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Flood and Erosion Control Board Minutes 01/27/2014

 Old Lyme Flood & Erosion Control Board
Meeting Minutes
January 27, 2014

Present:  Todd Machnik, Gary Smith, Steve Ross, Dave Roberge (ex-officio member)

Absent:  Ellie Czarnowski, Steve Martino, Don Willis (alternate)

Guest:  Ron Bianca, Nancy Birge, Valerie Ann Votto, James Birge, Mark Mongillo, Rocco Todaro, Carol Stanton, Tom Stanton

1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM by Chairman Todd Machnik.

2.  Approval of 21 October 2013 Meeting Minutes
Steve Ross moved to accept the minutes with the following correction under Agenda Item (Public Comment):  the text “dropped the ball” will be changed to “the study was not contracted because the Town Board of Finance would not approve paying one-third the cost and the beach associations were not willing to fund it alone.”  Gary Smith seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

3.  Correspondence
a. Email from Eileen Coffee
Mr. Machnik reported on an email he had received from Eileen Coffee reminding the Board that Todd Machnik and Gary Smith need to be sworn in as members of the Flood and Erosion Control Board.  Both members stated that they have been sworn in.
b. Emails from Ellie Czarnowski
1.  Mr. Machnik read an email from Ellie Czarnowski stating that due to a work commitment she will not be available to attend the Board meetings except in July.
2.  There was a discussion regarding an email from Ellie Czarnowski and Steve Ross regarding cleaning the Mile Creek outfall.
c. Letter from Jennifer Hillhouse – Beach Erosion
Dave Roberge presented a letter with an article from Jennifer Hillhouse regarding beach erosion.
d. Letter regarding Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Committee
Mr. Machnik read a letter from First Selectwoman Reemsnyder asking for a volunteer from the Flood and Erosion Control Board to serve on a Committee that will work on the final phase of the Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan for the Town.  Mr. Machnik will reach out to Ellie Czarnowski and Don Willis to ask if either of them would be interested in serving on the Committee.

4.  Old Business
a. Rogers Lake Dam Repairs Update  –  Ellie Czarnowski
Ellie Czarnowski was not able to attend the meeting but updated the Board on the Rogers Lake Dam Repairs through an email.  She reported that there hasn't been much activity on the project since early fall. ~The repairs are complete, the ladder is in and a dry hydrant has been installed by Machnik Bros.  A computer has been ordered for the fish ladder. ~In the future a sign will be placed at Hains Park, describing the project and explaining about the alewife life cycle.  There is a fence being installed at the dam site. ~There will be no public access to the fish ladder.
b. Swan Brook Outfall Letter – Response from Ron Bianca
Mr. Machnik reviewed the letter he sent to Ron Bianca, Hawks Nest Beach Club Association (HNBCA).  Mr. Machnik stated that this is a similar situation to the problems of Sheffield Brook and to his knowledge the Beach Associations had received a grant in the amount of $800,000 through the Department of Agriculture.  Mr. Machnik stated that it is important for HNBCA and Miami Beach Association to work together to solve the Swan Brook outfall issue.  The Flood and Erosion Control Board will be happy to offer guidance.  
Ron Bianca presented his response to the Board by reviewing his letter to Todd dated January 27, 2014.  In summary, Mr. Bianca stated in his letter, “Most of the properties affected by the flooding of Swan Brook are in Miami Beach and north of CT Route 156.  This is a town-wide issue and, therefore, the Town’s responsibility.  In summary, The Hawk’s Nest Beach Club Association cannot and will not accept responsibility for the Swan Brook outlet and the resulting responsibility for the entire Swan Brook watershed.”
Mark Mongillo, President of Miami Beach Association, stated that his Association is not going to do anything about the problem.  If damage happens, due to flooding of Swan Brook, lawsuits will be filed against the Town.  He feels that the Town is shirking its responsibility.

A discussion followed.
All the properties involved are private.  Miami Beach is a chartered Association but HNBCA is not.  HNBCA owns only the beach area, and the membership of about 160 is voluntary but restricted to 275~deeded property owners.  The associations need to be involved to apply for any grant funds for pre hazard mitigation and any other solutions to prevent flooding since they own the property involved.
Mr. Machnik again reminded the Beach Associations that it is the charge of the Flood and Erosion Control Board to offer guidance and that all parties need to work together to find a solution.
Mr. Machnik will meet with Dave Roberge to discuss funding options.  

5.  New Business
Mr. Machnik reported that Don Willis had been appointed to the Flood and Erosion Control Board as an Alternate.

6. Public Comment
All public comment was done under Agenda Item 4. Old Business (b).

Our next meeting will be on Monday 21 April 2014 at 5:30 PM, Town Hall, second floor meeting room.
7.  Adjournment
Gary Smith moved, and Steve Ross seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 6:50 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Ellen Garbarino