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Board of Finance Minutes 01/15/2019

Minutes of the Board of Finance meeting held on Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at 7:30 p.m. at the Old Lyme Memorial Town Hall.
Present:~~~~~~~~~~Regular Members:~ Andrew Russell, BJ Bernblum, H. P. Garvin, III, David Kelsey,
Janet Sturges David Woolley
Alternate Members:  Adam S. Burrows, Judith Read, Anna Reiter
Bonnie A. Reemsnyder, ex-officio
Nicole Stajduhar, Finance Director
Mary Jo Nosal, Selectwoman
Absent:~~~~~~~~~~~ Regular Members:~
~Alternate Members:~  
Guest:          None


Mr. Russell called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  

New Business

Senior Center Request:  Mrs. Reemsnyder said that Senior Center Director, Stephanie Lyon-Gould reported that her assistant will have depleted her approved hours by February 1st.  The Assistant position was granted 200 hours on July 1, which she began using after hire in mid-September.  To date, she has used 150 hours at a higher rate of pay.  Mrs. Gould has requested another 150 hours, or an additional $3,000, to cover her through the end of the fiscal year, which will include two weeks off, unpaid, to conserve hours, as well as covering the Director’s vacation time, and working six hours a week.  It should be noted that the salary is split approximately 78/22% with the Town of Lyme. There was a discussion about the change in hourly rate which impacted the amount of coverage hours.  Mrs. Reemsnyder commented that the new assistant is working out very well and is a perfect fit for the position.  Additional hours will be requested within the new Budget year.

A motion was made by Mrs. Sturges, seconded by Mr. Kelsey, to approve an additional 150 hours, or $3,000 for the Assistant to the Senior Center Director.  Motion carried.

Approval of December 18, 2018 Minutes

The minutes of December 18th were reviewed.  Mr. Bernblum distributed a correction to the discussion and wording regarding the CERC Proposal discussion on page 3 of the minutes.   He felt that pertinent information was omitted from the discussion that took place at the meeting.  After a lengthy discussion over exactly what was said, it was decided to table approval of the minutes until the next meeting.  There was also a discussion on recording the Board of Finance meetings in the future.

A motion was made by Mr. Kelsey, seconded by Mrs. Sturges, to table to December 18th minutes until the February 5th meeting.  Motion carried.
Board of Finance Meeting                                                                January 15, 2019

Mr. Kelsey then made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Sturges, to record Board of Finance meetings in the future.  Motion carried

Financial Reports

Mrs. Stajduhar highlighted the December 2018 Financial Reports.  

Under Revenues, total property tax for department is $3,154,597, 65.2% year-to-date collected.  Investment Interest is $18,333; $102,392 year-to-date.  

 The percentage of general government revenue budget received to date is 64.3%.

Other funds – Miscellaneous Revenue Fund – Insurance proceeds $11,989 for Mile Creek Road Tower damage, and, $1,100 in contributions to the Social Service Fund.  There was a discussion on increasing the deductible to defray the premium cost.

Mrs. Stajduhar reviewed the Expenditures:  The Selectman’s Office Legal of $3,020 to Suisman Shapiro for the Mile Creek Road Bridge documents.  Under Registrar’s Printing line, $3,797 was for the November 2018 election documents.  Town Hall – Repair and Maintenance in the amount of $3,400 to Zelek Electric was for the addition of 3-phase generator panel in the electrical room.  Mrs. Stajduhar outlined the second half of the non-profit and beach payments as follows:  LYSB - $45,000; OLVNA - $37,110; PGN Library - $167,500; Other Non-profits - $19,000; and, Beaches - $35,850.  Transfer Station – Repair and Maintenance budget line paid Mike Swaney Electric $2,850 for installation of a 200amp manual transfer switch with gentran.

Capital expenditures include six overhead doors at Cross Lane for $17,714 out of current budget, with $4,000 coming from carryover, as well as under OLFD - $11,000 to Shipman’s for eleven air bottles.

