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Historic District Commission Minutes 11/03/2014
Historic District Commission Meeting Minutes

                                                 Regular Meeting

                                             Monday, November 3, 2014

Memorial Town Hall, 52 Lyme Street, Old Lyme, CT
REGULAR: John Forbis (Vice Chairman), Jim Bechtel, Joanne DiCamillo, Ken Levin
ALTERNATE: Barbara Traskos, Dini Mallory, Jeff Cooley
John Pfeiffer (Chairman)
Chuck Hinckley, Keith Rosenfeld, Stanford Brainerd, Keith Rosenfeld
Call to order, Quorum call, Approval of minutes, Communications
Public Open Forum
Active CofAs: 31 Lyme Street, 77 Lyme Street landscape screening, 84 Lyme Street Sill House steps
Plaque Program Update: Ferry Road, 4 Johnnycake Hill Road, 27 Library Lane, 31 Lyme Street, Ancillary buildings program
Lyme Street street signs
Secretary’s Report
Any other new or old business to come before the Commission (Village Shops Parking Signs, Center School Fence, historic buildings tour)

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Vice Chairman John Forbis.
Joanne DiCamillo made a motion, seconded by Jim Bechtel, to approve the October minutes. John Forbis, Jim Bechtel, Joanne DiCamillo, and Ken Levin voted in favor, Motion passed.

Communications: none

1. Public Open Forum: Stanford Brainerd expressed concern about the increased commercialization of the Historic District. Recently there was a three day sale at 71 Lyme Street which was advertised as an estate sale, but which had merchandise brought in from another location. Vitality Spa has applied for a change of use so that it can offer wellness classes at night. There are ten commercial properties in the HD, but only two are owned by people who live in Old Lyme. The HDC should take an interest in preserving the character of the Historic District.
Keith Rosenfeld, ZEO, agreed that the sale at 71 Lyme Street was not an estate sale, but more of a “pop-up store”.
Joanne DiCamillo mentioned that this is happening town wide and that Russ Antiques, of Old Saybrook, had the same sort of sale on Sill Lane last year, on two weekends in a row. It was billed as an estate sale, but other merchandise was brought in from out of town.
Keith Rosenfeld will make inquiries and send a cease and desist letter to the homeowner, with copies to the business involved. He will provide a copy for the HDC. Scan and email copy to HDC members (Martha Hansen).
Vitality Spa has applied to the Zoning Commission for a special permit to extend the range of services offered and to create a wellness life style education school. Mr. Rosenfeld recommended that HDC members attend the next Zoning Commission meeting on November 10 when the Vitality Spa application will be heard. Vitality Spa has also applied to the ZBA for approval of some other uses, that appeal will be considered at the ZBA meeting in January, 2015.
Jim Bechtel stated that he is concerned about non-residential parking if the spa is open 7 days a week from 7:45 am to 9 pm. Dini Mallory agreed that it would change the character of the neighborhood to have activity extend later into the evening. The Historic District is a residential neighborhood with exceptions for businesses and should remain that way.

Joanne DiCamillo stated that Mimi Brainard’s yoga studio (located in the building behind the Cooley Gallery) may want to extend operating hours, too.

Jim Bechtel recommended that the HDC send a letter to the Zoning Commission expressing their concern and citing the non-residential parking entry in the HD handbook, making the point that the HD should revert to a residential neighborhood at night. Prepare and deliver letter to Zoning Commission (Martha Hansen).

2. Active CofAs:
a) 31 Lyme Street CofAs
Chuck Hinckley reported on the status of the CofAs: 1) the south side porch railing has been installed; 2) the front porch lighting has been installed; 3) the south porch light fixture has been ordered and will be installed as soon as it arrives; 4) the new mailbox has been ordered and will be installed as soon as it arrives; 5) the exterior flagpole hardware has been removed. New hardware has been ordered and will be installed as soon as it arrives; 6) the front hedges will be pruned as soon as the ground hardens a bit to prevent unnecessary damage; 7) the abandoned chimney is scheduled to be removed later this month once contractor vehicles are no longer blocking the driveway.
Joanne DiCamillo (Advanced Master Gardener and chair of the Tree Commission) recommended waiting until March to trim the hedges, as they will grow back faster then.    

