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Sound View Commission Minutes 07/25/2011
Sound View Commission
Meeting Minutes — Unapproved
25th July, 2011
Shoreline Community Center, 7.30 pm

Present: Frank Pappalardo (Chair), Joann Reis Lishing, Michaelle Pearson (Secretary), Russ Carlo (Alternate), Harry Plaut (late arrival), Frank Maratta (Alternate)
Absent: David Kelsey, Joseph Camean (Alternate),

Also present: Selectman Skip Sibley (ex officio); EMTs Doug LoPresti and Colleen Atkinson

7.53p Meeting called to order by Chairman Frank Pappalardo (Chair).  

7.54 Mr. Pappalardo moved to appoint Russ Carlo for David Kelsey &  Frank Maratta for Harry PlautHarHarr. Mr. Carlo moved to approve minutes of 6/25/11. Seconded by Joann Lishing. Approved.
7.58pm EMTs Doug LoPresti and Colleen Atkinson spoke about giving CPR classes in town, and the hope of attaining Heart Safe Community status for the Town of Old Lyme.

8.05 Public comment: Joan Byer spoke, stating that she is the owner of a permitted parking lot in Old Colony, and that unlike other permitted lots she  provides parking for an entire season, not on a daily basis. Ms. Byer said that she received a letter regarding extra trash collection and police, etc., and that she had heard rumors that the parking lot fees will be doubled. Mr. Pappalardo said that as far as he knew, those were just rumors, and that Ms. Byer’s lot would seem to fall under a different classification from the other (per-day) lots.

Shirley Grande spoke about people on scooters or bicycles directing cars to park in illegal lots/ or in driveways on busy weekends. Ms. Pearson agreed, saying that she had witnessed the same thing on Shore Road.

Frank Noe asked about the Town granting peddlers’ licenses. He said there was someone selling water right on the beach.

Discussion followed as to the nature of these peddler’s or hawker’s licenses, how many vendors there were, and the potential impact on the brick and mortar businesses in the area. Frank Pappalardo said he would look into it.

Russ Carlo spoke for Lou Mongioi, expressing concern about security and environmental issues at the end of Swan Avenue including gas or oil drums on the beach, fueling jet skis in the water, spilling oil or gas on the sand, etc.  Mr. Carlo also cited excessive noise from high-speed powerboats on the Sound.

Mr. Pappalardo stated that the speedboat issue is within the purview of the Captain of the Port (Coast Guard), and the DEP. There is very little Police can do about enforcing, unless they are actually there on scene.

There have also been complaints regarding Alley #1 being blocked by cars parked in the alley at Martino Rd. Frank Pappalardo stated that he felt this issue needed to be addressed a bit more strongly, possibly by ticketing and towing if necessary.

Shirley Grande asked about the large silver bus that has been seen on Fridays in violation of the bus ordinance.

8.33pm: Mr. Pappalardo presented a summary of the Residents’ meeting. Joann Lishing said that she felt the meeting was very productive, and that it was good that people were able to air their grievances.  

8.34 pm Harry Plaut arrived
8.36 pm: Skip Sibley arrived

Frank Pappalardo agreed with Ms. Lishing, saying that he felt it was important for the Commission to hear all of this feedback. “If we don’t know these things are occurring, we can’t address them.”

8.39 pm  Correspondence:

The Chamber of Commerce sent a note re: installing kiosks identifying some of the chamber businesses here in Sound View. They will be designing kiosks in a signpost style to be installed possibly at the town parking lot.

Mr. Pappalardo also received an email regarding the cut-through to Miami Beach near the fire well at Liberty St., stating that access had been narrowed and is now blocked. Mr. Pappalardo said that he would refer this to Mark Mongillo (President of Miami Beach Assn.)

There were also a couple of letters that went to the Selectmen from the Federation of Beaches regarding requests from the FOB regarding security snowplowing, zoning, etc.  

