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Board of Finance Minutes 09/18/2018
Minutes of the Board of Finance meeting held on Tuesday, September 18, 2018 at 7:30 p.m. at the Old Lyme Memorial Town Hall.
Present:~~~~~~~~~~Regular Members:~ Andrew Russell, H. P. Garvin, III, David Kelsey, Janet Sturges
Alternate Members:  Adam S. Burrows, Judith Read, Anna Reiter
Bonnie A. Reemsnyder, ex-officio
Nicole Stajduhar, Finance Director
Mary Jo Nosal, Selectwoman
Timothy C. Griswold, Treasurer
Absent:~~~~~~~~~~~ Regular Members:~   BJ Bernblum
~Alternate Members:~  David Woolley
Guest:          Phil Parcak, Facilities Manager, Town of Old Lyme


Mr. Russell called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  Mr. Russell noted that Mr. Bernblum is absent this evening and requested that Mr. Burrows vote for him.  Also, Mr. Woolley is absent, therefore, a motion was made by Mrs. Sturges, seconded by Mr. Kelsey to have Ms. Read vote for Mr. Woolley in his absence.  Motion carried.     

Facilities Manager’s Report

Mr. Parcak explained that the repair of the Cross Lane Fire House roof replacement is going to be more expensive than previously anticipated.  The quotes received were in the $100,000 range.  After discussion, it was decided to acquire quotes by early January and to include this item in the January Town Meeting.  Mr. Parcak discussed finishing up the Emergency Operations Center at Boughton Road fiber optic installation, kitchenette install and split system install in the proposed communication area.   The Police Station interior needs repair of the floor area in the Fingerprinting room that was getting wet when it rained, and replacement of the interior floor finishes (carpet) with a more durable material and replacement of remaining outgassed window.  

Minutes of August 21, 2018 Regular Meeting

The minutes of August 21st Regular meeting were reviewed.  There was a typographical error on page 5, 2nd paragraph, 2nd sentence, to change the word “head” to “heard”.

There being no other corrections noted, a motion was made by Mrs. Sturges, seconded by Mr. Burrows, to approve the minutes, as modified.  Mr. Garvin and Mr. Kelsey abstained as they were not present.   Motion carried.

Board of Finance Meeting                                                                September 18, 2018

Financial Reports

Mrs. Stajduhar highlighted the August 2018 Financial Reports.  Under Revenues, total tax payments of $415,671 were collected in property tax or 52%.  Town Aid Road grant received $115,000 or 50%.  Other funds include $70,000 – Open Space Contribution/lien released.

The percentage of general government revenue budget received to date is 51%.

Mrs. Stajduhar stated that Expenditures for August included:  Health department annual amount of $115,047 to Ledge Light Health District.  Debt Service - TD Bank $320,000 principal and $15,375 in interest.  Capital Expenditures included Emergency Management - $4,480 (kitchen) and $4,634 (computer), and Public Works projects/contractors in the amount of $14,799 to Machnik Construction for Grassy Hill Road repairs.  Carry overs include the Town Clerk vault AC/Dehumidifier for $14,155 to Benedetto Heating and Air Conditioning, a police vehicle for $29,000 to Saybrook Ford, and the OLFD Lyme Street boiler for $17,554 to Benedetto Heating and Air Conditioning.

The percentage of general government budget spent to date, without capital or RSD#18 included, is 23%.

Mrs. Stajduhar stated that she has included and briefly reviewed a financial breakdown of revenues and expenses for the Sound View Improvement project, the Mile Creek Road Bridge project, and the Hains Park Improvement project.

Old Business

Mrs. Reemsnyder distributed the new Resolution authorizing the issuance of Bonds and Notes in an amount not to exceed $1,250,000 to finance an appropriation for the renovation of the Old Lyme Phoebe Griffin Noyes Library.  There was a discussion on the structure of bill paying and recordkeeping.

The Board felt that there should be a method or process that the building committee for the library follow for the Town to be able to cut checks.  It is important that a process be established before funds from the town are released.

Mr. Russell stated that #7of the Resolution, stating the Project, makes it sound like it is a Town project
Mrs. Stajduhar stated that within the financial statements, the money the Town gives the Library is a contribution to their project.

Mr. Kelsey stated that there is no formal agreement between the town and the private organization of the PGN Library should something devastating happen. Because it is a private organization, there should be additional insurance to cover the Town.

Board of Finance Meeting                                                                September 18, 2018

New Business

Nothing to report.

Other Business

Nothing to report.

Selectman’s Report

Pump Station Lease: Mrs. Reemsnyder stated that there will be a Public Hearing at the LOL Middle School Auditorium at 7:00 p.m. on September 19th regarding the proposed lease of a portion of the Town-owned property at 72 Portland Avenue.  The lease is an initial forty-year term for the purpose of the construction, operation, and maintenance of a sanitary sewage pump station, underground piping, and related facilities by three beach communities and their respective Water Pollution Control Authorities.

Solar Power Landfill Lease:  There is a Public Hearing at the LOL Middle School Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. on September 19th regarding a proposal to authorize the Board of Selectmen to negotiate and execute an MOA and subsequent lease of a capped portion of the landfill for installation and operation of solar power generating facilities.

Town Meeting: Mrs. Reemsnyder stated that the Town Meeting was set at the Selectmen’s meeting last night for Sept. 24th at the LOL Middle School Auditorium at 7:30 p.m., with the pump station lease and the solar power landfill lease are going to be on the call of the meeting.

Mile Creek Road Bridge Replacement:  Mrs. Reemsnyder reported that the application for Local Bridge funding has been submitted and is waiting for results. The Mile Creek Road Bridge replacement work is scheduled for the summer of 2019.

Halls Road Improvement:  Mrs. Reemsnyder reported that the Halls Road Improvement Committee met with the CT Economic Resource Center (CERC) who provided a proposal to do some workshops and studies.  The Committee felt that these workshops and studies would be helpful, but more appropriate for the Economic Development Commission to follow up on.  They are looking at a proposal and may come to the Board of Finance for funding in the future.

Solid Waste/Recycling Contract:  Mrs. Reemsnyder reported that the RFP was published and a mandatory pre-bid took place last Friday and had several vendors in attendance.  Questions are due this Friday, September 21st and proposals are due by October 12th.

Board of Finance Meeting                                                                September 18, 2018

Historic Survey Committee:  Mrs. Reemsnyder stated that a $30,000 grant was awarded to Heritage Consultants from the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO).  A “kickoff” meeting took place on September 6th with discussions regarding areas of the town to focus on, characteristics and history of historic properties.  Mrs. Reemsnyder is hoping to do approximately 175-200 properties in town.

Student Resource Officer:   Mrs. Reemsnyder stated that there haven’t been any new developments regarding the Student Resource Officer position.  The town auditors said that this expenditure could be applied to private duty expenses.  Presently, the town attorney is working on the specifications of the position.

Mr. Russell stated that the next Board of Finance meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 16, 2018 at 7:30 p.m. in the Town Hall Meeting Hall.  

A motion was then made by Mrs. Sturges, seconded by Ms. Read, to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 p.m.  Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,

Michele E. Hayes