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Board of Selectmen Minutes 03/04/2019


The Board of Selectmen held a Regular Meeting at 7:30 pm on March 4, 2019 in the Meeting Hall of the Old Lyme Memorial Town Hall. First Selectman Bonnie Reemsnyder, Selectwoman Mary Jo Nosal and Selectman Chris Kerr were present.

  • Approval of Minutes:
4 February 2019 -Regular Meeting Minutes
A motion was made by Selectwoman Nosal, seconded by Selectman Kerr, to approve the February 4, 2019 Regular meeting minutes. Motion passed.
  • Communication:  
  • Appointments:
Jacqueline Roberts (D) – Lymes’ Senior Center Board – 3 yr. term, exp. July 2021
A motion was made by Selectwoman Nosal, seconded by Selectman Kerr, to appoint Jacqueline Roberts to the Lymes’ Senior Center Board. Motion passed.

A motion was made by Selectman Kerr, seconded by Selectwoman Nosal, to move item 5.C. Sound View Commission Chair Request, up on the agenda.  Motion passed.

5.C. Sound View Commission Chair Request
First Selectman Reemsnyder invited Frank Pappalardo, Chairman of the Sound View Commission (SVC) to join the meeting. He gave the BOS a recap of their last Commission meeting. After an in-depth discussion, the SVC unanimously agrees that the Town of Old Lyme should purchase the property currently known as “Lenny’s” which has just been placed on the market for sale and keep it as a commercial property.  The SVC provided several ideas for uses for the property, including utilizing the space as an educational opportunity for HS students to run a summer concession stand or café, leasing out the property for a restaurant, or possibly utilizing some of the space for bathrooms instead of building in the parking lot. The committee also feels this would give the Town more control over what happens on the property and potentially lessen the issues that occur during the summer months. As Chairman of the SVC, Frank Pappalardo formally requested the BOS consider exploring the option of the Town purchasing the property.
The BOS and Frank went on to discuss the listed price of the property and some of the benefits should the Town purchase the property, including the increase in beach size, the possibility of lower security costs and decreasing the issues seen each summer due to the nature of the bar business. The BOS agree this is something they are interested in discussing further.

  • Old Business: Project Updates
  • Project Updates
  • Hains Park Bathroom committee
First Selectman Reemsnyder reported the committee has begun meeting with architects to draw up the specifications for the plans for the bathrooms and are hoping to make a selection at the next meeting. Once they have chosen an architect, they can begin working on the plans and going out to bid for the work. She anticipates they will begin to build in July or August.  

  • PGN Library Project - Update
First Selectman Reemsnyder reported she has received a copy of the MOU signed by both the Library and the Town. She is expecting to get an updated schedule from the library but does not anticipate having to borrow any money until the end of the summer. As previously discussed, the $300,000 raised by the library and the $500,000 funded from the Town’s surplus will be utilized first.

  • MC and Grassy Hill Road Bridges
First Selectman Reemsnyder reported the Mile Creek Road Bridge project goes out to bid tomorrow with a March 25th deadline. She reminded the BOS that they have received a local bridge grant from the state that will cover 50% of the costs.  She anticipates work beginning in July with a road closure for approximately three to four months during which time there will be a detour in place.
First Selectman Reemsnyder reported after interviewing all five applicants for the RFQ for the Grassy Hill Road Bridge work, they have chosen Nathan Jacobson & Associates to complete the work. They have also received a local bridge grant from the state that will cover 50% of the costs and there is $100,000 in the FY 20 budget request for the design of the bridge. They will begin working on the design this year and plan to budget for the work in the next fiscal year.

  • Community Connectivity Grant Committee Appointments
First Selectman Reemsnyder suggested they appoint committee members who have expressed interest in working on the committee so they can begin meeting. Selectwoman Mary Jo Nosal has volunteered to head the committee and Jim Lampos and Frank Pappalardo have volunteered to work on the committee along with First Selectman Reemsnyder.
A motion was made by Selectman Kerr, seconded by Selectwoman Nosal, to appoint Mary Jo Nosal, Jim Lampos and Frank Pappalardo to the Community Connectivity Committee.  Motion passed.  
Selectwoman Nosal will reach out to the members to schedule their first meeting. First Selectman Reemsnyder added they will be able to begin planning but will not be able to spend any money ($30,000 in FY 20 budget request for design) until the new fiscal year begins in July. She also reported she has sent in the signed commitment letter and has received some additional information from DOT making them aware that there are no historic properties impacted by the project.

  • FY 2020 Budget
First Selectman Reemsnyder reported the Board of Finance met last week, and all of the requests are in. They will be meeting again tomorrow night to review the budget with the BOF and will keep this on the agenda to keep everyone updated.
  • Amendments to Solid Waste ordinance
First Selectman Reemsnyder reported she has forwarded the Attorney’s latest version of the ordinance on to the selectmen for their review and further discussion. The BOS discussed various aspects of the proposed amendments, including replacement cans, the price of replacement cans, single family homes vs. duplex homes, and requiring all haulers to be licensed by the town and the development of a form for the process. First Selectman Reemsnyder will forward the ordinance with the changes discussed on to the attorney for his review.
A motion was made by Selectman Kerr, seconded by Selectwoman Nosal, to approve the Amendments to the Solid Waste Ordinance as amended.  Motion passed.

