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Sound View Commission Minutes 08/26/2013
Sound View Commission
Meeting Minutes — Unapproved
26th August, 2013
Shoreline Community Center 7.30 pm

Present: Frank Pappalardo (Chair), Michaelle Pearson (Secretary), Frank Maratta (Alternate), Russ Carlo (Alternate), Joann Reis Lishing, David Kelsey, Sandra Ziemba (Alternate).
Absent: Harry Plaut
Also present: Mary Jo Nosal, Skip Sibley

7.37 Call to Order: Meeting called to order by Chairman Frank Pappalardo. Sandra Ziemba seated for the absent Harry Plaut.

7.38p Approval of Minutes: Joann/ Dave Kelsey 2nd minutes approved.

7.39 Correspondence:
1. Heidi DiNino Fields, et al: Letter requesting parking be restored to pre-2011 configuration, citing safety and loss of business revenue
2. Jerry/ Dee Vowles letter regarding parking alternative suggestions, request for business interest considerations and support for the Sound View Commission’s efforts making Sound View a better place
3. Resident Letter to First Selectwoman Reemsnyder citing excessive noise/music from Pavilion Bar.
4. Letter from Private parking lot owners concerning a 30% decrease in revenue and lots closed due to a lack of parking customers, citing rate reductions at town lot. Was $10 on 8/14.
Chairman Pappalardo thanked everyone for their input and said he’d spoken to the Selectmen and Don Bugbee about parking and rates in the town lot. Letters and suggestions will be forwarded to the appropriate parties.

7.51pm: Engineering Update:
Assignment meeting took place, engineers to develop a list of tasks, various items required to fulfill the contract. The process will be refined and BCS will assign a number of hours to each task. This will be reviewed by the Town and DOT, to obtain a hard number for engineering costs, which will be voted on at town meeting. 80% reimbursement from Grant. Included in the task list is a survey of Hartford, Portland, Bocce, Martino; Geotechnical samples and test borings. Input will be sought as to what the park will look like, appropriate plantings, etc. Meetings will take place to keep public apprised of the progress. At least one of these meetings will be a one-on-one with engineers, so public comments and individual voices can be heard by the engineers on specific issues.
Frank Pappalardo spoke to the Black Hall Associations and Sound View Beach Association annual meetings regarding the project’s progress.

Selectman Sibley said it was important to note that we’re not starting with a blank canvas. We have an idea of what has worked, and we want to make this a good, positive thing for everyone. We want to get it right, and your input will help us. BSC is a good company, and I feel very comfortable with the direction of the project.

Frank Pappalardo said we hope to have the vote by the end of September/ beginning of October. There will be one more public information meeting before the vote. Selectwoman Nosal said the date is still uncertain. There are many steps which must be followed, so we are working as quickly and efficiently as possible and would like to have it happen soon.  

8.06: Maintenance Items:

Water Quality at Beach: Sanitarian says water quality is good. Reports have all been clean.

Streetlight Repair:  Pole #1887, Martino Road: Mr. Pappalardo spoke with the First Selectwoman about this repair. The pole is owned by CL&P. The streetlight is owned by the town.  The light was believed to have been damaged by ATT when moving to a new pole. First Selectwoman Reemsnyder will continue to follow up.

Alley Access: Frank Pappalardo met with Carolyn Moore, 67 Swan Ave, about bushes encroaching on the alley. Also spoke to BOS and Public Works. Ms. Moore gave permission to remove encroaching bushes. Ed Adanti will remove bushes and perform alley maintenance after Labor Day. He will also check for encroachments.
The Commission would like to have the alleys surveyed to determine boundaries and encroachment. Will include a  budget item for this in our request for next year.

Frank Maratta requested removal of a utility pole in the alley and repair asphalt near Pavilion Bar. First Selectwoman Reemsnyder sent Mr. Maratta an email regarding these issues and removal of other obstructions in the alley. Mr. Maratta stated he would take care of removing these other obstructions.

Submerged Obstacle in Swim Area: Still present as of last week’s low tide. Mr. Pappalardo will email Harry Plaut about removal.

Gateway Project/ Main Street Funding: Shore Road, from Police Station to Cross Lane, upper end of Hartford ave.

Harry Plaut had asked to be involved. Frank Pappalardo will contact him and ask him to start working on the beginnings of a package. The Economic Development Commission wants to work with us on this. The Commission has 9K in its budget for this study.

FEMA Maps: As of August 2013, FEMA has redefined the flood zones. Next meeting is Tues, 8/27 in Branford. See town website for details. Copies of maps also available at town hall.

Request for study:
Frank Maratta presented a formal request for a study to determine how many people can fit on the beach. He said he considers the public beach to extend from Swan Avenue to Hawks’ Nest, and wishes to see more parking based on the available amount of sand.

Frank Pappalardo explained that the town does not own Miami Beach. The town beach is 100’ of beach front, approximately 10,000 square feet. Miami Beach cannot be counted as part of the town beach. Ratios for beach usage range from 75 sq ft per person to 200 sq ft per person, depending on which study is reviewed. The beach is overcrowded, which is obvious to anyone on a sunny summer weekend.

