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Harbor Management Commission Minutes 04/14/2009
Minutes of a Meeting of
The Old Lyme Harbor Management Commission
April 14, 2009

Members presentCharlie Delinks, Bob Doyen, Dave Frederiks, Mike Mackey, Jon Mittelman, Mike Moran, Steve Ross.
Alternates present – Susan Connors, Ned Farman, Bill Harris.
Absent – Mike Magee. Mark Rohrberg, Dave Zita.

A quorum being present, Chairman Doyen called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM.  A moment of silence was given in honor of the death of former member Tom Kahrl.

Clerk’s Report
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and accepted as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report
Jon Mittelman presented the Treasurer’s report, which was accepted for audit.  A copy of the report is on file with the minutes.  Jon reported that the bank will not accept cash from mooring applications so the website has been changed to reflect that checks or money orders only are acceptable.  A discussion of the $760 Harbormaster expenses from August through November 2008 was held and it was noted how reasonable this expense is in comparison to the HMC purchasing its own boat. Jon reported that upon research of the Freedom of Information Act, the Treasurer’s Report does not have to be posted on the HMC website.  Jon intends to research moving the HMC bank accounts from Essex Financial Services to a banking institution in Old Lyme.

Member Appointments
Steve Ross will contact Tim Griswold regarding the appointment of Bill Harris to regular member status to fill the vacancy left by Tom Kahrl’s resignation.

Pilgrim Landing
Charlie Delinks will contact Public Works regarding the placement of gravel at Pilgrim Landing.  Bob Doyen will contact Mike Magee and Mark Rohrberg about organizing a Saturday work party at the Landing to locate and construct a new dinghy rack.

Dinghy Dock
Bob Doyen stated that Dave Peterson of Old Lyme Dock will start putting in docks soon and should get to the dinghy dock as able. Mike Mackey noted that the rollers will be replaced when the dock is in the water.

Harbor Master
Mike Moran summarized his research into a 1.5 million dollar state stimulus to restore wetlands in areas including Old Lyme, specifically the Griswold Point area where it ends by the sandbar to the southwest point of Great Island.  Mike will be informed by state contacts and will report back to HMC monthly.
Mike noted that he will call again and inform Frank Maratta to contact the ACOE and DEP regarding his commercial moorings.

Dock Standards
Steve Ross reported that the draft addendum had been reviewed and comments had been received back by almost all agencies prior to the deadline.  He noted that the draft had been well received with only additional language requested. Upon reading the new language changes, motion made by Jon Mittelman seconded by Charlie Delinks to accept the changes as indicated.  Motion passed unanimously.  The next step is to send the draft addendum with the additional language to Marcy Balint at the DEP for final review.  Steve will remind Marylin Clarke that the draft ordinance is needed for its review by HMC members at the May meeting.  Once it is approved by HMC, it can be presented at a Town Meeting for local approval which is required by DEP.

Future Locations for Projects
Steve Ross presented information regarding a Town-owned parcel on the east side of Buttonball Rd as a possible location for a future project.  After discussion, it was decided that members should walk the site prior to the next meeting.

Harbor Management Plan
No report this month.

Dredging Machine Plan
Charlie Delinks had no new information.

Army Corps of Engineers Regional Dredging Plan
Ned Farman reported that there was no new project information.

Dock Applications
Bob Doyen had received the final approval on the application for 2 Bank Rd.

Mail Box At Town Hall
Bob Doyen noted that there is a new box at Town Hall for HMC mail that members can check.

Moorings Near Calves Island
Mike Moran stated that he would like to stagger the moorings going up the back creek from Calves Island to allow better swing room and decrease congestion.  Motion made by Charlie Delinks seconded by Dave Frederiks to compensate Mike Mackey on an hourly basis ($120/hr) for moving 4-5 moorings including  the Town Mooring.  Motion passed unanimously.

GPS For Mooring Placement
Charlie Delinks said that he had heard of a need in the Town for a obtaining a GPS unit for readings of the storm drains.  He suggested the possibility that HMC could dovetail onto the purchase and show another use for the Town’s expenditure. Charlie will try to pursue this interest.  Mike Moran noted the new mapping that is coming up and also aerial photography that is supposed to be sharper than what is currently available.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 PM.

Submitted by:
Janet S. Cody, Clerk