5.   New Business:
  • EDC Chair Request
First Selectman Reemsnyder reported she has received a proposal from the EDC and invited Justin Fuller and Howard Margules, Co-Chairs of the Economic Development Commission (EDC) to join the meeting. Justin gave an overview of the proposal sent to First Selectman Reemsnyder. The EDC is requesting $8,075 so they can work with the Connecticut Economic Resource Center (CERC) to develop and analyze two surveys (one with community residents and one with community business members) and hold a SWOT workshop to bring all stakeholders in the Old Lyme community together to discuss economic growth in OL. The EDC feels taking a proactive approach will help with maintaining as well as improving economic growth along with improving areas of town. He also pointed out that CT state statute 7-136 requires the EDC to conduct research on economic conditions and trends, make recommendations to town officials and coordinate and cooperate with unofficial bodies organized to promote economic development. The BOS went on to discuss the benefits of working with CERC and the experience and resources they have to offer the community along with the benefits of being proactive.  First Selectman Reemsnyder clarified their request of $8,075 for the proposal is for this fiscal year and the BOS is supportive of the efforts the EDC has taken to bring this proposal to them. She also added she would be inviting the co-chairs to the BOF meeting to present their proposal to them.
A motion was made by Selectwoman Nosal, seconded by Selectman Kerr, to approve the proposal from the EDC Chair’s request for $8,075 as presented and recommend this to the BOF for approval. Motion passed.

  • Municipal Training Workshop CERC
First Selectman Reemsnyder reported that CERC and the EDC will be hosting a free Municipal Training Workshop on April 10th at 6PM. This training is for municipal boards and commissions to help them to understand what roles they play in economic development, how they can work together and best practices.
She shared a copy of the draft invitation and gave an overview of the requirements by CERC that must be completed to hold the workshop.

  • Sound View Commission Chair Request – moved up on the agenda
  • Crown Castle expansion of tower, town meeting
First Selectman Reemsnyder reminded the BOS of the request previously discussed to increase the currently leased property by 200 square feet, adding 25 feet to the tower so they can add an additional carrier (AT&T) and extending the lease. The new lease will include four, five-year renewal terms extending the lease to May of 2045. It would increase the monthly income from the lease from $1500 to $2250 a month with a onetime $15,000 bonus to the Town upon signing the new lease.
The Town Attorney has recommended some changes to the lease and Crown Castle has approved the changes. The Town Attorney also recommends this be approved at a Town meeting due to the change in the originally approved footprint.
A motion was made by Selectman Kerr, seconded by Selectwoman Nosal, to approve expanding the footprint and extension of the lease and recommends this to a Town Meeting.  Motion passed.

  • Special Town Meeting Draft Agenda
First Selectman Reemsnyder gave an overview of a draft agenda for a Special Town meeting. The BOS discussed possible dates for the meeting and tentatively set April 16th at 7:30 PM and will confirm the date once they approve the agenda.

  • Citizen of the Year – Postponed from last meeting due to scheduling conflicts
  • Cell Tower Lease – discussed during the meeting
  • Solid Waste Ordinance Amendments – discussed during the meeting
  • Open Space – the possibility of a purchase to be approved at a future meeting
  • Appropriation for $85K – Health Insurance – due to changes made by employees (adding family members, opting out, adding insurance etc.) – will discuss further at a future meeting
6.   Public Comment: None

7.   Other Business:
First Selectman Reemsnyder reported they have signed an agreement with Viewpoint for online permitting for building and zoning. They will begin implementing this shortly and she will keep the BOS updated as it progresses.

Selectman Kerr asked for an update on the beaver issue on Whippoorwill Road. First Selectman Reemsnyder reported that the Open Space and Land Trust both have policies that do not allow or support killing the beavers on open space land. She has contacted a water diversion specialist and he will come and assess the area in the spring to see if a water diversion device will work. Public works will continue to do the best that they can until they can find a solution.

Selectwoman Nosal reported that at the Sound View Comm. meeting the Chair indicated that a contract for cameras in Sound View had been signed.  First Selectman Reemsnyder clarified that a contract has been signed with Eversource to come out and determine if cameras can be put on their poles.

Selectwoman Nosal reported she has been getting a lot of questions about what can go into the recycle bins. First Selectman Reemsnyder suggested they should call Cathy and she would be able to address their questions. Selectman Kerr asked if there has been any other negative feedback from the recycling vendor and First Selectman Reemsnyder replied they have not received any lately and that they seem to be more common during the summer months.

Selectwoman Nosal asked when First Selectman Reemsnyder thought would be a good time to discuss the request made by the Sound View Comm on the consideration to purchase the property on Hartford Ave. First Selectman Reemsnyder agreed to put it on the agenda for discussion at a future meeting.

8.   Executive Session: For the purpose of discussing the sale, lease or purchase of real estate.
A motion was made by Selectwoman Nosal, seconded by Selectman Kerr, to go into executive session at 9:22pm for the purpose of discussing the sale, lease or purchase of real estate. Motion passed.
The Selectmen came out of executive session at 9:58 pm.

9.   Adjournment:
A motion was made by Selectwoman Nosal, seconded by Selectman Kerr, to adjourn at 9:59pm. Motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Patti Broedlin