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Open Space Commission Minutes 04/30/2019
        Old Lyme Open Space Commission
        Special Meeting Minutes
        April 30, 2019

Members Present: Co-Chair Amanda Blair, Co-Chair Bill Dunbar, Secretary Peter Cable, Bruce Baratz, Greg Futoma, Gary Gregory, Evan Griswold

1. Call to Order

Co-Chair Bill Dunbar called the meeting to order at 9:02am.

2. Discussion of 19-1 Great Oak Rd & 20-1 Short Hills Rd Resubdivision Conservation Easement

Discussion began with the observation that a lot-line modification to the resubdivision application had been approved on April 29, 2019, prior to approval of the resubdivision application. The modification approval included no accounting for identified and affected conservation easement on the property in question. It was noted by Evan Griswold that conservation easements are in perpetuity and not subject to modification without agreement by the State Attorney General. In following discussion Commission members agreed that the modification was deleterious to the purposes and condition of the property identified as under conservation easement, and therefore, to the Town’s open space.

A motion was made by Evan, second by Bill, that the Commission should authorize Rick Cody, attorney representing OLOSC, to send a letter to OL Planning Commission stating the unacceptable affects of the resubdivision modification under question and noting that the modification is not permitted without approval of OLOSC and the CT AG; further the letter should state that if the situation is not rectified the OLOSC will issue an injunction to reverse the approved modification. The motion passed unanimously.

3. Adjournment

At 9:55am on motion by Evan, second by Bill, it was voted to adjourn the meeting.

Peter Cable
May 3, 2019