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Flood and Erosion Control Board Minutes 04/16/2012
 Old Lyme Flood & Erosion Control Board
Meeting Minutes
April 16, 2012

Present: Todd Machnik, Steve Ross, Steve Martino, Gary Smith, Ellie Czarnowski – alternate, Dave Roberge (ex-officio member)
Absent:  Robert Chapman
Guests: Dave Wheeler (Old Lyme Shores)

NOTE:  Ellie Czarnowski will be seated in place of Robert Chapman.

1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM by Chairman Todd Machnik.

2.  Approval of January 23, 2012 Meeting Minutes
Ellie Czarnowski requested that under Old Business a. that the sentence "It needs to be decided if this project will be done all at once or in two parts." be amended to " It was decided to do the entire fish ladder construction along with the dam repairs per Ed Adanti.  This will cost less and enable better grant funding for the fish ladder."
Steve Ross moved to accept the minutes for January 23, 2012 with this change.  Steve Martino seconded the motion.  The minutes were accepted.

3.  Correspondence - NONE

4.  Old Business
a. Rogers Lake Dam Repair - Update
Todd Machnik reported that In September 2010, the Town secured a $229,750 grant from the Small Town Economic Assistance Program to repair the dam.  In early March 2012, the Board of Selectmen voted to endorse a project to fix both the leaky dam and build a fish ladder. The total cost is expected to be $290,000. The Selectmen's endorsement allows the Town to apply for grants for the construction of the fish ladder. The Connecticut River Watershed Council said it would help the Town fund the fish ladder, estimated to cost $12,500.  Tim Griswold will serve as the liaison on the project and repairs should begin in the summer of 2013.

Ellie Czarnowski reported that she, Stacy Pappano (STEAP), Ann Kuzyk (DEEP dam safety) and Tim Griswold had met with Howard Pfrommer and Nathan Jacobson (both of NLJ and Associates) at the Roger's Lake Dam.  Mr. Jacobson reviewed the current status of the dam and the proposed plans.  No issues were noted by Ms. Kuzyk and she reported that they were streamlining the permitting process.  Mr. Griswold spent time working out the details of the STEAP process with Ms. Pappano.  Previous work / bills can be submitted once the money is available.

Mr. Pfrommer has sent the opinion of probable construction costs and prelim plans to both First Selectwoman Reemsnyder and Ms. Pappano.  The plastic liner pipe material is in the process of being purchased and will be shipped to the town garage.  NLJ and Associates are planning to coordinate the Town's direct purchase of the slide gate and the fish ladder components.  They are working on the design, drawings and the CT DEEP applications for Dam Construction Permit and Flood Management Certification.  

Mr. Griswold, First Selectwoman Reemsnyder and Ms. Czarnowski will meet at the end of April.   Mr. Griswold will call Dick Smith for a status on the RLA.  The Selectmen have sent their letter of endorsement to Andy Fisk at the CT River Watershed Council and the grant application has since been submitted.

b. Ogle Dam Assessment – Todd Machnik
Mr. Machnik reported that he had inspected the Ogle Dam and found no large issues at this time.

5.  New Business
Mr. Ross reviewed bill HB 5128, An Act Concerning Certain Revisions to the Coastal Zone Management Statutes, which has been approved by the Environment Committee and referred on to the House.  This bill would permit a "rise in the sea level" to be a factor in denying the use of or rebuilding on your waterfront or coastal property.~ It gives unprecedented new powers to the state and local planning entities to interfere with development on the shore.~ Marinas and other marine facilities could be at risk.  Mr. Ross stated that there is already much opposition to this proposed bill.

6. Other New Business - NONE

7. Public Comment
Dave Wheeler, Old Lyme Shores, reported that he had contacted Paul Rowean who referred him to Mark Phelan, both members of the Old Lyme Shores Beach Association.  To date he has not heard back from Mr. Phelen.  Mr. Wheeler has set up a meeting with WMC on Wednesday in Newington.  Joan Byer of Old Colony Beach has expressed an interest in attending.  The purpose of this meeting is to request that WMC salvage part of the proposal created by the Flood and Erosion Control Board.
Our next meeting will be on Monday, July 16, 2012 at 5:00 PM, Town Hall, second floor meeting room.
8.  Adjournment
Mr. Ross moved, and Mr. Martino seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 5:30 PM. SO VOTED.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Ellen Garbarino