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Senior Center Board Minutes 12/19/2016
Lymes’ Senior Center Board of Directors Meeting

December 19, 2016

PRESENT:  Sue Campbell, Jeri Baker, Diane Blackwell, Nancy Campbell, Johnny Cody, Ann Griffith, Doris Johnson, Stephanie Lyon-Gould, Dot McAndrew, Diana Seckla, Gary Weed,  Ruth Young

ABSENT: Mary Miles

CALL TO ORDER:  Sue Campbell  at 12:30

GUEST SPEAKER:   Tom Hennick

SECRETARY’S REPORT:  Accepted as submitted.  First by Diana Seckla, Second by Ruth Young

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Nancy Campbell  Accepted as submitted.  First by Jeri Baker, Second by Diane Blackwell
Sue Campbell indicated the Treasurer, Nancy Campbell is resigning.  Stephanie Lyon added Nancy Campbell is also resigning from the Senior Center Board.  Diane Blackwell indicated that the new Treasurer does not need to be board member.


Special Events:  Stephanie Lyons called the Coast Guard and is awaiting a return call.  The Army Band will get back to Stephanie after their February meeting.  The Long Island Band has not been booked yet - their fee $900.  Jeri Baker suggested 8 to the Bar as an excellent choice but perhaps more expensive.  
Director’s Notes: Stephanie Lyons - Joannie is fantastic, the only issue is space in Stephanie’s office.  Stephanie would like to set up an area where Joanie can work at a desk of her own.  Six new tables have been purchased from Lowes and are set up in the big room.  The sign has been fixed and reads “Summer Concerts Thursday 7 pm”.  Stephanie is scheduled vacation time next week from Tuesday through Friday and has made arrangements for someone to open and close the Center in her absence.   The Gift Bags for seniors in need were very well received.  Jeri Baker and Stephanie Lyons delivered the bags to 3 or 4 seniors in Lyme and 15 in Old Lyme.  Stephanie suggested  this would be a very worthwhile annual event.   Stephanie Lyons read a tribute letter for Jim Noyes for his many contributions to the Senior Center.  The letter will be published in the annual report for the town of Old Lyme.  Gary Weed suggested it also be included in Lyme’s report.  
Building Use:  Stephanie Lyons  During the month of November 1-30  1045 signed in, 190 attended special events and 416 participated in classes.
Property:  Gary Weed  The lights have been fixed.  Stephanie Lyons indicated signs had been placed in bathrooms to resolve the toilet backup issues and the annual maintenance was completed during October/November.  


Hanging System for Art Room:  Jeri Baker.  A 4 x 8 sheet of board is being purchased from Beard for $27.00.
Other Old Business:  The Coffee Bar:  Diane Blackwell   The donor is still interested but has not yet sent the donation.  Ring’s End presented an estimate which includes delivery.  A motion was presented to pay for the materials out of the Senior Center budget.  The motion was First - Doris Johnson, seconded by Gary Weed.  Volunteers will install.  

The business portion of the meeting was adjourned at 1:10.  First -
Doris Johnson, second - Gary Weed.

GUEST SPEAKER:  Tom Hennick from the Freedom of Information office was introduced by Bonnie Reimsnyder.  He gave a brief background of the Freedom of Information Act or Sunshine Law enacted in 1975 under Gov. Ella Grasso.  The law concerns - Access to properly noticed public meeting and access to public records.  Meetings need to be properly noticed with 24 hour advance,  open to the public and minutes recorded.  He described the three types of meetings:  Regular, Special and Emergency and the guidelines for each.  He provided informational handouts and contact information to all present.

Meeting ended at 2:00

Next Meeting: January 9, 2017

Respectfully submitted,

Paula Emery
Recording Secretary