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Sound View Commission Minutes 10/27/2014
Sound View Commission
Meeting Minutes — Unapproved
27 October 2014
Shoreline Community Center 7.30 pm

Present: Frank Pappalardo (Chair), Michaelle Pearson (Secretary), Joann Reis Lishing, Sandra Ziemba (Alternate)
Absent: Russ Carlo (alternate), Harry Plaut, Frank Maratta (Alternate), David Kelsey
Also Present: Selectwoman Mary Jo Nosal, Officer Thomas Heinssen

7.31 pm Call to Order: Meeting called to order by Chairman Frank Pappalardo. Sandra Ziemba seated for the absent Harry Plaut.

Approval of September Minutes: Joann Lishing moved table the September minutes until the November meeting. Sandra Ziemba seconded. Motion carried.

Officer Heinssen presented parking totals for the 2014 Season, stating that there was
a total of approximately $95,300. The breakdown was $67,700 in the Town Lot, $27,700 on- street.

The kiosk at the Town lot average: weekdays may-sept 1740 $5 tix, 1439 $7 tix
The most popular ticket was weekday $10. (4 hrs)

The northernmost kiosk saw minimal use: $4500 dollars/ yr.

Most frequent ticket purchases appear to be families, who buy a morning ticket for 2-4 hours, and leave by 1pm.

Need to look at patterns of usage and day-rate pricing. If in previous years a carload of people paid for an all-day Town Lot ticket at $20-25, but now are purchasing 4 hours at $10, how does that impact revenues to the Town? Are they buying multiple tickets on the same day and extending their stay? Or simply leaving earlier and paying less? Need to look at the numbers more deeply for clarification. There’s also an issue of “peak use pricing” to be considered, where certain high-volume dates or times would be more expensive than others. Need to look at prices of nearly beaches for comparison each year to ensure we are keeping pace with the current market rates. Also need to discuss when the paid parking season begins and ends. Officer Heinssen recommends that it remain flexible and weather-oriented.

Frank Pappalardo asked if the kiosks would be covered this winter. Officer Heinssen stated that the kiosks are not meant to be covered and are weather-hardy, but the police will put clear bags over them this year, so solar will still be operational.

Officer Heinssen said everything worked well this past season. The Rangers and PD wrote just under 300 paper tickets. The majority of these were for alcohol on the beach.

WPCA update: The Planning Commission has not endorsed the sewer plans, and the town vote has been postponed. At the last open public information meeting people had a number of significant questions and apparent inconsistencies regarding user fees, road restoration work, town funding, etc.

One area of concern to property owners is the possible elimination of White Sands Beach and Hawks Nest Beach from the sewer package, thereby leaving Sound View as the only Town-owned area impacted by this. How does this affect assessments when there are so many fewer households to share the bill. How does it affect location of the pump station?

Next WPCA meeting this Thursday evening.

Ms. Pearson expressed concern at the criteria being cited by DEEP, saying as far as she had been able to determine, the DEEP has been unable to come up with any evidence that Sound View is polluting. The DEEP calculations are based solely on population density, without taking into account the overwhelmingly seasonal use of the area, unique soil content, etc. All water tests at the beach have been clean for the past several years, whereas beaches with sewers (e.g. in East Lyme) are often closed due to sewerage outflow/overflow during heavy rains.

Frank Pappalardo said that the Sound View Improvements engineers (BSC) have been working closely with the WPCA to accommodate the pump station into the Park design if necessary. There has been some concern regarding odor resulting from the pump station, which may emanate into a densely populated residential area. Venting systems and a pollution control unit are being looked into. If the pump station is placed at Sound View, the size of the rest room building will need to be doubled, which will significantly increase the cost of the project. WPCA has indicated their intention to cover the additional costs.

Joann Lishing asked if there was a comparable system somewhere we could look at, as she had checked the WPCA website and didn’t see any information or renderings about what the pump station/ rest room building might look like.  Frank Pappalardo said Provincetown has a bathroom and pump station that are similar.