David Kelsey asked what would be the purpose of a study? Mr. Maratta said it’s because the Commission continues to reduce parking, blaming overcrowding. Mr. Pappalardo asked if Mr. Maratta’s concern was for beach safety or parking. Mr. Maratta withdrew his request.

Carryovers from last year’s budget:
Money for postage, printing, bocce court repair, signs, etc.
Joann Lishing asked about maintaining the bocce courts, which is currently being done on an ad hoc basis by volunteers and people who use the courts.

Frank Pappalardo said next year’s Budget requests are due by November. Commission should look at trash can purchase included in this year’s budget, after park project is underway, to ensure better coordination and aesthetics.

8.35 New Business:

Vandalism: Community Center tagged with graffiti. Plants in the Swan Ave. planter have been pulled out. Looking at security cameras for next year.

WPCA meeting has been postponed. Watch town website for reschedule.
Selectwoman Nosal said the WPCA is waiting for cost estimates on possible reuse of water, for irrigation, etc.

Golf Carts: There has been a request to allow golf carts on the public roads of Sound View, as the State allows this where certain criteria are met.  Mr. Pappalardo sent a letter to the Board of Selectmen requesting that the Commission be authorized to form a subcommittee to explore this issue. The Board of Selectmen is reviewing this request.  
Russ Carlo said that he had a golf cart years ago, and found it dangerous to drive on the public streets.

8.42: Public Comment:
Heidi DiNino Fields submitted a petition, and a privately commissioned engineer’s report re: new parking.
Ms. DiNino-Fields asked if BSC was the firm that designed the parking? She thought they did a bad job, and asked why they would be hired again.

Frank Pappalardo explained the hiring process which accepted applications from six qualified candidates, one of which was BSC. DOT vetted all 6, and  the interview process was based on questions asked of all 6 candidates. Questions were identical, and asked by the same person. Answers were independently rated by the selection committee. Numerical tallies showed BCS as the top candidate. Mr. Pappalardo stated that individuals may express their concerns with the engineers on a one-on-one basis, once the project is approved.

Ms. DiNino Fields asked,  What about parking in front of commercial buildings?

Frank Pappalardo reminded her that at the July Commission meeting she had requested removing 61 Hartford Ave.’s driveway cut in exchange for parking. When Mr. Pappalardo went to measure the driveway cut the next morning, Dino DiNino came outside and told Mr. Pappalardo that they’d  changed their mind. Mr. Pappalardo added,
just to set the record straight, the parking configuration was established by the Parking Subcommittee, which had business owners on it. Public safety also had input.
Ms. DiNino Fields said there needs to be more parking.

Mr. Pappalardo cited the letter from the private parking lot owners in which they cited a 30% decrease in revenue and lots closed due to lack of parking customers. There are competing business interests and conflicting information here: Private lot owners telling us of decreased revenue and lack of customers while at the same time, business owners are clamoring for additional parking. Parking for the amount of town-owned beach we have appears more than adequate. Once we get to the design phase, there will be 1 or 2 informational meetings, then we’re into the actual design phase, when individuals can express their concerns on a one to one basis directly with the design engineers.

Angelo Grasso, permitted lot owner, said the Town Parking Lot should charge $5 more than any other parking, and urged the Selectmen to consider that. He did not feel there should be additional public parking, as the lots are often empty now. The issue of golf carts should be put aside as we already have enough traffic, plus there’s the issue of where to park them.

Lori May, Hartford Avenue, said that any decrease in business should be considered in light of the fact that rentals were way down this year, so there are fewer people around. The neighborhood has improved tremendously. Traffic is vastly improved; it’s become cleaner and safer.

Paula Melillo, Portland Avenue, agreed with Ms. May, saying that she had a difficult time renting out her cottage this year, because people simply don’t have the money to afford a cottage rental. They may come down for the day. This has nothing to do with parking.

Gary Carra, Swan Avenue, said that he was at the last Selectmen’s meeting, and he is concerned about safety with traffic on Hartford Avenue. Frank Pappalardo said  the Selectmen have the info, and it will be passed on to the engineers to review.

Tom Larsen of  “Just Dump It” on Shore Road,  expressed concern re safety of snow plowing Hartford Avenue in winter.

Lori May said if people are concerned about safety, she would like to address the point of people drinking and driving. Frank Pappalardo agreed that DUI is certainly an issue. There are regular DUI checks, and arrests are made. There’s a balance that needs to be reached. There are many facets to the safety issue.

Heidi DiNino Fields said that if people don’t like the businesses they  [the homeowners] have the opportunity to move elsewhere.

Angelo Faenza suggested we look at the numbers for Hammonasset, Rocky Neck, etc., to see how they did for the year.

9.35 pm Motion to adjourn: Michaelle Pearson, Seconded by Joann Lishing

Respectfully submitted,
Michaelle Pearson, Secretary