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Flood and Erosion Control Board Minutes 01/23/2012
 Old Lyme Flood & Erosion Control Board
Meeting Minutes
January 23, 2012

Present: Todd Machnik, Steve Ross, Ellie Czarnowski – alternate,
Dave Roberge (ex-officio member)
Absent:  Steve Martino, Gary Smith, Bob Chapman
Guests: Joan Byer (Old Colony Beach), Dave Wheeler (Old Lyme Shores)

NOTE:  Ellie Czarnowski will be seated in place of Gary Smith.

1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:03 PM by Chairman Todd Machnik.

2.  Approval of October 17, 2011 Meeting Minutes
Steve Ross moved to accept the minutes for October 17, 2011 as presented.  Todd Machnik seconded the motion.  The minutes were accepted.

3.  Correspondence
a. Memo to Town Employees, Boards and Commissions from Ruth Roach
There was a discussion about the request from Ruth Roach regarding the Town's opportunity to participate in the "buy up program" by paying for higher resolution photos to be used for GIS mapping.  Both Mr. Ross and Mr. Machnik had replied to Ms. Roach stating that they did not feel the need for this.  The cost to the Town could be in the vicinity of $10,000 and with the free maps on BING and Google there is no need to pay for something that is free.  The maps on BING and Google are updated several times a year and this would not be the case for the ones that the Town is considering to purchase.  Ellie Czarnowski was in agreement with Mr. Ross and Mr. Machnik.
Mr. Ross moved to indicate to Ruth Roach that the "buy up program" will only produce photos that will be shortly outdated and better products are available for free online.  There should be a demonstrative need before spending this kind of money.  Mr. Machnik seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.
b. Memo from Old Lyme Resident Rudd Bergmans
Mr. Machnik read aloud a memo from Old Lyme resident Rudd (Rudy) Bergmans.  Mr. Bergmans' concern was the erosion of wetlands on his property around the Black Hall River where it comes across Mile Creek Road.  People have used this area to crab and fish, thus causing damage to the property. The Town has already resolved the issue by placing no trespassing signs on the property.

c. Town of Old Lyme – Appointed Officials
Mr. Machnik reviewed the January 2012 member list of the Flood and Erosion Control Board.

4.  Old Business
a. Meeting with Stephen Gephard (Ellie Czarnowski) – Fish Ladder
Stephen Gephard is the Supervisor of the Diadromous Fish Program and Habitat and Conservation Enhancement Program Inland Fisheries Division for the DEEP.  Ms. Czarnowski had attended this meeting and reviewed it with the Board.  Mr. Gephard explained the design change to the proposed fish ladder to be constructed as part of the repairs to the Roger's Lake Dam.   It needs to be decided if this project will be done all at once or in two parts.  A presentation will be made to the Board of Selectmen in the future and hopefully construction should begin in the summer of 2013.  Ms. Czarnowski stated that First Selectwoman Reemsnyder will ask Tim Griswold to head up the Committee as he has been very involved with this right along.

b. STEAP Grant – Rogers Lake Dam
The STEAP Grant is under investigation by First Selectwoman Reemsnyder and the Finance Office.

5.  New Business
Assessing Ogle Dam at Lord's Meadow – request made by George James
Ms. Czarnowski reported that she had received correspondence from George James requesting that the Flood and Erosion Control Board ask the CT DEEP to inspect Ogle Dam.  Mr. Machnik will look into the matter before moving forward with said request.

6. Other New Business
Election of Officers
Mr. Ross moved to nominate Todd Machnik as Chairman of the Flood and Erosion Control Board and Gary Smith as Vice-Chairman of the Flood and Erosion Control Board for 2012.  Ms. Czarnowski seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

7. Public Comment
Joan Byer (Old Colony Beach) spoke to the Board about the on-going problem with the flooding of Sheffield Brook.  Mr. Machnik reviewed all that had been done over the past few years by the Flood and Erosion Control Board and the Beach Associations.  All the options for the home owners were discussed.  Dave Wheeler (Old Lyme Shores) suggested that together he and Ms. Byer  request a meeting with the firm that did the proposal and ask for practical solutions.  Then both Mr. Wheeler and Ms. Byer could present these solutions to their respective Beach Associations.  

Our next meeting will be on Monday, April 16, 2012 at 5:00 PM, Town Hall, second floor meeting room.
8.  Adjournment
Mr. Ross moved, and Mr. Machnik seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 5:55 PM. SO VOTED.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Ellen Garbarino