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Tree Commission Minutes 05/20/2010

Minutes of a meeting of
May 20, 2010

Regular members present: Joanne DiCamillo, Anne Bing, Emily Griswold, Gerry Foster
Alternate members present: Pat Moll, Joan Flynn
Members absent: (ex-officio) Tom Degnan

The meeting was called to order at 4:08 P.M.

Approval of April 15, 2010 minutes was tabled for lack of quorum of members who were present at the April meeting.

Balance 4-30-10 $17, 437.18

Emily Griswold arrived at 4:10 P.M.
Town Hall landscape maintenance
CIRO Landscapers quote for weeding and edging: $2500.00. Time 3-4 days.
Selectman Griswold will obtain quotes from Old Lyme Landscape and Four Mile River Landscape.

Gerry Foster arrived at 4:15 P.M.

With quorum now present the April minutes were reviewed for vote.
Pat Moll requested two changes:
OTHER BUSINESS - Town Hall Landscape
Sentence #2  Pat Moll will write up a description in place of  bid.
Sentence #3  Members will make comments and Pat will finalize the description of work to be done in place of finalize the bid.
A motion was made by Anne Bing to accept the minutes as amended. Emily Griswold seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.

Inventory update
Joanne e-mailed Ruth Roach to ask if the Board of Finance approved funding for GIS training on the Town Hall computer system. Ms. Roach responded that most of the $12,000 was approved for updating the town’s web site.

6 Lyme Street – Brainerd property
Request for second tree - Tree Warden determined there is not enough space to plant a second tree.
Hornbeam tree has been planted. Mr. Brainerd has been watering new tree using gator bag, leaving the bag around to the tree between watering times. Mrs. DiCamillo contacted company asking if this was an acceptable practice. They replied that the bag should be removed between watering times. Joanne e-mailed their response to Mr. Brainerd along with their web site address that includes info about the amount of water the tree needs each week.

68 Sill Lane – Black tupelo tree has been planted.

Members’ tree mulching
Most members have mulched their trees, more mulch is not needed.

61 Sill Lane - suggestions for fall tree planting
The Tree Warden evaluated the site and feels there is room for a shade tree, to be planted 10 ft.. from the road. Members were asked to check the site and suggest an appropriate species.

30 Lyme Street - new landscaping with tree planting
New landscaping is in the process of being installed, including three new ornamental (weeping cherry) trees, along the front of property, parallel to Lyme Street.

The Chairman recently attended a meeting where information about the Emerald Ash Borer was presented. It originated in Michigan and has moved east, found in PA and N.Y. It specifically attacks ash trees.
Ash trees are have been included in the new high school landscape plan. A suggestion was made that a letter from the Tree Commission should be sent to the school board informing them of this problem.

3 Ferry Road - maple tree
Madeleine Nichols called Joanne DiCamillo to express concerns about the maple tree located in the front of her property. It was late in leafing out this spring. She feels this could be a result of the impact on the tree from sidewalk construction during the church corner project last year. Joanne asked Tom Degnan to evaluate the tree’s health.
M. Nichols wrote a letter to the Board of Selectmen, with copies to the Historic District Commission co-chairs, Mrs. DiCamillo and Mr. Degnan. In the letter, among several other matters, she wrote of her concern about her tree and feels it is the town’s responsibility the town to fertilize it.

19 Brighton Road
A letter from the Selectmen’s office was sent to Mr. Wysockie stating that the town cannot become involved with tree issues on private property unless the tree in question is impacting town owned land. Mr. Degnan met earlier with homeowner and suggested that Mr. Wysockie send a certified letter to the neighbor describing the problems and potential liability if the tree fails.

Mrs. Moll wrote a letter to the Board of Selectmen expressing concern about the weeds growing in the landscape at Town Hall. Her letter included the quote from CIRO landscapers for edging and weeding. Price does not include mulching.

MEMBERS’ REPORTS - none              


The next monthly meeting is scheduled for June 17, 2010, 4:00 P.M. at Old Lyme Town Hall.

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Emily Griswold at 5:07 P.M. and seconded   by Gerry Foster. It was approved unanimously.

Minutes submitted by,

Joan Flynn