The percentage of general government budget spent year-to-date, without capital or RSD#18 included, is 50.8%.

Other funds include the Social Service Fund - $1,158 for fuel, Big Y cards and Estuary Transit District bus passes.

Carryover Expenditures include 23% of the total of carryover has been spent.

Fiscal Year 2019/2020 Budget Review

Mrs. Stajduhar handed out the Budget Books for Fiscal Year 2019/2020.  She also distributed the FY19/20 Budget overview stating that Capital is increasing over a million dollars.  Mrs. Stajduhar outlined the Budget Worksheet – Expenditures for the upcoming budget.

Board of Finance Meeting                                                                January 15, 2019

Old Business

Nothing to report.

Other Business

Nothing to report.

Selectman’s Report

Change in Resident State Trooper:  Mrs. Reemsnyder reported that our Resident State Trooper, Kaz Morse, was assigned to a Security duty in Hartford.  Trooper Tom Kelo is a resident in town and has been temporarily assigned to our town. Mrs. Reemsnyder stated that she had a positive meeting with the Troop regarding a replacement, and a new Resident Trooper should be in place by April.

Solid Waste/Recycling Contract:  Mrs. Reemsnyder stated that the new contract with CWPM has been signed and reported that the budget will be decreasing. Garbage will continue to be picked up weekly throughout the town.  With the new contract, the beach community will not have twice a week garbage pick-up, as it has in the past.  However, a huge benefit to the entire town, is that recycling pickup will be offered weekly instead of bi-weekly as it’s presently picked up.   

Historic Survey Committee:  Mrs. Reemsnyder stated that the Historic Survey is almost completed.  Heritage Consultants has been working on the Historic Survey of areas of the town, focusing on characteristics and history of historic properties.  

Hains Park Bathroom:   Mrs. Reemsnyder reported that at this evening’s Zoning Board of Appeals meeting, ZBA approved the request for a waiver on the bathroom setback.   Hains Park Bathroom Committee has been working on the logistics of changing the orientation of the bathrooms for security purposes.  This project is ongoing.

Request for a Bus:  Mrs. Reemsnyder stated that the Estuary Transit District will be replacing their buses and has offed the buses to the Towns first.  They expect to have busses available as early as April.  The Roger Tory Peterson Estuary Center has come to the Board of Selectmen to ask if the town might consider requesting a bus from the Estuary Transit District.  The Board is developing the maintenance costs, and, is considering what a bus might be used for, such as Emergency Operation Center, senior groups, Police/Youth Grant Program, and possibly non-profit organizations.  Mrs. Reemsnyder stated that she has reached out to CIRMA to discuss insurance we well as other concerns.

PGN Library Project:  Mrs. Reemsnyder stated that the library board had a meeting on January 9th to review the Memorandum of Agreement.  Presently, they are working on their questions and revision.  Mrs. Reiter reported that the library received the money from the State and a construction manager has been hired.

Board of Finance Meeting                                                                January 15, 2019

Comcast Phone System:  Mrs. Reemsnyder reported that the Town switched the phone system throughout the town to a new Comcast Business phone system.  Installation took place last week at the Town Hall and this week at remote locations.  The phones are included in the billing, and it is still within the budget.

Annual Town Meeting on January 28, 2019:  Mrs. Reemsnyder wanted to remind the board that the Annual Town Meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 28th at 7:30 p.m., at the Lyme Old Lyme Middle School auditorium.  Agenda items include
  • Acceptance of Annual Town Report for FY 2018
  • Citizen of the Year announcement
  • Appropriation of $46,000 for Technology Upgrades
  • Board of Assessment Appeals Special Election
  • Adopt resolution to authorize town to bond/borrow $1.25 million for the PGN Library Renewal Project.

Mr. Russell stated that the next Board of Finance meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 05, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall Meeting Hall.  

A motion was made by Mr. Kelsey, seconded by Mrs. Sturges, to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 p.m.  Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,

Michele E. Hayes,