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Rogers Lake Authority Minutes 03/13/2013
A meeting of the Rogers Lake Authority (RLA) was convened at the Rogers Lake Clubhouse at 7:30 pm on March 13, 2013.~ The following members were present:  Robert Recor,  Richard Smith, Tom Mondelci, and Dennis Overfield.  Liz Sunshine, Secretary and five attendees were also present.
The meeting was called to order at approx 7:35 pm. Minutes of January meeting were discussed and a motion to add the following line as the last line of the guest speaker section. In response to Tom Mondelci suggestion of closing the boat launch as it appears to be where the infestation originated.  Please add - immediately above Old Business:  ' Mr. Payton responded that he did not think it likely that the state and federal agency's would allow the closure of the boat launch due to weed infestation.'
A motion to approve the minutes as amended was made by Tom M. and 2nd by Dennis O.  The motion passed by unanimous vote.
Memorial Bench
The Fred Holth Memorial Bench has been set in place in Haynes Park.  The Old Lyme Conservation Commission is in communication with the town to process and prepare the area around the bench for buffer garden plantings.  Signage for the buffer gardens to educate the public of the type and use of the plants is in development.   After the plantings are in place, a dedication of the Memorial bench will be planned.  A request to place one of the benthic mats at the end of the park by the peninsula has been made.  This is in an effort to prevent spring growth in the area of the Memorial Bench.

While the harvesting efforts this summer did remove a huge amount of Fanwort the re-growth rate was tremendous and some of the areas that had been harvested in the beginning of the process needed to be gone over again by the end of the harvesting segment. In addition, new areas of infestation were identified all over the lake not just in the area by the boat launch.

The algae bloom that appeared this summer was also discussed at length.  It has been many years since we have seen an algae bloom of this size and duration.  The RLA board will be doing research into the common causes for such blooms and some actions that can be suggested to reduce this phenomenon in future years. It was mentioned that these blooms and other unusual events should be reported to Mr. Lee at UConn when they occur such that he is aware of all that is happening on the lake as it happens.

It was mentioned that a short and light snow and ice cover this winter may contribute to a larger weed problem this summer. It is believed that the strong winds kept the water open and uncovered by snow allowing sunlight through which may contribute to a longer and earlier growing season for aquatic plants.

The chairman reported that the operating budget was passed by the Old Lyme Board of Finance.  He stated that their appeared to be disappointment on the part of the BOF with the results of the suction harvesting efforts this summer.  The BOF did not approve any funds for additional harvesting or the purchase of Benthic Mats in the upcoming year, instead they requested additional information be provided on alternative solutions.  One option being the use of herbicides such as Fluridone.  There was a discussion regarding some of the known facts of Fluridone, such as; it is one herbicide that has shown some effectiveness on eliminating Fanwort.  However, in order to be considered effective for Fanwort it requires 2X the dosage used to treat Milfoil and a 40-60 day contact period. It was stated that with the many springs feeding into the lake the contact period may prove to be difficult to achieve without the chemical washing away from the springs feeding the lake.  This is especially true in the highest infestation areas.  The boat launch or Jessie's creek, is one of the largest springs coming into the lake.  

It should be noted that the RLA as a board does not hold a position for or against the use of herbicides in the lake.  The request for information from the BOF puts the RLA in a position of a fact finder, information gathering, not as decision maker.  The RLA board will provide information, options, cost estimates and recommendations to town officials regarding all known methods of weed control for their use in determining a plan of action.

Benthic Mats:
Funding for the purchase of additional mats has been put on hold pending additional information requested by the Old Lyme Board of Finance.  It was noted by the Chairman that to do nothing about weed control or abatement for an entire year would be a big mistake.

Dam Construction
All plans are in place permitting in process as the DEEP is updating emergency procedures The project has been put out to contractor bid.

Police Patrol:
The chairman stated that the operating budget including funds for police patrol was passed.
Old Business:

New Business:
A motion to adjourn was made by Robert Recor and Seconded by Tom Mondelci. The vote to adjourn passed by unanimous decision.  Meeting adjourned at 8:53 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Elizabeth Sunshine
Secretary for RLA

The next meeting of the Rogers Lake Association will be on April 10, 2013 at 7:30pm at the Rogers Lake West Shores Clubhouse:

Agenda for 4/10/13 Meeting:

Police Patrol
Benthic Mats
Boat Launch
Dam - Drawdown
Memorial Bench
New Business
Old Business