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Harbor Management Commission Minutes 06/14/2016
Meeting Minutes
The Old Lyme Harbor Management Commission
June 14, 2016


Regular Members Present:  Bob Doyen, Ned Farman, George Finley, John MacDonald, Mike Mackey (ex-officio), Michael Magee, Tom Myer, Harry Plaut (ex-officio), Steve Ross

Alternate Members Present:  

Absent:  Robert Falaguerra, Bill Harris

Guests:  Todd Nori (Angus McDonald & Gary Sharpe)
Keith Neilson (Docko)

Chairman Steve Ross called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM.  

a.       Clerks Report:  Approval of Minutes
John MacDonald moved to accept the minutes of Regular Meeting May 10, 2016 and George Finley seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

b.      Correspondence – to be discussed under the Presentations

c.       Treasurer’s Report:  Approval of Report for May 2016  
Bill Harris was not at the meeting.  This item was tabled until the July meeting.

Steve Ross moved to move an item under New Business to Presentations.
Todd Nori of Angus McDonald / Gary Sharpe and Associates (Catalano).  
George Finley seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

Keith Neilson - Docko
1.  Application from Meslow, 38 Sea View Terrace, Point O’Woods
Keith Neilson of Docko stated that he had put in a General Permit Application for a removable ladder at the base of some ledge on the property.  Said ladder would only be used for swimming purposes.  He reported that he has to apply for a full permit as the general permit will not suffice.  There was a discussion.  This item will be put on a future agenda of the HMC at such time as an application is received.

2.  COP for South Lyme Marina
Keith Neilson reviewed what has transpired since the last HMC meeting.  The primary issue of this project is to allow the owner to re-install docks that have already been permitted.  Mr. Neilson reviewed the problems caused from the dredging along with his discussions with Rob at Patriot and the DEEP.  Steve Ross reported that there had been an agreement between South Lyme Marina and Patriot during the dredging project, but that the HMC had no knowledge of the specifics.  Steve had received an email from Coastline Consulting, including photos, that corrective measures related to the Notice of Violation had been completed by Patriot.  Steve commented that Patriot had not unloaded any dredge material at the marina, only equipment, so it is not likely from their dredging. Harry Plaut asked if it could have been from the dredging at Four Mile River Marina. Keith simply indicated where that was located, but did not state it was not, so the question is whether unloading of their material was done in the area.

3.   Black Hall Outfitters – Update
Steve Ross asked Keith Neilson if he had any updates on this matter.  Steve reported that he had spoken to a representative at the DEEP a week ago and they had not received the signed Consent Order back from Black Hall Outfitters.  Keith Neilson had no other information on this.  There was a discussion as to what work had been completed and what still needed to be done.

Todd Nori - Angus McDonald & Gary Sharpe Associates
4. Katherine Catalano, 30 Homestead Circle  COP
Todd Nori presented information on the COP for dock repairs and alterations on property located at 30 Homestead Circle. The first portion of the dock will be elevated with stairs keeping it above tidal wetlands.  This section will then step down to the original lower dock.  Todd stated that the DEEP is on board with this project.  There was a discussion.  George Finley moved to respond to the COP Consultation Form that the HMC finds it consistent with their regulations and that they are in favor of its approval.  Ned Farman seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

a.       Member Appointments
There are three openings for Alternates.  John MacDonald stated that he has spoken to someone who did show interest in becoming an Alternate.  This person will send in the appropriate paperwork.

b.      Pilgrim Landing – Mike Magee
Mike Magee thanked Commission Members for helping with the clean-up at no cost to the Town.  He reported that more debris, including a finger dock, has washed up since the clean-up.  There was a discussion about what to do going forward, and it was agreed that it will be dealt with on a case to case basis.  Steve Ross thanked Mike Magee for organizing the clean-up and hauling the debris to the transfer station.  There was a discussion about boats being left on the rack, leaving no room for others who use their boats frequently.  Steve Ross suggested sending notices to permit holders who use the rack regarding tagging their boats to identify them.  This way abandoned boats could be dealt with easily.
Mike Magee suggested the implementation of a map of moorings in the Calves Island area making it easy to identify ownership and location of each mooring.  George Finley would also like to see this done for the beach areas.  George agreed to coordinate this effort and work with Mike Magee.  They will report back to the HMC.

c.      Dinghy Dock – Mike Mackey
The Dock has been installed.

d.      Potential Public Access Site West Bank of Lt. River and Halls Road
Foot bridge across Lt. River - John MacDonald liaison with Halls Improvement Committee

Discuss proposals requested for walkway & platform received from Docko & Coastline
Proposals were received from Docko and Coastline.  
None has been received from Angus McDonald / Gary Sharpe and Associates.  
These will be forwarded to HMC members via email in the next day or so.  

