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Sound View Commission Minutes Unapproved 03/26/2012
Sound View Commission
Meeting Minutes — Unapproved
26 March, 2012
Town Hall, 7.30 pm

Present: Frank Pappalardo (Chair), Joann Reis Lishing, Michaelle Pearson (Secretary), Harry Plaut, David Kelsey, Russ Carlo (Alternate)
Frank Maratta (Alternate),  Joseph Camean (Alternate) (Late arrival)
Also present:  Selectwoman Mary Jo Nosal (ex officio); members of the public.

7.34p Meeting called to order by Frank Pappalardo.  

7.35p Joann Lishing moved to approve minutes of  2/27/12. Seconded by David Kelsey. Motion carried.

7.40p Correspondence:
Town of Old Lyme was voted 3rd best small town in State by CT Magazine.

7.42 Old Business: Operating Procedure Manual: Joann Lishing presented an example of a few pages of what the manual might look like.  Michaelle Pearson  sent a list of topics from last year that we had agreed to include.  Need to interface with Dave Roberge regarding info on emergency procedures. David Kelsey reminded us that we should have a calendar style listing by date for easy reference. Joann will do 2 or 3 pages at a time and send them to the Commission members for input. Ideally, would like to have all the bits and pieces together by early summer.

7.55 Joe Camean arrived.

8.00 Permitted parking lots and on-street parking. Frank Pappalardo gave background: At the last Selectmen’s meeting (3/16?)  the Selectmen addressed the issue of the privately-owned permitted parking lots. The Board of Selectmen elected to raise the permitted parking lot fee from $20 per space to $40 per space for the coming year. The Commission has been tasked to explore fair and equitable formulas for permitted parking fees in the future.  The Selectmen have sent a letter to the  permitted parking lot owners regarding these changes. Parking lots will also be required to post signage, provided by the town, in their parking lots each year.
A brief discussion of wording for the signs followed. It was agreed that the wording should be similar to that of the large beach signage, but simplified, to allow for the smaller signs. Language will be sent to Board of Selectmen for approval.

8.15 Frank Pappalardo spoke about the on-street parking, as discussed at the Selectmen’s meeting: Selectmen proposed changing all on-street parking in Sound View to paid parking, with the exception of the existing free spaces for Hartford Avenue businesses. Public Safety will be the issuer of the parking slips for the street. Bike patrol will be placed at a kiosk. Driver gets out of the car and buys a ticket for a space from a bike patrol/public safety officer. These slips will correspond to the individual license plate on each car, rendering them nontransferable. Slip must be displayed inside the windshield of the car. Officer will also keep a record of each slip. The handheld computers used currently for parking tickets can be modified to generate these prepaid parking slips. Also exploring the possibility of having a card swipe to use credit or debit.

Keeping the above in mind, this Commission has been asked to consider only the following two questions: What type of signs should be placed at the top of the street, and what fee schedule shall apply?

Harry Plaut expressed an opinion that parking was too complex an issue to vote on this evening. Frank Pappalardo reiterated that the issue of parking had already been decided by the Selectmen and Public Safety. Our only issue to debate this evening is wording for signs and the fee schedule, which he felt was straightforward enough to decide this evening.

David Kelsey added that the paid parking is a revenue item with a dedicated patrol. This has all been budgeted for and approved by BOF and public safety.  
A discussion of rates ensued. David Kelsey moved to recommend the following rates to the Selectmen for on-street parking on Hartford Avenue: Weekends/ Holidays: Two hours $10, half day (5 hours) $20, full day (10 hours) $30.  Weekdays:  $5/10/20. Residents with a Town of Old Lyme beach sticker park for free. Harry Plaut seconded. Motion approved.

Budget update: Frank Pappalardo and David Kelsey reviewed the budget presentation made to the Board of Finance by Mr. Pappalardo.

8.55 Noise Complaints update
Frank Pappalardo sent a request to the Board of Selectmen outlining some of the items discussed. As of this afternoon, the town attorney (Marylin Clark) still hadn’t had a chance to review. Mr. Pappalardo will follow up with Bonnie and Marylin.

9.15 Seagull feeding/nuisance update:
Ms. Pearson stated that Mrs. Naumowitz continued to be a problem, feeding seagulls several times a day. Dennis Melluzzo of Portland Avenue concurred.
Brief discussion of relevant ordinances and statutes regarding public nuisance and unsanitary conditions. Mr. Plaut suggested that police be called, due to the public nuisance.

9.18 Delivery Trucks blocking beach access: Russ Carlo spoke about delivery trucks blocking Swan Avenue while making deliveries to the Pavilion Bar. He stated that Swan Ave has a 40 ft right of way. No parking is permitted and there are no sidewalks for the most part, so trucks illegally block pedestrian access to the beach, sometimes for long periods of time.

Mr. Pappalardo suggested that perhaps an accommodation could be made with the drivers that deliveries be confined to early mornings as much as possible, and that drivers be instructed not to back up down Swan Avenue, but to exit through the Pavilion parking lot.

Frank Maratta said the beach is encumbered by the flowerpot, the beach signs, etc., and that it is not possible to request deliveries for certain times of the day, but he would speak with his distributors and see what they had to say.

Dennis Melluzzo brought up the subject of overnight parking on Hartford Avenue, and of delivery trucks double parking on Hartford Ave., blocking the road even on busy weekends.

Harry Plaut thought that other businesses should be alerted to the problem of delivery trucks blocking traffic. Frank Pappalardo agreed and said he would follow up on this.

9.31: Other new business:

Public Comment: Shirley Annunziata (Portland Avenue) asked about the new parking configuration as it would affect the Community Center: Will there still be open parking in front of the Community Center for donut sales? Frank Pappalardo said he would speak with Public safety about ensuring that the center would retain its two spots.

Dennis Melluzzo said he had spoken to (bocce player) Frank Teddy re the bocce courts. Appropriate court surface should be about two feet of stone dust. Frank Pappalardo said this was included in his presentation to the Board of Finance, and that Ed Adanti (Public Works) supported repairing the bocce courts to a safe standard.

9.43 Harry Plaut motioned to adjourn.
Joann Lishing seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned.

Michaelle Pearson,