Sound View Improvements progress update: bike path, shared lanes. Where there’s sufficient space, the bike lane will be on the shoulder.

Hartford Ave: 8 foot sidewalks on both sides.  Crosswalks, bumpouts. The powerpoint is now online under current projects.

The next public meeting is anticipated in December on on 30% completion of the design. This meeting is mandated by the CT-DOT for the purpose of community feedback.
The email address for the project is:

SV Gateway Project Consulting Update: Frank Pappalardo presented preliminary drawings for the Sound View Gateway Project, which will affect route 156 from the Police Station to Cross Lane and Hartford Avenue from Route 156 to Bocce Lane. The preliminary drawings were developed to show a broad range of possibilities for the area.

Ms. Pearson raised several issues with the designs as presented, citing excessive urban-style lighting and sidewalks of a character that do not exist elsewhere in town, and which would further encourage perception of Sound View as an anomaly.  She asked the Commission to consider similar areas within Old Lyme, such as the small commercial district at Black Hall, which is much more rural in character. The Gateway project should seek to have Sound View fit in with the continuity of the scenic Shore Road as it runs through Old Lyme, rather than trying to emulate denser, more commercial development such as Niantic Main Street, which this design seems to be modeled upon. She also asked that the designers keep in mind the concerns of the bike/walk group of Mile Creek School parents who have requested crosswalks and/or sidewalks at Cross Lane, which were not included in these preliminary designs. Frank Pappalardo stated that these plans are preliminary designs only, presented for discussion purposes and there is no funding yet for this project. Ms. Pearson said that she would send her full written comments to Mr. Pappalardo before the next meeting.
UMARS/ Zoning Proposal:
Umars (Gas Station on Shore Road and Swan Avenue) : has presented a request for a series of variances to the ZBA which states that they wish to double the size of the gas island, canopy and building. They also requested a new building which would be located in the rear lot. The requested variances include reduced setbacks, parking accommodations, and others. The proposed site drawings presented by Umars show buildings and fuel islands very close to or directly adjacent to state and town roads and rights of way. These are not consistent with the area’s present or future needs, will increase traffic congestion and are not sensitive to future plans for the area.

Joann Lishing attended the ZBA meeting. The ZBA wants Umars to list what variances he has now, what he wants for future plans. They are also interested in the Commission’s plans for the area.

Frank Pappalardo wrote a personal letter to the ZBA citing concerns and requesting the ZBA deny the proposed variances. Sandra Ziemba moved to revise the text of the  letter to be submitted to ZBA on behalf of the Commission, urging ZBA to deny the Umars’ application.
Joann Lishing seconded. Motion passed.
Frank Pappalardo read the original letter, which will be revised to reflect the Commission’s position.

9.19 Bound for the Sound Race Update: The event was very successful. The weather was beautiful, there were no issues, and everyone had a great time.

Budget: need to prepare budget for next year. $8500 carryover for trash cans.  Will discuss at next meeting.

We also have a $600 carryover for alleyway signs and bocce signs, and we didn't use all of our community services/events allocation. The concerts were very well recieved. Would like to go back to the Board of Finance to report on this year’s success, and ask for a funding of events for next year.

We would like to conduct a waterfront survey of the entire beach area.

Don Bugbee has stated that Parks and Rec will no longer be responsible for portapotties at Sound View next year, so it will be in our budget.

New Business: Frank Pappalardo stated that he would like to send a letter to the Selectpeople and Police, citing specific individuals and thanking them for their efforts on behalf of the Sound View area.
Motion: Joann Lishing, Second: Sandra Ziemba

Frank Pappalardo also mentioned that the  barricades, signs, and portapotties have not yet been removed. There is also a chronically broken streetlight near the South end of Swan Avenue.
Ms. Ziemba stated that she will send email to selectmen re lights.

9.30  Motion to adjourn: Joann Lishing. Second: Michaelle Pearson
Motion carried, meeting adjourned.