Discuss approach for obtaining funding
Ned Farman and Steve Ross had spoken to Bonnie Reemsnyder about going to the DEEP
Commissioner and asking how to apply for Long Island Sound grant money.  At this time there is nobody in charge of this at the State and this could get the ball rolling at the DEEP.  Steve stated that it is clear from the proposals that about $10,000 will be needed just to get the engineering and design work done.  This would be the only Town-owned public access site that is an ADA accessible walkway to the water.

a.      Harbor Master Report Harry Plaut and Mike Mackey

Status of moorings unclaimed that were pulled in 2013-14 (6 available to sell)
Harry Plaut reported that two moorings have been sold for a total of $450.  There was a question as to whether Old Lyme Marina had sent a check yet.  Steve Ross will check with Bill Harris when he is back in Town and let Harry know.  If one has not been received, Harry will stop in to Old Lyme Marina to pick one up.

Harbor Master recap of activity since last meeting
Harry Plaut reported that by May 10 he had received and filled out eleven permits.
He participated in a practice drill sponsored by the City of New London on May 11.
He met with Steve Ross and Ned Farman regarding his attendance at the HMC meetings.
He reviewed questions he had fielded about mooring permits.
He dealt with runaway docks and debris in the river.
He inspected moorings and answered questions about boat documentation.

There was a discussion about a derelict dock in the Lt. River.  At this time it is tied up to a private citizen’s dock on the river.  There is a protocol in place as to how this will be handled.  Harry Plaut will take a dinghy up the river to see if he can locate the owner of the derelict dock.  If no owner is found, the Town will take care of dealing with it.  

Status of 2016 mooring applications and inspection reports
Mike Mackey reported that there are eleven inspection reports and that not all applications have one.  There was a question whether Frank Maratta, Old Lyme Dock and Old Lyme Marina had sent in their applications and fees.  Steve Ross will check with Bill Harris on this and report back to Harry.  Harry will take some applications to Old Lyme Dock.

Discuss mooring inspection frequency per Harry Plaut’s request
Currently mooring inspections are required every four years.  Harry Plaut feels that this is too long between inspections.  There was a discussion and each Commission Member voiced his opinion.  The general consensus was that the inspection fequency will remain as is.  Steve Ross suggested that a note should be added to the charts recommending that people inspect their moorings more often depending on amount of wear and the mooring size.  Harry Plaut will draft this text  and send to Ned and Steve for their review.

b.      Dredging of Four Mile and Black Hall Rivers Ned Farman and Steve Ross
Notice of Violation at South Lyme Marina Status
These items are completed.

a.              Notice of Non-Compliance at Romeo property on Buttonball Rd
Steve Ross reported that the work has been completed and the Romeos are now in compliance according to Kevin Zawoy at DEEP.

b.              Permit Application for Meslow 38 Sea View Dr- swim float and ladder
This item was discussed earlier in the Agenda.

c.              COP issued for South Lyme Marina- piers, site work & minor dredging
This item was discussed earlier in the Agenda.

d.              Consent Order for Black Hall Outfitters
This item was discussed earlier in the Agenda.

e.      Next meeting
The next meeting of the Harbor Management Commission will be on July 12, 2016.

George Finley reported that a very large log is on the beach in front of Edge Lea below the high tide line.  The log is about 40 – 50 feet long and 3 feet in diameter and poses a danger as many kids are climbing on it.  George does not feel that it will go out to sea anytime soon.  If it were to roll over, it could crush somebody.  There was a discussion as to how to get it removed.  George stated that he will ask his beach association (Old Lyme Shores) to pay someone to cut it up and hoped that the Town would accept it at the transfer station at no cost.  This log is not on private property as it is below the high tide line.  Steve Ross and Ned Farman will take a look at it and talk to Bonnie Reemsnyder about a plan for removal.


Ned Farman moved and George Finley seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:43 PM.

Submitted by,

Mary Ellen Garbarino