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Flood and Erosion Control Board Minutes 10/20/2008
Old Lyme Flood & Erosion Control Board
Meeting Minutes
October 20, 2008

The meeting was called to order at 5:06 P.M. by Chairman Steve Ross.
Present: Steve Ross, Gary Smith, Tom Penfield, Todd Machnik
Absent: Robert Chapman,
Ex-Officio Members Present: Dave Roberge, Tim Griswold

Guests: Lou Russo, Dennis Vernacatoca, Stephanie Sacco, Gil Soucie, Scott Beard, Stephen McDonnell, Douglas Whalen, Carla Feroni, Nancy Guest

1. 1987 Swan Brook Study - Stephen McDonnell of WMCI Engineers
Stephen McDonnell discussed the case of Swan Brook and possible sources of grant funding for the repairs needed. There is grant money available but it is difficult to get and when a grant is awarded it comes with a lot of strings attached.  Mr. McDonnell stated that it might not be practical, from a financial standpoint, for the town to solve flooding problems that may be caused by severe “100 year” storms. He suggested that the town consider solutions that would protect residents from flooding problems caused by more frequent “10-year” storms.  Many of the problems identified in the 1987 study still remain.
Dave Roberge spoke about the DEP and hazard mitigation grants; he believes the town has met eligibility requirements to apply for the grants.
Carla Feroni, from the DEP‘s Inland Water Resources Division, explained some of the grants available to towns. She also spoke about subsidized flood insurance, the Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant Program (which is a 75%/25% match between the grant funds and the homeowner or town) and the Flood Mitigation Assistance Program (90% grant funds, 10% homeowner or town). These grants can fund home elevations, permanent demolition and removal of structures that are repeatedly flooded - the land is then designated as Open Space in perpetuity-, and some storm water management issues (undersized culverts, etc. but not dam or berm repair). She also stated that she would like to see more towns in eastern Connecticut receive grant money, but receives very few applications from this part of the state.  Congress has not funded the 2009 grant programs yet, so that will affect how much money is available.

Ms. Feroni then answered questions from board members and the audience.

2. Further Discussion of proposed project for Swan Brook (HNBCA structure repairs)
There was a discussion about the Hawks Nest Beach Association structure repairs.

Chairman Steve Ross reported that $6,164 was approved by the Board of Finance for the Swan Brook outflow repair project at Hawk’s Nest Beach.

3. Approval of September 15, 2008 minutes
Tom Penfield moved, Gary Smith seconded, to approve the September 15 minutes as presented. Motion carried.

4. Other business
Steve Ross has been asked to have the board formalize their meeting schedule so it can be posted. He suggested meeting on the third Monday of the month at 5 PM.

MOTION: Todd Machnik moved that the Flood and Erosion Control Board meet on the third Monday of the month at 5 PM.  Gary Smith seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Doug Whalen spoke about Sheffield Brook and displayed photos showing some flooding. He said that the brook is not flowing properly and that is causing flooding problems, and that the beach association would like to work with the town to solve the problems. Steve Ross asked him to send a letter to the board outlining the situation in detail; it will help the board make a decision on what needs to be done.

5. The next meeting will be held on November 17 at 5 PM.

6. Adjournment
Todd Machnik moved, Gary Smith seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 6:36 P.M. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,

Martha Hansen