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Rogers Lake Authority Minutes 05/14/2014
A meeting of the Rogers Lake Authority (RLA) was convened at the Rogers Lake Clubhouse at 7:42 pm on May 14.~ The following members were present:  Richard Smith, Dennis Overfield, Tom Baehr and Robert Recor.  
The meeting was called to order at approx 7:42 pm. The minutes from the April 9th meeting were discussed.  A motion was made by Robert Recor to approve the Minutes of the April meeting as written. It was seconded by Dennis Overfield and approved by unanimous vote.
Police Patrol Boat:  During holidays, a police official will be made available for patrol. The boat has been lettered and will be active beginning the weekend of Saturday May 17th. Issue with registering the boat has supposedly been resolved. It will not need to be registered as it is a town vehicle.

Budget: Money from budget was removed from both towns in order to purchase boat. Money will not be reimbursed, but will be made available the following year beginning in July. $30,000 is still allocated for dam. Roughly $8,000 is spent every year as part of standard operating budget (i.e. meetings, gas for boat, launch monitor) which is split between the two towns.

Weed Control:  We met with New England Environmental the previous week. They have revised the proposal which was received May 14th. The revised plan will be sent out for review. We will investigate the topology of both towns regarding well depth and specifications. They will discuss findings with health directors from both towns and present results. This study will provide a base of information on how the use of herbicides affects local wells. This will take place around October during election time. The estimated cost of these services is roughly $140,000 to be split by Lyme and Old Lyme. STEEP grant will hopefully significantly reduce the cost for both towns.

Dam Repairs:    Jacklyn Talbot, who asked for pictures the previous month regarding the fish ladder, has made no further correspondence with RLA. The state is asking about using fish ladder through June. There is no issue with keeping the ladder open as long as the water level is sufficiently high enough. If the level drops too low, it must be shut down. There is some confusion on the state's regulation of the fish ladder and the dam. The leaves and other debris from the lake cause blockage and therefore affect flow of the dam and the fish ladder.
New Business:
Old Business:

There was a question about whether the state would help with the cost of dredging the boat launch, however, there has been no additional information to share.
Respectfully submitted,

Elizabeth Sunshine
Secretary for RLA

The next meeting of the Rogers Lake Association will be on June 11th at 7:30pm at the Rogers Lake West Shores Clubhouse:

Agenda for next Meeting:

  • Budget
  • Police Patrol
  • Weeds
  • Benthic Mats
  • Boat Launch
  • Dam Repair
  • New Business
  • Old Business