass length as it pertains to soccer was discussed. Lowering blades is not an easy process; they can’t be adjusted every time the fields are mowed. Committee discussed another process of rolling the fields and we will look more into this as we discuss next years budget. Also over usage on specific areas is a concern. A suggestion that reminders go out to clubs using these fields to makes sure they move their practices around the field to avoid this happening.

3. New Business-
Jerry spoke about his concerns over having organic turf management work.  The process is only effective when the suggestions are carried out.  It was suggested to add amendments or line items to the budget to allow for these changes such as “yucca treatments” and “rolling”.
The committee will discuss this further at our next meeting and as we put together our budget.
A concern that committee members need to be educated on some of the processes used in organic turf management to make informed decisions was raised.  Jerry volunteered to help research such information with support. The committee will discuss the use of a consultant as we move forward with our plans.

Meeting adjourned at 12:00pm
Next meeting scheduled 10/9 at 8:30 am.

Submitted by Wendy Visgilio