b) 77 Lyme Street, Southwick Commons landscape screening:
John Pfeiffer met with Todd Jokl to discuss the situation. Martha Hansen handed out a timeline for the project, which began in November, 2011, when the CofA for the crosswalk was approved. Keep the HDC updated (John Pfeiffer).  

c) 84 Lyme Street Sill House steps: John Forbis stated that the HDC supported replacing the existing steps with the more original design of a straight step. John Schroeder, LACFA board member, was open to the idea, and was willing to forego the portion of the grant money allocated for the renovation of the steps (current design). John Forbis and Jim Bechtel offered to help raise funds to pay for the straight step and requested a cost estimate from Wyeth Architects, which was never received. Mr. Forbis wants to ensure that this agreement is continued with the Lyme Academy’s new administration. Discuss with John Pfeiffer (John Forbis).

d) 110 Lyme Street – The AC condenser has not been screened. Contact John Noyes (Martha Hansen).

5. Plaque Program Update: Martha Hansen
20 Ferry Road: Research continues. (Martha Hansen and Pamela Hamilton).
23 Ferry Road: Research continues. (Martha Hansen and Robin Sedgwick).
4 Johnnycake Hill Road: Dyanne Rafal plans to do the research with help from Martha Hansen
1 Library Lane: Contacted Eve Todd (Martha Hansen).
27 Library Lane: Land records research has been completed. Judy Archer has obtained some additional documentation showing a construction invoice for the house, dated 1855.  The 1860 census shows John Appleby living there, with his family, occupation….
31 Lyme Street: Research has finished, Plaque has been ordered “Capt. Daniel Chadwick ca 1830”
206 Mile Creek Road: Gary Holland is interested in a plaque for his house which he thinks was built in 1914. Contact Mr. Holland (Martha Hansen).

An article about the plaque program will be published in the next Events magazine, which is scheduled to be published in early December. Write an article for Events magazine promoting the plaque program (Martha Hansen).

Ancillary Buildings program
The HDC plans to create a list identifying historic ancillary buildings in Old Lyme.
Charlotte Hitchcock of the CT Trust has been contacted regarding a tour of the buildings in Old Lyme. Work out details with Charlotte Hitchcock (Martha Hansen).

Lyme Street Signage: Martha Hansen passed around information regarding Thomaston, Maine’s “Museum in the Street” which incorporates some street signage with walking tour brochures. The Old Lyme Historical Society (55 Lyme Street) has published a walking tour of Lyme Street and may be interested in this idea. It may be a good candidate for a grant.
Check with CT Trust and CCC& T (Martha Hansen). Invite Tim Griswold and Mark Lander to the December HDC meeting (John Forbis).

Jeff Cooley stated that there are no (or very few) signs identifying Lyme Street. Joanne DiCamillo stated that Public Works is in charge of putting up street signs. The standard signs have white letters on a green background and are reflective. Jim Bechtel stated that good examples of street signs may be found in Suffield, CT. Look for examples of street signs and bring photos to the December meeting (HDC members).

5. Secretary’s Report:
A letter was mailed to John Rhodes regarding the missing section of Center School fence, with copies to Ian Neviaser, and Keith Rosenfeld. John Rhodes replied with the information that the fence section had been reinstalled.
The HDC budget for FY2015/2016 has been submitted to the Finance Director. The budget totaled $4,600, $150 less than last year. $100 was deducted from the Advertising budget, and $50 was deducted from the Office Supplies budget.

6. Any Other New or Old Business:
a) Village Shops signage: The sandwich board signs are back.
Contact Keith Rosenfeld for an update (Martha Hansen).

b) The house at 38 Lyme Street has weeds growing out of the gutters and has been empty for about five years. Contact Keith Rosenfeld about the house (Martha Hansen).
7. Adjournment:
Jim Bechtel made a motion, seconded by Ken Levin, to adjourn the meeting at 10:46 am. All present voted in favor. Motion passed

Martha Hansen
Recording Secretary