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Rogers Lake Authority Minutes 03/14/2012

A meeting of the Rogers Lake Authority (RLA) was convened at the Rogers Lake Clubhouse at 7:30 pm on March 14, 2012.~ The following members were present:  Robert Recor and Dick Smith, and Tom Baehr of Old Lyme, Dennis Overfield, Tom Mondelci, and Mike Sicord of Lyme.
Attendees included : Lauralyn Lewis, Linda and George Clough, Sue Baehr and George James of the Old Lyme Conservation Commission
The meeting was called to order at approx 7:30 pm.
Minutes of February meeting were reviewed and additional clarification was requested by Tom Baehr regarding his position against the use the chemical 24D as a form of weed control on the lake and his approval of the use of Benthic mats as safe and effective method of suppression.   
Mike Sicord noted that the agency that would be sharing the cost of a new lake boat with the two towns would be Region 18 not Park and Recreation.
Motion to approve the minutes with corrections was made by Mike Secord, and 2nd by Robert Recor.  The motion passed by unanimous vote.
Dick Smith proposed the following draft for the budget year 2012/2013:
        Boat Launch attendant: Memorial Day to mid September, 360 hours @ 16.00 total        $5,760.00.
       Monitor - Lake authority boat: Memorial Day to mid September, 360 hours @ 16.00 total        $5,760.00.
        Police Patrols: $750.00 by each Town, total     $1,500.00.
        Lake Authority Boat: Maintenance,       $4,000.00.
        Administrative: To Include:
  • Secretarial Services -  $800.00
  • Media and additional meetings -         $200.00
  • Educational materials -  $200.00
  • Membership fee to CT Federation of Lakes -      $150.00
Fanwort removal - Boat Launch area-suction harvesting,  $9,000.00
Milfoil removal - 12 acre site-suction harvesting,       $60,000.00
Benthic mats - weed suppression,        $10,000.00
TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET FOR 2012/2013    $97,370.00
Lyme and Old Lyme are to share equally.
The town asked for a long range plan of 3-5 years.
Dick checked into the purchase of Mats that can be put out and maintained by the company we purchase them from for an initial cost of $500.00 per mat and an additional cost of$600.00 dollars each for installation, removal, cleaning, total $1,100 each the first year.
Each succeeding year would be only $600.00 maintenance fee which includes instillation, removal and cleaning and maintenance of the mats as well as storing of them. In the proposed budget this year, funding for 9 mats 100x7.
Memorial Bench:
Dennis Overfield reported that he spoke with the Old Lyme Board of Finance and that $260.00 has been approved for the purchase of a Memorial Bench. Lyme Town Representative Ralph Eno said we have $1,500.00 remaining in the budget he would be fine if we re-appropriated a portion of that money for a bench.
A motion was made by Tom Baehr and second Tom Mondelci. to move forward and purchase the Memorial Bench with the cost being split between towns; Old Lyme portion being $260.00 and Lyme being $260.00 out of the budget from 2011-2012.
In addition Linda Clough belongs to the Master Gardner's Association and they have approved a grant in the amount of $350.00, for the purchase of Native plants designed to hold soil and reduce erosion and runoff creating a beautiful model environment around the memorial bench. The land around the bench must be prepared for plants before the grant money will be released.
Linda Clough also shared that the Conservation Commission is working on a sign of Do's and Don'ts for the Haynes Park area.
Mike spoke with the Lyme Old Lyme Police and Officer Tom Heinson has stated that he will work with us to have a greater presence on the lake this summer.
Boat Launch Monitor and Patrol Monitor:
D.E.E.P. has a Program "Investigative Invasive Weed Training Program" this is to train boat launch monitor or patrol monitor how to identify and deal with weeds on boats coming into the launch. This should be accomplished prior to opening day of fishing seasons.
Mike Sicord offered to split the patrolling position with another person this year in order to train a new employee in proper techniques and proper handling of the appropriate approach to violators as well as get a first hand understanding of the issues on the lake.
Motion from Tom M. and seconded by Tom Baehr to adopt Mikes proposal to manage and staff patrol and boat launch monitor, passed unanimously.
There was some discussion of the possibilities of closing the boat launch to public access to alleviate future weed infestation, given that studies show that new infestations of weeds are coming from the launch area and NO financial assistance has been given to combat the weed infestation, despite requests for assistance.
Dam Repair:
Robert Recor was at a meeting where Tim Griswold was appointed to head the Dam Project. Steve Gephart told Robert that the installation of a fish ladder was not mandatory to receive grant funds. Dick will get copies of grants and the contract to confirm verbiage, as there is concern as to the changes a fish ladder could make in the lakes ecology long term.
An article in Old Lyme Events states that the town is ready to move forward and they are currently working on permitting with estimates of work starting in August 2013. The town has been awarded the STEAP Grant which will significantly help in the cost of the repairs.
New Business.
The boat launch signage is in disrepair. Dennis Overfield will check into getting appropriate verbiage in order to repair the sign.
Motion to adjourn Mike second by Dennis Overfield. Passed by unanimous vote
Meeting adjourned at 8:55 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Elizabeth Sunshine
Secretary for RLA