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Sound View Commission Minutes 04/28/2014
Sound View Commission
Meeting Minutes — Unapproved
28th April, 2014
Town Hall 7.30 pm

Present: Frank Pappalardo (Chair), Michaelle Pearson (Secretary), Joann Reis Lishing, Russ Carlo (Alternate), Harry Plaut, Sandra Ziemba (Alternate).
Absent: David Kelsey, Frank Maratta (Alternate)
Also Present: Selectman Skip Sibley, Officer Thomas Heinssen

7.37 pm Call to Order: Meeting called to order by Chairman Frank Pappalardo. Russ Carlo seated for absent David Kelsey.

Approval of March Minutes: Russ Carlo moved to approve March minutes. Joann Lishing seconded. All in favor.

Correspondence: Miami Beach Assn. Will be discussed under “Business”.

Public Comment: None

7.42: Business:
SV Park Project Town Meeting vote garnered strong support from both summer residents & year-round residents. The Design Committee is seeking to add a few more members to include a wider range of expertise and opinion. We have asked for applications, and are still accepting them. All Committee meetings are open to the public.

7.49 2014 Parking Update:

The Town Parking Lot is now under the control of Public Safety. Officer Thomas Heinssen has been taking the lead on this. There is a new entrance on Hartford Avenue, and the old Hartford Avenue entrance will now be the exit.  There will be a bike rack added. All parking fees will now be paid via kiosk. The new kiosk is in front of the parking lot, on Hartford Avenue. Rates for the Town Lot will be the same as on-street rates. Rates will remain consistent throughout the day: there will be no weather-related fluctuations. Signage will direct all traffic exiting the parking lot to turn north onto Hartford Avenue, to prevent additional traffic on Pond Road and Portland Avenue. A few spaces in front of the lot must be removed due to safety and sightlines issues. Officer Heinssen confirmed that the new kiosk has been installed, but is not active yet.

7.54 MBA Correspondence: Chairman Pappalardo received an email from Miami Beach Association, calling attention to the 1997 agreement with the Town regarding ownership and use of Pond Road. Mr. Pappalardo responded that the Design Committee for the Sound View Improvements Project has already made BSC Engineering aware of the agreement, and invited MBA to attend Design Committee meetings to provide input. Also provided specifics of the new Town Lot configuration re entrances/ exits onto Hartford Avenue, which minimize traffic on Pond Road this year. Detailed surveying of the lower end of Hartford Avenue, Portland Avenue, Parking Lot and Pond Road scheduled to begin in the next few weeks.

8pm: Operations Manual Update: Sandy Ziemba gave Don Bugbee a schedule of what will be needed when. Some portolets have already been installed, as planned. Harry Plaut suggested at the last meeting that a copy of the Swim Area Permit be included in the SOP manual. Mr. Pappalardo printed copies and provided them to Commission members. He then reviewed the correct placement of the swim lines with Mr. Plaut. According to the agreement, there is only one boat permitted in the boat lane: one taxi service vessel for the Pavilion bar. There shall be absolutely no mooring or tying up to any swim lines whatsoever.

Joann Lishing asked how this will be enforced. Officer Heinssen stated that the Police enforce the swim lines, and will ensure that there is no tying up to the swim lines. He asked for placement of a buoy stating “No Mooring”, as helpful signage for boaters. Mr. Pappalardo suggested perhaps this could be done in concert with Old Colony Beach.

Harry Plaut stated that Public Works has set a date to have painting, parking lines and shrub trimming done by Memorial Day weekend.

David Kelsey reported by phone that he will have the emergency procedures piece completed in the next few weeks.

Discussion as to who should have access to this book, once it is complete. Joann Lishing said that she thinks it should be reviewed and updated every year by the Commission. Mr. Pappalardo agreed, saying it should be updated as information comes in and goals are met. Then at the end of the year we will review. It has been presented, in its current state, to the BOS, and was well received. Sandy Ziemba will be the point person for updates, and it will be sent to Commission members when complete.