Harry Plaut reviewed the meeting he attended with members of Old Colony, Miami Beach, White Sands, First Selectman Griswold and Selectwoman Reemsnyder. Mr. Plaut stated that the town has determined that for this fiscal year they will plow private streets in the beaches only after 2 inches of snow has fallen. Town roads take priority. Mr. Plaut stated that Ed Adanti spoke about logistical problems to plowing private streets: driveways, speed bumps, etc. Mr. Adanti asked the beaches for a list of which homeowners are here year round, and said that The Town own has always been aware of special situations, such as school bus access, etc.  Mr. Plaut said that Mr. Adanti provided a tremendous insight as to the logistics of plowing. There will be another follow-up meeting in August.

There was also a letter received from Mark Mongillo, President of  Miami Beach Assn., regarding issues of security on beach during the week. Miami has security on weekends, but can’t afford to have patrols all week. Hot summer days draw crowds to the beach, even during the week, and better security is needed. Mr. Mongillo’s letter requested that the town help defray the cost of security guards on weekdays.  The letter mentioned specific incidents and costs, and requested $3584. The Selectmen agreed to fund this as an experimental program of weekday security guards.

Harry Plaut said that this appropriation was expedited because Selectman Sibley strongly agreed at the meeting that this was an important issue for beach safety.

Chairman Pappalardo said he had sent an email to business owners Frank Noe and Claude Brouillard regarding their comments at the  6/27 meeting, and that he had also spoken with Heidi DeNino. Mr. Pappalardo said he was pleased with the ideas and enthusiasm and asked the area’s business people to continue coming to the Commission with their ideas.

Frank Noe: My strong feeling is that we as individuals can’t do it. I would recommend that a subcommittee of merchants/developers be created to come together as a group and present an overall plan for the area. This goes to the point of what can we do? We have septic and setback issues. I think the commission should be involved in creating an overall plan for the street.

Frank Pappalardo: “I think it’s a good idea to get the merchants together with the Commission. Would you be willing to get the merchants together and then get back to us with some dates for a meeting?”

Selectman Skip Sibley: At our last meeting we really didn’t know what the status of Claude’s property was. But now we know that we have a bit of time, and let’s not waste that time. We need bathrooms here. I know Claude was interested in splitting off a piece for us to use, and I think that would be a really good project to focus on. You need to ask Gary yuknat or Ron Rose and ask, if we were to have this piece of property what would it support? If you can hone in on something specific, that would be a good way to focus.

Joan Byer: I was on a committee that consisted of town and summer people. We met at the Fire House and came up with a bunch of ideas for Hartford Ave. The head person was Jenn Hillhouse. It was going to look like another Essex. But whatever we came up with the town shot us down.
Frank Pappalardo: I think we have a new enthusiasm with the town. A tremendous step was taken by establishing a Commission to manage Sound View. We are not a committee, but a part of Town Government. We would love to see an Essex down here. But the people who own the property have to be involved. With the right package, we can get the people in the Town to agree to it. There needs to be some benefit to the Town. If you can increase tax base, decrease blight and change the clientele to the point where public safety won’t cost so much, then you can show real value to the Town.

Frank Pappalardo: There was one other letter received. Frank Siana of Hartford Ave wrote regarding golf carts on our streets. Regulation by state of CT, would allow golf carts on small residential roads, so the Town could allow golf carts but would have to regulate them.

Chairman Pappalardo said that he had broached the matter with the Selectmen and the Town doesn’t feel it’s a safe situation right now but they are willing to look at it in the future.

9.16pm Update on Public Works:
Harry Plaut:  Met with Ed Adanti regarding several issues: The new house on corner of Martino and Hartford has a driveway that extends 2 feet out into road. He will put up a no parking sign. Alleyways were cut last week and a couple of issues have arisen. Behind donut shop, bushes make it impossible for a lawnmower to get through. Also a trailer on Swan Ave. alleyway that he will contact the homeowner about. Deck protruding into alley on Swan. He will send letter to homeowner. Public Works is on Hartford Ave. every morning cleaning up garbage and barrels on Hartford, Swan and the beach. Regarding the Alleyway from Martino to the Carousel…Jerry Vowles had asked the town to fill in the deep ruts there. Ed Adanti said further alley maintenance would take place in the fall.

