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Flood and Erosion Control Board Minutes 07/07/2008
Old Lyme Flood & Erosion Control Board
Meeting Minutes
July 7, 2008

The meeting was called to order at 5:00 P.M. by Chairman Steve Ross.
Present: Robert Chapman, Todd Machnik, Steve Ross, Gary Smith
Absent: Tom Penfield
Ex-Officio Members Present: Dave Roberge, Tim Griswold
Guests: Phil Soucy, Keith Neilson

Dave Roberge looked into the availability of Disaster Mitigation funds to repair the structure at Hawks Nest Beach. The project is partially eligible for funds and is estimated to take one week, at a cost of approximately $10,000.  

The town is trying to get funds for disaster mitigation projects in town. The structure at Hawks Nest Beach needs to be repaired. Keith Neilson of Docko stated that the DEP does not require a permit to perform routine maintenance if no outside excavation is required. The town should prepare a summary of the maintenance needed on the Hawks Nest Beach structure. The Mile Creek outflow, which fills in regularly, needs to be deepened and widened. The DEP will require permits, and possibly environmental impact and climate studies for work done on Mile Creek. Work also needs to be done on Swan Brook and on Cross Road where it floods near the underpass.

It will be an advantage if all the project information is gathered now. The town will have identified the potential hazards, the steps needed to correct them, and the availability of potential funding. Keith Neilson, of Docko, can prepare the proposals for the DEP and describe the scope of the projects.

Phil Soucy spoke about the problems on Sheffield Brook in the Old Lyme Shores area. There was a discussion about whether improvements to the brook, which is on private property, would be eligible for disaster mitigation funds, and whether the town should pay for maintenance. Mr. Soucy would like property owners to be educated on what they should do to care for the brook.

There was also a discussion of improvements needed to Swan Brook and the flooding problem near the Cross Road underpass. Because the problems of Swan Brook and Sheffield Brook are similar, the plan to solve the problems of one would be helpful in solving the problems of the other. The availability of grant money for the projects will be investigated.

Todd Machnik moved, Gary Smith seconded, to approve the June 2 minutes as presented. Motion carried.

The next meeting will be scheduled as needed, members will be contacted.

Bob Chapman moved, Gary Smith seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 6:24 P.M. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,

Martha Hansen