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Solid Waste & Recycling Committee Minutes 03/12/2019

Attendees: Leslie O’Connor, Brenda Moriarty, Tom Unger, First Selectperson Bonnie Reemsnyder
Called to order at 4:08.

Bonnie presented the final amended Solid Waste & Recycling Ordinance. It was reviewed by attorneys, formatted, and approved by Board of Selects on March 4, 2019. It will be presented at the next public hearing by special town meeting tentatively scheduled for April 16.
Other ordinance items:
  • Fines and loss of collection privileges are possible.
  • The position of Director referenced in the ordinance is an open question.
  • The Middletown hauler registration form is being reviewed as a sample.
Bonnie invited all commission and committee members to attend an Economic Development Commission meeting/presentation/municipal training on April 4 at 6 p.m. in town hall. RSVP Michelle Hayes by email.

Merging the SW&R committee with the Conservation Commission was discussed. Motivation is partly due to a small number of volunteers for commissions and committees; possible synergies with recycling and conservation; and the interest of some Conservation Commission members in promoting recycling. The Recycling Committee will review this proposal at the next regular meeting.

Bonnie described a proposed Girl Scout project to add “What’s In/What’s Out” stickers to green recycling bins. She also announced weekly recycling pickup beginning July 1. There will be no change to weekly trash pickup at this time.
Brenda described the results and potential for recycling gained from the textile webinar, and savings by Goodwill employees at transfer stations.
All future recycling related ads in publications should be sent to Cathy Frank.
Meeting adjourned at 5:19.