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Flood and Erosion Control Board Minutes 12/15/2008

Old Lyme Flood & Erosion Control Board
Meeting Minutes
December 15, 2008

The meeting was called to order at 5:04 P.M. by Chairman Steve Ross.
Present: Steve Ross, Todd Machnik, Robert Chapman, Gary Smith
Absent: Tom Penfield
           Ex-Officio Members Absent: Dave Roberge, Tim Griswold

Guests: Mary Howley, Thomas Lally of Seaspray Rd, Old Lyme Shores
        Stephen McDonnell, Steve Andrzejewski of WMC Engineers
        Lou Russo of Miami Beach Association
        Nicolle Burnham of Milone and MacBroom
        Mary Ellen Garbarino, possible new recording secretary

1. Correspondence
A Notice of Violation letter was received from the DEP. A complaint was filed as the result of a misunderstanding. The mouth of the Mile Creek silts in and the town clears it out so the creek can flow properly.
Steve Ross received a copy of a letter from John Saheen to the Old Lyme Shores Beach Association President Paul Graml which contained proposals for studies, there was no data included.
Mary Howley notified the commission that Old Lyme Shores Beach Association has hired someone to clean the Sheffield Brook outlet in the winter.

2. Studies & Projects in beach areas- discussion continued
        a. Info regarding updating 1987 study – Stephen McDonnell
Stephen McDonnell, of WMC Engineers, spoke about updating the 1987 Swan Brook Study. He visited the Swan Brook site last Friday with Gary Smith, and looked at the flooding. He wants to analyze the old report and find out what has changed since it was done. He distributed two drafts; a Proposed Phasing of Project Engineering for the Swan Brook Flood Control Project, and a Scope of Work, Evaluation of Existing Conditions.
Mr. McDonnell recommended sending out questionnaires to area residents to see what they have done to their property to prevent flooding or repair damage caused by flooding. It will be difficult to impossible to solve all the problems, but some improvements could be made. All the roads near Swan Brook are private roads, and the storm water drainage is not adequate. Todd Machnik pointed out that enlarging the storm drains upstream from the flood prone areas could make the flooding worse, and that it is more important to drain the water quickly from the flooded areas.
Gary Smith stated that flooding in Old Lyme Shores from Sheffield Brook is worse now than it was 10 years ago; he wants to find out what has changed and fix it.
Lou Russo, of the Miami Beach Association, stated that some drainage culverts are blocked so nothing drains; he thinks simple improvements would make a big difference. He would like financial help from the town to raise two private roads in the Miami Beach area 6”-12” and repave them. Steve Ross stated the Town and the F&E Board may be able to help the beach association get grant money to fund the improvements. Allocation of funds to improve certain private roads would need to be approved at a Town Meeting, and would probably not pass. The town does not usually pay for maintenance or improvements to private roads.
Steve Andrzejewski recommended creating a list of priorities instead of bundling the improvements into one large project, which may not be feasible. Steve McDonnell stated that when he visited the beach areas he noticed that some homeowners have filled in drainage areas that are on private land. He suggested that the beach associations could talk to the property owners about it.
Gary Smith said that the area should be surveyed and that the town & F&E Control Board could help the associations get grants to make improvements.
Lou Russo said that the drainage pipes at Hawks Nest Beach need to be fixed and cleared, they are not draining. Steve Ross agreed to meet Lou and take a look at them.
Steve MacDonnell suggested that the F&E Control Board read the study and the handouts and get back to WMC Engineers.
Steve Ross would like the beach associations to talk to each other. The F&E Control Board would like to have the study expanded to include Sheffield Brook.  The board could then recommend improvements that would have the greatest impact for the least amount of money.

        b. Sheffield Brook pipe maintenance update
The Old Lyme Shores Beach Association has hired someone to clean/maintain the Sheffield Brook pipe outlet in the winter (as well as in the summertime).
Mary Howley stated that she checked the elevation of the cottages with flooding problems and that the corner of Seaspray Road is 8 feet above sea level. The water from the brook is draining badly due to blocked culverts, etc. but water is not coming up from Long Island Sound.

3. Status of draft language for grant – Dave Roberge

4. New Business

5. Approval of November meeting minutes
Todd Machnik moved, Gary Smith seconded, to approve the November minutes as presented. The motion was unanimously approved.

6. The next meeting will be held on January 19 at 5 PM.
Steve Ross will send out the agenda, which will include the election of officers.

7. Adjournment
Gary Smith moved, Todd Machnik seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 6:10 P.M. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,

Martha Hansen