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Sound View Commission Minutes 06/23/2014
Sound View Commission
Meeting Minutes — Unapproved
23rd June, 2014
Shoreline Community Center 7.30 pm

Present: Frank Pappalardo (Chair), Michaelle Pearson (Secretary), Harry Plaut, Joann Reis Lishing, Sandra Ziemba (Alternate), Russ Carlo (Alternate).
Absent:, David Kelsey, Frank Maratta (Alternate).
Also Present: First Selectwoman Bonnie Reemsnyder, Selectwoman Mary Jo Nosal, Federation of Beaches President Scott Boulanger.

7.42 pm Call to Order: Meeting called to order by Chairman Frank Pappalardo.

Appoint alternate for absent Dave Kelsey . Sandra Ziemba seated.
Motion: Michaelle Pearson, Frank Pappalardo seconded.

Approval of May Minutes: Ms. Pearson moved to approve the May minutes, Mr. Pappalardo seconded. Motion Carried.

Correspondence: The Commission received a letter from Miami Beach resident Rosalie Germano, 20 Miami Ave, regarding handicap access via the passthroughs. Mr. Pappalardo stated that the passthroughs were done in concert with the Miami Beach Association and were designed to be ADA accessible. He will take a look and make sure there are no obstacles in the passthroughs.

The Commission received notice from Maegan and Tricia Moriarty of Old Lyme, regarding the “Get caught wearing your helmet” program with the OLPD. To encourage kids to wear helmets when riding their bikes/skateboards/scooters/etc., the Police will offer “reverse citations” to kids “caught” wearing their helmets. The citations are in the form of coupons redeemable for treats at local businesses. Officer Marty Lane is the point person for this program.

The Commission received correspondence from Frank Maratta of the Pavilion Bar, re coolers. This item will be moved to new business.

Sound View Park Project Update:

On July 16, a “Business Breakfast” will be held. These breakfast meetings are a collaboration between the Town of Old Lyme and the Chamber of Commerce. The focus will be on the Sound View Improvements and WPCA new developments. 7.30-9am at the Shoreline Community Center on Hartford Avenue.

Re Park Project: Surveying is underway. The Design Committee has been increased by two members: Jim Lampos and Jim McDonald. The General Public is encouraged to attend Design Committee meetings. The next meeting will be around July 16th, date and time to be confirmed.

Sound View Gateway Project Update:

Proposal from BSC: Frank Pappalardo will email to Commission members as requested. The proposal will include limited surveyin for conceptual drawings.

Bound for the Sound Road Race. To benefit the Lyme-Old Lyme Education Fund.
This race started several years ago, and has grown into a well-attended event. This year they have decided to expand considerably. The race will take place on Saturday 9/27/15.  Michael Kane is the organizer. FP asked him for an event plan as to how many people are expected, how parking and vendors will be handled and permits issued. They are looking forward to providing a good family event.

Illegal Parking: There have been reports of some residents charging various sums for parking, and a renter charging $50. Tickets were issued. The OLPD asks residents to notify them if illegal parking is suspected. Illegal parking will result in a $500 ticket.

8.41: Sound View Concert Series:
Three bands have been booked for a family-oriented concert series on Thursday nights. The Funky Dawgz, a New Orleans style brass band, The Old Lyme Town Band and Grass Routes Bluegrass band. Concerts will take place at the flagpole at the end of Hartford Avenue from 7-8.30pm. The Community Center will serve as a rain venue for the Funky Dawgz and Grass Routes. There is no rain venue for the Old Lyme Town Band.
Local businesses have the opportunity to offer promotional discounts on concert days. Joann Lishing and Sandy Ziemba coordinated the discounts, and visited the local businesses.
Sandy will check the list against the original signed copies before final list is printed.

Frank Pappalardo updated us as to the status of electricity at the flagpole, saying that we would like to install an outlet, and need to work out funding for this. The Quote from Sicuranza Electric was $250.

The Commission will provide all the sound amplification. Speakers will be aimed toward the water, and sound levels kept at a reasonable level, so as not to disturb residents.

8.20: Update: Lenny’s on the Beach Proposal for Food and Alcohol Service on the Beach: Withdrawn from Zoning Commission.

New Business: Coolers: The Commission received an email from Frank Maratta of the Pavilion Bar asking that all coolers be banned from the beach. Frank Pappalardo spoke with him and Officer Heinssen. All agreed that Sound View has seen some inordinately large crowds this year, which are not respectful of the beach or residents. The level of trash has risen exponentially, and the Police have given out many tickets for alcohol on the beach. Officer Heinssen said every beach on the Connecticut Shoreline was at capacity on Memorial Day weekend, and that this year has brought the largest crowds ever seen at Sound View. Other beaches do not allow coolers. The Police are performing cooler checks, and issuing tickets. Frank Pappalardo asked if the Commission should make a recommendation to the Board of Selectmen to ban coolers at Sound View, or perhaps limit the size of coolers to 5 qts/ lunchbox size?
Joann Lishing motioned to allow only coolers 5 quarts or smaller on the beach. Harry Plaut seconded. All in favor except Ms. Pearson, who stated that she would prefer a complete ban on coolers at the beach. Motion Carried.  

Frank Pappalardo asked Harry Plaut if there could be a few more trash cans in the town parking lot? Mr. Plaut said he would see to it.

Ms. Lishing said she received a request from Dino DiNino to have the business parking that’s clustered in front of a residence moved in front of his business. Mr. Pappalardo stated that no action will be taken regarding the reconfiguration of parking this year.

Shirley Grande, Portland Avenue, stated that a car recently went through the dead end at Lincoln Road and took out a tree. She asked that there be a “Dead End” sign placed at the top of the street. Frank Pappalardo stated that the sign would be on Miami Beach Property. Scott Boulanger said he would bring it up to the Miami Beach Association

First Selectwoman Reemsnyder addresses the issues of parking, crowds, etc., saying the first year we charged for street parking was 2 years ago, and the weather was bad that summer. There were lots of complaints, and the economy was bad too. Last year was quiet. As far as the crowds and drinking, in good times and good weather, we have gotten people down here who bring their own liquor. A cooler ban may help, but you’re still going to have people trying to sneak in liquor. Frank Pappalardo said that the past weekend, once all spots were full, Police stopped all cars at Bocce Lane, telling them the beach was at capacity. This greatly improved traffic and safety conditions for the rest of the day. Once parking became available, the streets were reopened.

Russ Carlo brought forth some concerns he had reached from Louis Monjoi, Swan Avenue:
-The street light at the corner of swan and martino is out.
- The sign at the end of Swan Avenue that says “No Parking Beyond This Point” is missing.
- Alley #1 between Swan and Hartford Avenues is blocked by vehicles behind the Kastner residence.
- Alley #1 adjacent to the Pavilion Bar is blocked by vehicles.
- Expressed concerns regarding the safety and security of the abandoned building (former Dance Hall) on Hartford Avenue, citing multiple hazards, broken windows, and potential as a fire hazard.
- Jet skis – There are often Jet Skis/ PWCs tied to the swim lines. There should be a sign stating “No tying up to swim lines” First Selectwoman Reemsnyder said the signs would need to be in the water to be effective. Harry Plaut said he would look into it, and as Harbormaster, he can also make routine patrols of the area and alert the Police as to the situation.

Bocce Update: The courts have been painted. Signs to come.

9.00pm: Motion to Adjourn.
Harry Plaut motioned to adjourn, Joann Lishing seconded. Meeting adjourned at 9pm.
Next meeting will be Monday, July 28, 2014 at 7.30pm.  Shoreline Community Center.