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Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes 11/05/2009
Park and Rec Commission
November 5, 2009
Members:  Glynn McAraw Chairman, Mary Ellen Garbarino, John Flower, Roger Zito, Robert Dunn and Donald Bugbee, Director.  Missy Colburn and William Crandall absent.

Meeting started at 7:30pm.

The October minutes were done by Missy.  Glynn and Don were unable to print them from their computer.  They will be voted upon at the December meeting.

Programs:  Don reported
        Fall Soccer :  will end 11/7/09
        Club Soccer:  make-up games in progress…will end mid-November
        High School soccer:  boys still playing
        LL fall baseball:  end this week
        Adult Basketball:  play every Wednesday night
        Zumba class:  thru 12/10/09.  Next session dates TBA
        Yoga class:  thru 12/16/09.  Next session dates TBA
        Youth Basketball signup forms on the website…. play will be 1/9/10 – 3/6/10
               Little League has had Machnik Bros. revamp the Cross Lane field…..They are                    
               looking to possibly putting in irrigation.
Don gave an income report for 8 programs.  Also reported that water is off at all P&R sites.

Town Woods:  report by Bob Dunn
               Reported Town went out to bid for the landscape/maintenance project for Town Woods.  Had 4 responders.   The bid has not been awarded yet.  Still checking details.

Glynn was asked by gym teacher at Mile Creek School about P& R creating a track for the kids at the school.  Discussion followed and it was decided to dismiss this as a P&R issue as it should be directed to School District #18, who own the land.

Meeting adjourned at 8pm.
Next meeting December 3, 2009

Respectfully submitted
Doris Johnson