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Harbor Management Commission Minutes 07/14/2009
Minutes of a Meeting of
The Old Lyme Harbor Management Commission
July 14, 2009

Members present Bill Harris, Mike Magee, Jon Mittelman, Mike Moran, Mark Rohrberg, Steve Ross.
Alternates present – Susan Connors, Ned Farman.
Absent – Charlie Delinks, Bob Doyen, Dave Frederiks, Mike Mackey, Dave Zita.
Guest: Torrance Downes

A quorum being present, Vice-Chairman Steven Ross opened the meeting at 7:31 PM. He announced that with the submitted resignation of Chairman Doyen due to a change in employment schedule that he would chair tonight’s meeting.  Steve reported that he suggested to Bob that he remain a regular member in case his employment changed in a few months.

At 7:32 PM, Vice-Chairman Ross called to order the continuation of the Public Hearing on the Proposed  Addendum to the Old Lyme Harbor Management Plan.  He stated that after last month’s meeting, a sub-committee determined to electronically advertise tonight’s public hearing rather than spend $200-300 for advertising in The Day newspaper.  Notice of the meeting was sent to all land use commissions and the Shellfish Commission. As there were no members from the public present or questions from HMC members for the Public Hearing, motion made by Mark Rohrberg seconded by Jon Mittelman to close the Public Hearing. Motion passed unanimously.

Steve Ross called the regular portion of meeting to order and motion made by Mark Rohrberg seconded by Ned Farman to amend the agenda to discuss the proposed Addendum.  Motion passed unanimously.  Prior to discussing changes to the addendum, Steve Ross and Torrance Downes gave an overview of the July 13th meeting by DEP in which proposed State Dock Regulations were presented.  A discussion regarding enforcement of the standards at the local and state level followed.  Torrance and Steve clarified that dock applications must adhere to local standards before the DEP would approve it and that the DEP would enforce an Old Lyme standard that is more stringent than a DEP standard.

Commission members addressed concerns from the public as well as their own regarding phrasing in the draft Addendum.  Changes to wording on page 4 (reasonable riparian access), page 11 (height for fixed piers; dock components) and page 12 (mechanical lifts) were submitted for revision.  Motion made by Steve Ross seconded by Bill Harris to adopt the Harbor Management Plan Addendum as approved by DEP May 5, 2009 with the aforementioned changes which will be sent to DEP for final review and approval with an effective date of September 1, 2009.  Motion passed unanimously.  Steve Ross made a special note of gratitude to Brad Ficken for beginning this process and writing the first outline.  He also thanked the work of Torrance Downes who provided a major effort in drafting the addendum.   

Clerk’s Report
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and accepted as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report
Jon Mittelman presented the Treasurer’s report, which was accepted for audit.  A copy of the report is on file with the minutes.  Mike Moran noted that boaters are using excessive speeds around Calves Island.  Motion made by Jon Mittelman seconded by Ned Farman for Mike Moran to purchase a floating “No Wake 6mph” buoy with expenditure of up to $500.   Motion passed unanimously.

Member Appointments
Steve Ross noted that there remains one alternate member position to be filled and suggested members approach any potential candidates.  
With the resignation of Bob Doyen, Steve Ross requested a discussion without his presence to be led by senior member Mike Magee regarding filling the Chairman position temporarily.  After discussion, members asked Steve Ross to become temporary Chair until the January election with Dave Zita filling the Vice-Chairman position.  Janet Cody was asked to notify Dave Zita.

Pilgrim Landing
Mark Rohrberg reported that Public Works did a nice job of placing two truck loads of stone at Pilgrim Landing.  He and Mike Magee have a plan for placement of a new rack but will defer this project until spring 2010.

Dinghy Dock
Mike Moran and Mike Mackey are monitoring the status of the dinghy dock and will make any major repairs this winter. Mike Magee repaired the loose boards during the last month.

Harbor Master
Mike Moran noted that the second Town Mooring is in place.  Mike noted the requests of a resident on 14 Lieutenant River Lane regarding renovation to a dock and he has asked for more completed paperwork from the resident.  

Dock Applications and DEP Violations
None received this month.

Commercial Mooring Rates
Jon Mittelman gave an overview of commercial mooring fees in the area. Steve Ross suggested that in view of the current economy that the HMC table raising fees for commercial moorings until the fall. Regarding the past due mooring application fees from Old Lyme Marina, Jon Mittelman will write and send a letter with pertinent payment fees including fines.

Miami Beach
Steve Ross gave a history of the beach erosion problem as noted by the Miami Beach Association. In view of this information, he suggested that this is not a concern of HMC but rather of the DEP.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 PM.

Submitted by:
Janet S. Cody, Clerk