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Harbor Management Commission Minutes 06/09/2009
Minutes of a Meeting of
The Old Lyme Harbor Management Commission
June 9, 2009

Members present Bob Doyen, Dave Frederiks, Bill Harris, Mike Magee, Jon Mittelman , Mike Moran, Mark Rohrberg, Steve Ross.
Alternates present –Ned Farman.
Absent – Susan Connors, Charlie Delinks, Mike Mackey, Dave Zita.
Guests: Torrance Downes
Public: Diana Atwood Johnson

A quorum being present, Chairman Doyen called the Public Hearing section of the meeting to order at 7:31 PM.  

Steve Ross presented the format for the public hearing and a brief summary of the history of the dock standards addendum.  He also noted the letter dated May 5, 2009 that was received by OLHMC stating final approval of the addendum by the DEP. Torrance Downes provided a six-page summary of the draft Harbor Management Plan Addendum (attached) which was developed with the premise that a town could develop dock standards with emphasis on visual impact at the local level. He reviewed the Harbor Management Plan Addendum Map, Town of Old Lyme Harbor Use Zones. Torrance noted that this is the first example of dock standards in the state and is a ground-breaking product with the DEP looking forward to its use as a template for other towns that have attempted to develop them. Questions from HMC members followed with clarification that the process for a dock application would begin with local review first prior to DEP review (once the standards are approved).

Public comment and questions followed with the one citizen present, Diana Atwood Johnson.  She stated her opinion that the addendum is not so much a plan but a treatise and views it as another layer of legislation.  She questioned the use of “human-powered watercraft” on p. 7referring to sensitive resource areas; the prohibition of mechanical lifts on p. 12; and that only one member from the public had attended the meeting.  

OLHMC members addressed her questions and concerns with the following ideas: the addendum is a plan whose enforcement aspect will require an ordinance not fully developed but when ready will go to a Town Meeting; the prohibition of lifts is for visual reasons; the public hearing had been advertised with the same procedure as other Town land use commissions (two advertisements in local papers 5/23 and 5/30, 2009) and copies of the addendum and map in the Selectman’s Office since the advertisements were published.  

Motion made by Jon Mittelman second by Dave Frederiks to continue the Public Hearing.  Motion passed unanimously.  The Regular Meeting continued with motion made by Jon Mittelman second by Steve Ross to amend the agenda to discussing Dock Standards first.  Motion passed unanimously.

Dock Standards
Discussion followed regarding the public comments.  It was decided that Jon Mittelman will obtain information from Steve Ross and Torrance Downes and contact a local newspaper reporter so as to clarify to the public the intent of the addendum.  Jon will also place the two advertisement notices of the public hearing for the next meeting.

Bob Doyen asked that due to time, only necessary reports on the remainder of the agenda be given.

Clerk’s Report
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and accepted as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report
Jon Mittelman presented the Treasurer’s report, which was accepted for audit.  A copy of the report is on file with the minutes.  Accounts are now set up with Webster Bank and will start with the new fiscal year (July 1).  No bill has been received for the dinghy dock because it has just been placed according to Mike Moran.

Pilgrim Landing
Mark Rohrberg quickly discussed progress with racks and gravel at Pilgrim Landing.

Harbor Master
Mike Moran will speak to Old Lyme Marina regarding mooring fees as well as late fee information.  He notified the Commission that he ordered two new Harbormaster signs for a fee of $70 each since the last sign broke.  He noted that both Town moorings are in at present but the first one will need to be pulled for inspection.

Boat Infrastructure Grants
Ned Farmer briefly questioned who can use these grants and it was noted that they are for public use as well as private and commercial.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:32 PM.

Submitted by:
Janet S. Cody, Clerk