Russ Carlo  moved to table discussion of the SOP manual. Ms. Pearson seconded.

9.20pm: Zoning Update
Frank Pappalardo: Met with Ann Brown regarding various signage issues. If it’s a zoning regulation, and signage issues existed prior signs are grandfathered. If it’s an ordinance, no grandfathering. Paper “lawn” signs at end of street are illegal.

9.25 New business:
Need to start budgeting for next year

More decorative trash receptacles at the end of Hartford Ave. Need to put together a proposal with cost, etc.  Ms. Pearson volunteered to start looking at this.

Shirley Grande: The SVBA spent money on plants for the planter, (at the end of Hartford Ave) and town is still not watering it. Harry Plaut said he would ask again about this.

9.30pm Discussion regarding Alleyways:
Chairman Pappalardo mentioned that there was a proposal to possibly sell the alleyways to abutting property owners for two purposes: to increase land mass by five feet to help with septic and two to assist with potential setback rules.  

Ms. Pearson: This is a terrible idea. The Alleys have utilities running down them, and property owners have deeded rights to traverse the alleys unimpeded to the beach. Right now, if someone is blocking the alley, it’s a town issue. If individual owners buy the alley and someone blocks it, it becomes a neighbor vs. neighbor dispute. Allowing the town to sell the alleys would place the burden onto the residents. Not just of maintenance but also liability, insurance costs, etc. Right now, the alley serves as a 10-foot buffer between properties. This would have significant negative impact, especially where the abutters are one commercial and one residential. Unless the residential abutter agrees to buy half the alley, the commercial use would move ten feet closer to the residential property.

Dennis Melluzzo (President of SVBA): we had approached Marylin Clarke about the portion of the alley behind the Community Center. She told us that the Town will not allow anyone to put anything in the alley because it’s a thoroughfare and people have the right to traverse it.

Frank Noe: As an alley abutter, I can unequivocally state that there is no way I would purchase that alley. Why would I buy it if I can’t fence it, eliminate it and have sole rights to it.

Mr. Maratta: We could use the money to buy Claude’s place.

Ms. Pearson: No other neighborhood in town thinks this way. Sound View Beach is a Town asset. If money is needed for restrooms it should be budgeted by the Town, just as it would be for restrooms at Town Woods or White Sands or any other Town recreational area.

Mr. Pappalardo: I suppose it’s safe to say that selling the Alleys is off the table. I will let the Selectmen know that we discussed it. Can we revisit the blight issue?  

Ms. Pearson said she would resend a copy of the blight ordinance to Frank Pappalardo.

Mr. Pappalardo asked if there was any further new business to discuss, and that the Commission should start thinking about budgeting. We will get together with police; come up with a proposal for trash receptacles; and anything else we need to budget for next year.

Frank Noe stated that he was disappointed with the Church overflow lot being used as an impound lot.
Harry Plaut said there was a special meeting regarding that use, possibly a zoning meeting? Skip Sibley said that using the lot as an impound facility saves time as the tow truck can tow more cars.

Frank Pappalardo said there had been a comment made by a resident (Angelo Grasso) last month that many of the issues we are having could be resolved by enforcing existing rules and zoning. That’s the idea. People start to hear that rules are being enforced, then word gets out. It may take a year or two, but it will have an effect.

9:54 pm:  Motion to adjourn made by Mr. Carlo, seconded by Ms. Lishing.  Meeting adjourned.

Next regular meeting:  22nd  Aug, 2011 at 7.30 pm, Shoreline Community Center.

Respectfully submitted,
M. Pearson, Secretary