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Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes 10/02/2008

Park and Rec Commission
October 2, 2008

Members:  Glynn McAraw, Chairman, Donald Bugbee, Director; William Crandall, Robert Dunn, Missy Colburn.
Absent:  John Flower, Roger Zito. Mary Ellen Garbarino

Meeting started at 7:31 pm.

Minutes of the September 4, 2008 meeting were approved as written.
Minutes of the September 16, 2008 Special meeting were approved as written.

Soccer is ongoing.  There are 18 teams.
Yoga:  1st session is in progress…will end 11/5/08…. 2nd session will start 11/14/08
Open gym Basketball:  started 9/10/08….meet on Wednesdays entire school year
Flag Football:  TBD no decision on program…numbers down….conflicts on Saturday meet time.
Youth Basketball:  Sign ups begin 10/20/08
Town Woods Park is busy….7 days….soccer club there everyday….High School practice session take place there.  Girl Scouts want to replace flag at Town Woods.  They will be using a flag that flew over the White House, incorporating this with a ceremony.  This will enable them to achieve a badge.
Hains Park:  open for rowers.  Question was asked about the status of the building.  Noted that the building is owned by the Town who leases it to the school for $1 a yr.  The school maintains the building.  Don will be going thru all the facilities looking for any needed upgrades, in preparation for upcoming budget process.
Summer Camp:  already had work related inquiries.
Town Woods Park Phase 11 opening ceremony was September 20th.   “Everyone’s Happy” said Bob Dunn, Chairman of the Building Committee.  Plaques have been mounted.  The 3 plaques valued at $1004 were purchased thru Gull Associates of Old Lyme, less $200 donation from Gull.  The final cost was $804 plus shipping.  A thank you has been sent to Gull Associates.
Summer Soccer Camp:  Contract expired this year.  Because of the need to rest/close the fields at Town Woods for a period of time and the best time for this is during the summer, Don is looking into a different approach next year for camp.  Some options include using Lyme facility….start program in Mid-July to Mid-August.  TBD.
Little League: Commission sent letter in answer to possible improvements to fields as suggested by LL.  It states that at the Sept 16 Special meeting, “A motion was made that Town Woods will remain in as built condition, as pre-approved at separate town meetings, to serve the whole community.”  It was approved unanimously.   “Town Woods serves the community and does not lend itself to flexibility.  This limits the service to community. “  However, they did vote to provide materials to replace and/or repair as necessary bleachers and dug-outs at the girls field. Unanimously approved. The Tree Warden will look at the possible removal of a oak tree.   
Received the donation of a defribrillator  to be placed at Town Woods.  Discussed various locations for placement.  Don will check and determine the best place for easy access to all.

Meeting adjourned at 8:07pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Doris Johnson, Secretary

Next meeting of the Park and Rec Commission scheduled to take place November 6, 2008 at Town Hall, 7:30pm.