Events Committee Report:  Sound View Concert Series.
Tentatively every other Thursday evening, starting 7/10. Bands: Old Lyme Town band or musician’s union concert band, bluegrass band, oldies band, New Orleans jazz style band. Harry Plaut asked if we’d need to hire additional police, etc. for these events.  Officer Heinssen said  no, because it’s a Town event. Concerts will take place at the end of Hartford Avenue, at the flagpole, with music aimed toward the water. We will provide sound and lighting so we will control that. Will be early evening 7-9 pm. We tried to come up with a series that would have broad appeal. Also other possible events, such as mobile touch tank, etc., with Mystic Aquarium, etc.

Michaelle Pearson drafted a letter to area business owners asking them to support the concert series through coupons or other promotions.

2014 Newsletter: Frank Pappalardo presented a draft of the 2014 newsletter. After the Board of Selectmen make their revisions, it will be mailed to all Sound View area residents, and also posted on the town website.

Bocce: Sent a Letter to volunteers Lenny Corto  and Tom Larsen. As far as scoreboarding, bocce leagues, etc., Joann Lishing and Sandy Ziemba are looking into which set of rules will be followed.

Lenny’s on the Beach – Revised Site Plan/ Petition for Additional Seating and Alcohol Service on the Beach.

Lenny Corto, Jr. made a presentation to the Commission regarding a request for additional seating on the beach, including alcohol service. Lenny’s states that they would like to have additional seating on the sand, outside their patio for special events and/or large parties, enclosed within a rope fence. The Liquor service would require a separate signoff from Zoning to extend service to the outdoor area. Proposal  is for additional seating for 60 people, which would extend onto the beachfront approximately 18 feet.

Frank Pappalardo thanked Mr. Corto for letting the Commission know about this proposal, but the Commission has no say in whether or not such activities would be permitted or not, as these matters fall fully under the purview of the Zoning Commission and the State Liquor Control Board.

That being said, Mr. Pappalardo asked if Mr. Corto thought the Liquor Control Board would allow a roped off area, without a fence. Mr. Pappalardo also stated that he has a number of other  general concerns re Lenny’s entire site plan. One specific concern is about limiting the additional use to certain evenings: how can Lenny’s guarantee that restrictions will be followed? Once a business has a site revision approval and permit to serve food and alcohol on the sand, what’s to stop them from serving every night until closing time?  Also, the current placement of  Lenny’s dumpster, as well as the generally poor condition of its parking lot and outbuildings present an eyesore on Hartford Ave. Mr. Pappalardo asked Mr. Corto how the town Zoning Commission felt about this application. Mr. Corto responded that there will be a public hearing on May 12.

Public Comment:

Selectman Skip Sibley: Suggested that area businesses be made aware of the stipulations in the Swim Line Permit Agreement, so they can be clear that these are the rules that Public Safety expects everyone to follow. Regarding the one lane limited to a single Ferry/Taxi for the Pavilion Bar’s, this is a Coast Guard-regulated activity. Pilot must be qualified with proper license. Officer Heinssen stated that the Police have received complaints in the past that the Pavilion Bar’s taxi is overcrowded and unsafe at times. Officer Heinssen said he will share this info, applicable law and licensing requirements with the Pavilion Bar’s manager.

Selectman Sibley asked if the Cement obstacle in the swim area had been removed? Harry Plaut stated that it had been removed last year.

The Commission and Officer Heinssen congratulated Lenny Corto, Jr. on his fire prevention skills evidenced at the Community Center recently.
9.06 pm: Russ Carlo motioned to adjourn. Harry Plaut Seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned.
Next meeting will be Tuesday, May 27, 7.30pm at the Shoreline Community Center on Hartford Avenue.  *Please note date change due to the Memorial Day Holiday, and seasonal venue change.