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Harbor Management Commission Minutes 11/12/2013
Minutes of a Meeting of
The Old Lyme Harbor Management Commission
November 12, 2013

Members present Robert Falaguerra, Ned Farman, Mike Magee, Mike Moran, Harry Plaut, and Steven Ross.
Alternate Member present—Curt Rasmussen, seated for Bill Harris
Absent – Bob Doyen. Dave Frederiks, Bill Harris, Mike Mackey, Tom Meyer
Guests: Bonnie Reemsnyder, Town Selectwoman; Patti Myers, potential Clerk replacement

A quorum being present, Chairman Ross called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Clerk’s Report
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and accepted as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report
No report this month as Bill Harris was absent and had not received the financial documents for the month from the Town Hall. This month’s report will be included at the next meeting.

Member Appointments
Steven Ross noted that Curt Rasmussen is a new Alternate Member but there remain two more Alternate Member vacancies. Steven reported that he had received an application from James Jake who he had invited to tonight’s meeting although it was short notice.  He will contact and invite him to the next meeting.

Pilgrim Landing
Mike Magee reported that the Pilgrim Landing area is fine for the season.  Mike Moran reported that he had placed stickers on offending boats at the rack.

Dinghy Dock
Steven Ross reported that the dinghy dock is ready to come out for the season and will be pulled by Old Lyme Dock shortly.

Potential Public Access Site—West bank of Lt. River
Phase 2- Foot bridge across Lt. River—on hold.
Phase 3- Ramp application--Steven Ross thanked Bonnie Reemsnyder for pursuing with great progress the state-owned land parcel that borders on the south side of the potential access site.
Steven Ross reported that after contacting Sue Bailey by email and telephone, he received a response that if the ramp is below the coastal jurisdiction line it would require a permit from DEEP but they would be liberal in their requirements. If the ramp is located upland of the coastal jurisdiction line, only a permit from the Town is needed. A survey is needed to determine the coastal jurisdiction line. Steven plans to bring to the HMC January meeting the approximate cost of a survey and an application, with the assistance of Keith Nielson of Docko.  Keith will determine whether the HMC can use the survey Angus did for the Graybill application on the opposite side to the potential access site to help identify the CJL.

Town Report Write-up
Harry Plaut and Steven Ross were to draft a report that reviews the HMC work for the Annual Town Report. After review, they found that the most activity for the Commission was with the Dredging Study.  With that in mind, they asked Ned Farman to write the HMC report since it had been his project during the year.  Members were able to read the draft that he submitted. Mike Moran’s suggestion that photos could accompany the article was well received by members.  Steven and Ned will make a final review before submitting it to Michele Dickey for publishing.

Old Lyme Fire Dock
Steven Ross reported that Bonnie Reemsnyder is moving forward with the application for the Old Lyme Fire Dock despite a dispute by a resident regarding ownership of the land.  The Town Attorney will note the completed surveying of the property and ask DEEP to base their decision on the application of the Town-owned property noting that property disputes are not within the DEEP jurisdiction.

Harbor Master
Mike Moran gave an update on the moorings that have been pulled by Harry Plaut that were either illegal or unpermitted or unidentified.  Steven Ross noted that there were 33 moorings pulled and that the goal will be to recover the money that the HMC paid to have these pulled by selling the abandoned moorings as well as attempting to recover the costs from the mooring owners. Mike is ordering stickers to use on illegal moorings during the 2014 season. He will get a finalized 2013 mooring report to Steven Ross in the near future and Steven will email this report to members. Mike and Harry will coordinate regarding the proper fees to be charged for mooring owners. Members decided to waive the fine for an owner if they had a permit--the owner will just be charged for pulling the mooring. Unpermitted mooring owners will be fined and charged full fees.

Dredging Study
Ned Farman gave an update on the continued progress of the Dredging Study.  In Phase 2, Tasks 2.1 Benthic Study is proceeding well. Task 2.2 Grain size evaluation and disposal is also making good progress. Members discussed possible solutions for disposal of dredged materials. Ned will contact local authorities for input/support from an ornithology standpoint. Steven Ross noted that the Shellfish Commission will be submitting a letter with its support of the Study.

LIS Markers for OL river approaches
Robert Falaguerra reported that he had been working in conjunction with the USCG and Long Island Sound agencies to make good progress with the application for markers at the Old Lyme river approaches. He sees no reason that the application will not be approved. Members noted the great progress he has made with this project.

2014 Meeting Schedule
Motion made by Bob Falaguerra seconded by Ned Farman to approve the 2014 meeting schedule as drafted and submit to Town Hall. Motion passed unanimously.  Members noted that there will be no meetings in February, August or December.

Nomination and Election of Officers
Motion made by Harry Plaut seconded by Bob Falaguerra to nominate and re-elect the following HMC Officers for 2014: Steven Ross, Chairman; Ned Farman, Vice-Chairman; Bill Harris, Treasurer, Dave Frederiks, Secretary. Motion passed unanimously.

Dock Applications
None received this month.

DEEP Violations
None received this month.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 PM.

Submitted by:
Janet S. Cody, Clerk