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Harbor Management Commission Minutes 06/12/2007
Minutes of a Meeting of
The Old Lyme Harbor Management Commission
June 12, 2007

Members present Charlie Delinks, Bob Doyen, Norman Hewitt, Mike Mackey, Mike Magee, Jon Mittelman, Mike Moran, Tony Licitra, Steve Ross, David Zita.
Alternates present – Dave Frederiks, Tom Kahrl, Mark Rohrberg.
Absent--Brad Ficken
A quorum being present, Chairman Delinks called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM.

Clerk’s Report
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and accepted as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report
Tony Licitra presented the Treasurer’s report, which was accepted for audit.

DEP Letter
Charlie Delinks distributed copies of Nathan Shippee’s documents that were presented on June 12, 2007 at their meeting with Doug Patterson and a contract negotiator for the property change. At their meeting it was determined that the Town will have at least one slip and possibly get two more when space becomes available.  There is space for more docks adjacent to the existing ones where the public docks had been before being damaged and removed.
Mike Moran will continue to arrange for an official sign for the Harbormaster’s boat which he will be able to keep at the DEP dock.  

Military Giveaway Program
Steve Ross and Jon Mittelman wrote the letter requesting Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service (DRMS) authorization for website access.  Jon has determined that the website is slanted towards police department access to the inventory.  He will continue to survey listings and brief HMC.

Survey Requests
Mark Rohrberg reported that the Shrivers, property owners at Pilgrims Landing, will survey their own property.  Mark will follow results.   

Moorings – Other
Mike Moran reported that he has not received the paperwork yet but will begin work when he does. Motion made by Steve Ross, second by Norman Hewitt to authorize the Harbormaster to order stickers to apply to moorings that do not have permits.  Expenses will be paid for from HMC budget.  Motion passed unanimously.  
Mike Moran noted discrepancies on the HMC website that will be investigated by Charlie Delinks, Cathy Frank and Janet Cody.   Steve said he will contact Ruth Roach regarding the current HMC member list info.
Mike Moran also questioned procedures for removing abandoned moorings. After discussion, a committee composed of Dave Frederiks, Mark Rohrberg, Mike Mackey and Mike Moran was formed to formulate a protocol for HMC review at the next meeting if possible. The committee will draft a bid proposal letter and email to HMC members if possible before next meeting.
Mike Moran reported that a mooring is rubbing against the swimming rope line at Sound View Beach. After discussion, members agreed that Mike should just drag the mooring away from the rope.

Dock Standards
Steve Ross reported that Torrance Downes has been drafting the dock standards and hopes to have it completed for the July meeting.
Patrol Boat
Steve Ross reported that he sent the Selectmen and Board of Finance a letter informing them that the patrol boat had been budgeted out of HMC budget and to transfer it to the appropriate agency.
Tim Griswold is still establishing a task force to evaluate boat needs of the Town. He would like to pay the HM per diem for the use of his personal boat.

Steve Ross delivered a sign to the Selectman’s Office to be picked up by John Roach for installation at Pilgrim Landing. Charlie Delinks will follow up on the progress.

Future Locations for Projects
No report this month.

Black Hall Marina
Bob Doyen presented copies of the appraisal to members as well an invoice for $2,500.  Bob will get financials and email it to members. Motion made by Steve Ross, second by Mike Magee that all members not divulge the amount of the appraisal. Motion passed unanimously.  

Harbor Management Plan
Dave Zita reported that he is in the process of working on the plan and will continue to report monthly.

Dredging Machine Plan, Old Saybrook
Norman Hewitt had no news to report. He will continue to investigate the AMBRO matter.

Johnson Property Proposal
Charlie Delinks, Norman Hewitt and Tim Griswold walked both properties recently.  Steve Ross presented copies of an email from Diana A. Johnson noting her response and possible solutions to the concerns that were presented at a recent Board of Selectmen’s meeting.  Discussion of the swap continued among members.

Docks and Piers Workshop
Mike Mackey was unable to attend the Docks and Piers Workshop.  Charlie Delinks present an article from The Day newspaper regarding docks.

Dock Applications
No new applications were received.

DEP Violations
Charlie Delinks noted two violations at Point o’ Woods and Four Mile River Marina.

Clean Vessel Act Grants
Charlie Delinks presented a grant application form. There was no interest from HMC.

Register of Motor Boats
Charlie Delinks presented a book of boat registrations dating from the early 1900’s that was found in the safe at the front office of Town Hall. Motion made by Jon Mittelman, second by Bob Doyen that the HMC donate the book to the Old Lyme Historical Society.  Motion passed unanimously.  

The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 PM.

Submitted by:
Janet S. Cody, Clerk