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Sound View Commission Minutes 04/22/2013
Sound View Commission
Meeting Minutes — Unapproved
22nd April, 2013
Town Hall, 6.30 pm

Present: Frank Pappalardo (Chair), Harry Plaut, Michaelle Pearson (Secretary), Frank Maratta (Alternate), Russ Carlo (Alternate), Sandra Ziemba (Alternate).
Absent: David Kelsey, Joann Reis Lishing

6.37 Call to Order: Meeting called to order by Chairman Frank Pappalardo.  Russ Carlo seated for the absent Joann Lishing. Sandra Ziemba seated for the absent David Kelsey.

6.38p Approval of Minutes: Tabled until next meeting.

6.39 Correspondence: None

Public Comment: None

6.44 Business
Sandra Ziemba welcomed as a Commission alternate, having filled the vacancy left by Joseph Camean.

Frank Pappalardo gave a short recap of the special town meeting of 4/9. Vote to support the wastewater study.  And $26K for parking kiosks/reconfiguration on Hartford Ave.

6.48 Parking Update: Met with ITS (kiosk vendor) and rep from BCS engineering and Bonnie Reemsnyder. Vendor brought a kiosk. Will be set up to align parking space number and license plate number.
Harry Plaut asked how will people know their space number?  Frank Pappalardo explained that it is stenciled on the curb. Police feel very strongly that space numbers should be on the tickets. Meters are very flexible can be adjusted for a variety of features and parameters. BCS is redesigning the street spaces, crosswalks and the signage. The 10 business spaces will be grouped together, five at upper and five at lower Hartford Ave. The kiosks will not accept payment for the free merchant spaces.

Sandy Ziemba asked how the merchant spaces will be monitored. Frank Pappalardo said the Town Rangers will continue to monitor those spaces to enforce the 30 min limits.

Frank Maratta asked what time does the the charge end?
Frank Pappalardo stated that street parking is free after 5 pm, as set by the Board of Selectmen. Old Lyme residents with beach stickers may park free at any time in the Town Lot or on-street. Mr. Pappalardo said that the purchase order for the kiosks has been submitted, so we hope to have everything in place by Memorial Day weekend.

7.10 Sound View Improvement Grant Update: The oversight committee met and has worked out a request for quotation (RFQ), which has been listed on the CT website and The New London Day. There’s a short blurb on the DAS (?) website and on the town website there is a more detailed RFQ, as to what qualifications are necessary, etc. Next oversight meeting is on the 29th.  At end of 30 day period, packages will be reviewed, and candidates winnowed down to 5, who will be interviewed. Same questions will be asked of all applicants. Then, the Selection Committee will rate the answers and choose a candidate. Then cost negotiation begins, DOT will review, then contract is drafted. There will be another Town Meeting to approve the actual projected expenditure.

7.16  Bocce Court Repair.
Harry Plaut researched the last time the work was done, and found that Al Bond did the work 15 years ago, and submitted a quote for  $1950.00, which is within our budget of $2300, to repair the Bocce Courts to an acceptable standard. The target date for completion is May 15th.  Plaut also reached out to other potential vendors with no response.

7.23 Public Works: New street signs and stop signs have been erected. Signage at end of street will change to “no on-street parking”, and all “no parking” signs will be removed.

Harry Plaut said the Selectmen have also approved Installation of 3 “slow-no wake” buoys for placement beyond the swim area.

Ed Adanti is focused on cleaning up the alleyways from Shore Road to the beach. We should do a walk through with Ed to identify issues and protocols for clearing/cutting/mowing in the alleys. Frank Pappalardo will set this up.

In future we need to have alleys and beach surveyed to ensure that rights of way are protected, and there are no encroachments.

The Commission will work on a Newsletter for Sound View area. Please submit any ideas to Frank Pappalardo.

We need deadline dates for swim line installation, trash cans, new signage. All should be in place by Memorial Day weekend. Is this possible?
Planters at Swan and Hartford Avenues. Commission has $500 in our budget allocated for plantings. Sandy Ziemba said she would help maintain, also SVBA has volunteered to maintain the planters.

New Business: 7.39
Sandy Ziemba asked about the status of the buildings that had been auctioned on Hartford Avenue. Frank Pappalardo said the high bidders still haven’t closed, due to an appeal from Claude Brouillard. No further information is known at this time.

7.41 Motion to Adjourn
Harry Plaut motioned to adjourn.
Sandy Ziemba seconded. Motion carried.  Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Michaelle Pearson, Secretary