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Harbor Management Commission Minutes 01/10/2012
Minutes of a Meeting of
The Old Lyme Harbor Management Commission
January 10, 2012

Members presentNed Farman, Dave Frederiks, Bill Harris, Mike Magee, Mike Moran, Harry Plaut, Steve Ross, Dave Zita.
Alternates present – Robert Falaguerra.
Absent – Bob Doyen, Charlie Delinks, Mike Mackey.

A quorum being present, Chairman Ross called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Steve welcomed newly- elected Town Selectwoman Bonnie Reemsnyder to the meeting and members introduced themselves to her.

Clerk’s Report
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and accepted as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report
Bill Harris presented the Treasurer’s report, which was accepted for audit.  A copy of the report is on file with the minutes.

Member Appointments
Steve Ross noted that there remain two Alternate Member positions available.

Pilgrim Landing
Mike Magee reported that there is no new information regarding Pilgrim Landing during this season.

Dinghy Dock
Mike Moran reported that the dinghy dock is out of the water and appears to be in good shape.

Potential Public Access Site—West bank of Lt. River
Phase One-Improvements: Mike Magee reported that Public Works had improved the area by clearing a ten foot right of way, grading the road and placing a barricade at its end. The barricade is not exactly in the desired place but can be changed if it does not meet with the Old Lyme Fire Department’s criteria. Harry Plaut stated that he had met with Ann Brown who suggested that the HMC notify Zoning of what improvements have been made as well as touch base with the Planning Commission. Steve Ross will address the project at the next Planning Commission meeting that he will be attending.  Harry will draft a letter to the Zoning Commission as well as review with Steve Ross the forms that Ann Brown gave to Harry.
Harry Plaut raised concerns regarding the need for a cleanup to the area as well as an adjacent area on the Lt. River. Members discussed the situation briefly and Steve Ross noted that this should be addressed further at the next meeting.

Harry Plaut noted that he is able to donate two concrete benches for the area once the site is ready.

Phase Two: Dock Application: Steve Ross reported that he still has not received the letter of permission from Land Acquisition at DEEP. He will contact the office one more time and if he receives no response, he will contact the Commissioner.

The regular meeting was tabled for the guest presentation.

Guest Presentation by Keith Nielson Regarding the Academy Lane Fire Well Access
Keith Nielson reported that on behalf of the Town of Old Lyme he has recently submitted the COP application to DEEP for the restoration of the Academy Lane Fire Well access and dock.  Due to unusual circumstances, the tidal wetland vegetation that was previously present at the site has been choked out by invasive false indigo. In view of this, Sue Bailey at DEEP is willing to process the application with the same vision of a year ago which was to restore the dock and land to functional status. Steve noted that slightly more than $20,000 which was budgeted for the project one year ago is still in place to finance the project. Keith noted that he would appreciate HMC support and that DEEP currently has the application. It should be forwarded soon to the HMC for its approval.  Keith had already met with Bonnie Reemsnyder and the Town will apply for zoning compliance. Keith will draft a letter on behalf of the HMC to Zoning for members to review prior to the March meeting.

The regular meeting resumed the order of the agenda.

Potential Public Access Site—West bank of Lt. River—Phase Two: Steve Ross researched Federal law regarding ADA compliance for docks and found that the dock does need to be ADA compliant.

Phase Three-Footbridge: Members discussed fundraising efforts for the footbridge with public, private and foundation donations.  Steve Ross noted that the Florence Griswold Development Office could be very helpful in assisting with the fund raising effort as well as having historical information to assist with the appearance of the bridge to closely resemble the former Bow bridge. Steve will contact Jim Graybill as to whether he would be willing to have the bridge connect onto his property on the east side.

Letter Sent to Brian Thompson at DEEP
Steve Ross and Dave Zita had discussed whether to respond to the letter written by Brian Thompson of the DEEP. Members gave further input and after discussion it was decided that the HMC will not respond to Mr. Thompson’s letter.

Harbor Master
Mike Moran reported that the Town moorings are out. Members discussed the changes in the CT River and beachfront communities following Hurricane Irene.  Mike presented his hours for his personal boat use for 2011. Motion made by Harry Plaut seconded by Mike Magee to accept the Harbor Master’s bill to the Treasurer for $855 for 19 hours at $45/hr. Motion passed unanimously.

Harbor Management Plan
Charlie Delinks and Steve Ross edited and checked for updates on the Harbor Management Plan. They made good progress and expect the Plan to be completed and placed on the Town’s website by March. Members thanked Dave Zita for his previous work on the Plan that enabled Charlie to scan the document.

Ned Farman and Steve Ross met before December 25 with Town Finance Manager, Joe Salvatore of DOT, First Selectwoman Bonnie Reemsnyder and Selectwoman Mary Jo Nosal to discuss the shoaling grant and the process for the project. Ned is currently creating an RFP for Phase One of the dredging design study to include survey and testing, bathometric, volumetric and historical review. As a result of the study, a state-of-the-art software graphic depiction of various dredging scenarios of the two waterways as well as a prioritized list of recommendations with regard to cost and feasibility, and permitting, etc. would be requested.  Once the software/document is created, it is vetted by the Town, the Town’s attorney, and the DOT. Before the RFP is sent out, a municipal agreement between the DOT and the Town of Old Lyme would need to be signed to include the process of how the grant money would be spent and released to the Town.  The Town would be paying the bills first and then be reimbursed by the DOT.  Ned is indicating that as much as half the money or up to $100,000 could be spent on Phase One but realistically hopes it will be much less. After this work is completed, there would be a hiatus before the project would seek partners to join with the Town in working to plan the work to be completed based on the scientific data. Then it would move on to Phase Two based on the scenarios.

Appreciation to Dave Zita
The HMC members expressed appreciation to Dave Zita for his work on the HMC report for the Town Annual Report.

Harbor Master Banquet in Branford
Harry Plaut reported that the Harbor Master banquet that was held in Branford last December acknowledged notable Harbor Masters for their work. It also reviewed the new dredging efforts in the area.

Nomination and Election of Officers
Motion made by Harry Plaut seconded by Ned Farman to nominate and re-elect the existing HMC Officers for 2012. Motion passed unanimously.

2012 Meeting Schedule
Motion made by Bill Harris seconded by Dave Frederiks to approve the 2012 meeting schedule as drafted by Steve Ross and Janet Cody. Motion passed unanimously.

Dock Applications
The only dock application that was received was regarding the Academy Lane Fire Well Access.

DEP Violations
A letter was received from DeAva Lambert to the HMC regarding the Romeo violation. The Romeos will submit a new application and pay a fee that is four times the normal application fee.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 PM. Members were reminded that the next meeting will be March 13, 2012.

Submitted by:
Janet S. Cody, Clerk