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Lymes’ Senior Center Board Minutes 10/17/2016

Lymes’ Senior Center Board of Directors Meeting

October 17, 2016

PRESENT:  Sue Campbell, Jeri Baker, Diane Blackwell, Nancy Campbell, Johnny Cody, Ann Griffith, Doris Johnson, Stephanie Lyon-Gould, Dot McAndrew, Diana Seckla, Gary Weed, Mary Miles

ABSENT:  Ruth Young

CALL TO ORDER:  Sue Campbell

SECRETARY’S REPORT:  Sue Campbell had trouble opening the email report.  Jeri
Baker and Nancy Campbell requested that copies be resent to them as they had not received.   Jeri Baker requested the name of the “former board member”, the husband of Patricia Roser, sent a letter of appreciation (in Communications) be added to the minutes.  In my notes I had the name Pat Roser.   Secretary’s report accepted by Jeri Baker, 2nd by Doris Johnson.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Nancy Campbell  
 Brief discussion - “Should we be concerned about our balance?”  The ending balance $117,603.63.  Report was accepted by Jeri Baker and 2nd by Diane Blackwell.  


Directors Report:  Stephanie Lyon  
Two concerts have been set up so far - July 13, The Cartells and July 27 the Covettes Doo Wop Revue.  
Meet the new Social Service Coordinator, Jen Dattum on November 2nd at 11:00 am.
Veterans Luncheon - On October 19th.  Expecting almost 100 and Stephanie would welcome some help 10 am tomorrow to wrap silverware and put together candy gifts.  On the morning of the 19th, Louis Mildrem is coming to get tables from Rogers Lake and will need help with table cloths and setting.
Halloween Event  - October 31st  Everyone dressed up can enter a raffle.  Doris Johnson questioned an article in the Lyme Times stating that this was the first Halloween Event - Stephanie said it was not the first.  Doris Johnson also questioned if the event was free to the first 30 people as indicated in the paper and who was paying for it.  Stephanie Lyon stated the Senior Center pays for it.  The raffle is for a $10.00 gift certificate to Big Y and Mohegan Sun.
Doris also stated that the time of the Senior Center Board Meeting was listed at 2:00 in the Lyme Times.  Jeri Baker indicated she would change it on the website.
Thanksgiving Luncheon - November 18th  Friday morning classes will be cancelled to set up for the luncheon.  The luncheon will be 12-1:00.  The entertainment will start at 1:30.
This will give time to remove the tables from the dance floor.  The tables need to be retrieved from Rogers Lake and set up on the afternoon of Nov. 17th.  Johnny Cody, Diane Blackwell, Sue Cody and Gary Weed volunteered to help.  
The school system will take the tables in the closet.  

Use of Building:  Mary Miles, Diane Blackwell
Mary indicated that approximately 350 per month attend.  62 have signed up for tap dancing.  Stephanie has asked if they would perform for the Center.  Exercise classes are maintaining their numbers.  
Diane reported that 60-70 people attended the Nonagenarian Tea.  Diane read the letter she sent to each nonagenarian which also included an individual photo and a group photo. $29.09 is the cost for developing and framing of photographs.

Policy:  Sue Campbell
One of the coffee pots died, but another was found in the closet.  Will use the existing pots as long as they last and then replace with Bunn.

Advertising:  Stephanie Lyon
Halloween event has been submitted to the local paper.  They may feature the tap class over the winter.


Assistance for Stephanie:
Joanie Bonvicin, retired middle school secretary, has accepted the volunteer position and is being trained by Stephanie.  

Memorial Benches:  Diane Blackwell
The engraved benches have been installed.  Diane Blackwell has been subcontracting - her landscaper weeded, edged and mulched.  Getty Stone leveled the blue stone and installed plastic borders where bricks will be placed..  Diane met with Shelly Engravers in Guilford about engraving the bricks.  Westbrook Stone sells the Cambridge Block brick which can be engraved.  Diane will measure the area and access how many bricks will be needed and get a price.  Bricks purchased by the pallet are 6 cents each.  The cost for engraving is $20/brick.  
Diane indicated that the plan being used was based on that submitted by the contractor which was not hired - but the plan had been modified.  The total project should come in around $3000 rather than the original $13,000 quote.  

Coffee Bar Donation:  
The price for the cabinetry is $1300 plus the installation cost for the counter top.  A plaque will be made “Vie’s Coffee Corner”, “in memory of Vie Gerber.”


Calendar for 2016-2017:  Jeri Baker
Johnnie Cody, Diane Blackwell and Stephanie
met on the calendar.  A draft was submitted to the board and will be discussed at the next meeting.
Update on Lisa Campbell:  
She is awaiting results from her doctor.  Her position is temporarily being filled by volunteers.

Meeting Protocol:  Jeri Baker
Jeri Baker submitted and read her letter to the board regarding adoption of policies and procedures for meetings.  The request to accept the letter as submitted and add to the next agenda - 1st by Diane Blackwell, 2nd Johnny Cody.  

Other New Business:  Stephanie Lyon
Duck River moved out of the shed.  

Meeting adjourned at 2:00.  

The next meeting November 21, 2016 at 1:00.

Respectfully submitted,

Paula Emery
Recording Secretary