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Harbor Management Commission Minutes 06/10/2014
Meeting Minutes
The Old Lyme Harbor Management Commission
June 10, 2014


Members present:  Bob Doyen, Ned Farman, Bill Harris, Mike Magee, Tom Meyer, Harry Plaut, and Steven Ross
Alternate Member present:  Curtiss Rasmussen (seated for Dave Frederiks)
Absent:  Robert Falaguerra, Dave Frederiks, James Jakes, Mike Mackey
Guest:  Gene Chmiel, Owner of the Black Hall Marina

A quorum being present, Chairman Ross called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

  • Clerk’s Report
A motion was made by Bob Doyen and seconded by Ned Farman, to approve the minutes of the meeting of May 13, 2014.  Motion passed unanimously and the minutes were accepted as submitted. ~

  • Correspondence
Steven Ross reported that the only correspondence received related to (Agenda Item 4b Dredging Study) and it will be addressed at that time.  This was from Coast Line Consulting.

  • Treasurer’s Report
Bill Harris presented the Treasurer’s Report for May 2014, which was accepted with no changes or corrections.  A copy of this report is on file with the minutes.  

  • Member Appointments
1. No Vacancies

2. Email to HMC Member James Jakes
Steven Ross reported that he had emailed Commission member James Jakes regarding his absence from all meetings since his appointment in December 2013.  There has been no response to his emails to date so he will call him.

b.      Pilgrim Landing Mike Magee
Mike Magee reported that Pilgrim Landing looks good and that all the debris has been removed.

c.      Dinghy Dock Mike Mackey
In the absence of Make Mackey, Steven Ross reported that the Dingy Dock is in the water and the ramp had been lowered to it.  The Dingy Dock is in service.

d.      Potential Public Access Site West Bank of Lt. River and Halls Road

        1. Phase 2 Foot Bridge Across Lt River Sub-committee on Hold
        Steven Ross reported that Phase 2 is presently on hold.
        2.  Phase 3 Proposed Ramp Application Survey Bids
No discussion pending acceptance of land at Town Meeting.
e.      Request to DEEP for Acquisition of Land Parcel Adjacent to Lt. River
The DEEP has agreed to turn over to the Town a parcel of land adjacent to the Lt. River.  The acceptance of this parcel will need to go to a Special Town Meeting for approval.  The Planning Commission needs to give their opinion before this can go to a Town Meeting.

f.      Harbor Master Waiting for Appointment from the Governors Office
Steven Ross reported that we are still waiting for the Governor to send a letter to the Town regarding the appointment of our Harbor Master.

  • Harbor Master Report – Mike Mackey
In the absence of Mike Mackey, this was tabled.

1. Harbor Master Letter of Agreement
Steven Ross read the draft of the Harbor Master Letter of Agreement.  There was a discussion with suggestions made for minor changes in the text and the possibility of amendments.  Steven Ross will research amending the section of the Harbor Management Plan regarding the Mooring Committee and associated language.

Tom Meyer moved to accept the Harbor Master Letter of Agreement.  Bob Doyen seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

  • Dredging Study
Ned Farman reported that the final stages of testing and studies are underway along with the regulatory application reports.  He is hoping that in a month or so everything will be ready to send to the State and the Army Corp of Engineering for approval.  At the conclusion of the application process, there should still be a good amount of money left to begin dredging.  Other grants may be applied for after the application is approved.

Steven Ross reported that the face to face meeting with Sue Bailey of the DEEP went well.

  • LIS Markers for OL River Approaches (Robert Falaguerra and Harry Plaut)
Harry Plaut reported that he is ready to place marker CG2554 in Long Island Sound in the area of where one would enter Black Hall River.  He asked what the exact coordinates are for placement of said marker.  Steven Ross will get these.  

a.      Dock Applications Steven Ross
Steven Ross stated that no dock applications were received this month.  He reported that the Sedgwick’s (Ferry Road) dock is almost complete.

b.      DEEP Violations
Steven Ross reported that the DEEP is still waiting for a new plan to be submitted by the Scanlons.

c.      Next Meeting of Harbor Management Commission
The next meeting of the Harbor Management Commission will be on July 8, 2014.

a.      Violation Stickers
Violation stickers need to be ordered.  There will be several changes made to the stickers.

Bill Harris moved to order new violation stickers after Harry Plaut gets pricing and subject to approval by the Chair and Vice Chair.  Harry Plaut seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

b.      Certificate of Insurance held by Companies Placing Moorings
Harry Plaut places the moorings and holds insurance.  He asked if other companies who might bid on doing the same work for the Town, would have to show certificates of insurance in order to bid.  Steven stated that liability for mooring by a company hired by the mooring/permit holder is a matter between them. The HMC only issues a permit but has nothing to do with who is hired to place the mooring.

c.      Slow / No Wake Buoys Request
Harry Plaut reported that he had been approached by a couple of Beach Associations asking if the Town could place “slow / no wake” buoys in the water at their beaches.  The Commission felt that this was not their responsibility.

Bob Doyen moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 PM., seconded by Bill Harris.  SO VOTED.

Submitted by,

Mary Ellen Garbarino