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Flood and Erosion Control Board Minutes 06/02/2008

Old Lyme Flood & Erosion Control Board
Meeting Minutes
June 2, 2008

The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM by Chairman Steven Ross.
Present: Robert Chapman, Todd Machnik, Steve Ross, Gary Smith.
Absent: Tom Penfield

Minutes: Todd made a motion to accept the minutes as presented, second by Bob and approved unanimously.

Todd reported on his inspection of the Hawks Nest Beach structure that is in need of repair. Digging to remove sand filling the structure is ongoing by the town but not a lengthy or difficult task. The whalers, 4x6 lumber, need replacing. This will require approximately 200 ft of 4x6 treated lumber. The 12x12 braces on top should be replaced. One need not be replaced as it will impede access for digging. There are 4 required.
The sheets on both sides are deteriorating since the structure was built over 10 years ago Remaining useful life is about 10 more years.
The above work should require about one week to complete, working around the tides. Approximate cost $10,000.

Todd mentioned the Hazard Mitigation funds that may be available. He also reviewed the Sheffield Brook and Mile Creek situations with Gary.

Steve asked if we know where there is an original plan for the Hawks Nest Beach structure. Todd said Docko and/or the town should have one. Steve will call Docko to see if it can be located.

Gary discussed the Windwood Dam that broke. It is on private property. Todd said that it is owned by Don Woods. Mr. Woods has a permit from DEP to rebuild the dam but it is not known if he plans on doing so.

Discussion continued regarding the Hawks Nest structure as we would like to begin the project. Todd said it might be more effective if extended seaward but the current maintenance required is not that big a job. Perhaps we should ask Docko to explore the option of extending or not as it would relate to ongoing maintenance.

Steve will call Docko and ask Dave Roberge to begin the process for obtaining Hazard Mitigation funds.

Gary asked about the Pond Rd situation that results in flooding. He indicated that Joe Shea is knowledgeable about the past history and current situation. Todd recalled that the entire Miami Beach area was wetlands that have been filled. Gary stated that the town had done a drainage study for all of Old Lyme in the 1980s. Gary will try to locate a copy of the study.
It was decided that we will try to schedule the next meeting so Keith Neilson from Docko can attend, to be followed by Joe Shea.

Bob brought up the issue of flooding in the Rogers Lake area. DEP had inspected the drainage that is flowing from state owned land. However, they consider it condition that existed prior to their purchase and not their responsibility. Bo discussed the existing drainage catch basins and the need for pipes to tie into them to be more effective. He will be attending the Rogers Lake Association meeting tonight and will report back to our board.

Todd mentioned how the type of pipe used for drainage has changed from perforated to solid with sealed joints. This increases the amount of flow. He also asked about the status of the Rogers Lake Dam. Bob replied that a study is being done.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:46 PM.

Submitted by:
Steven A Ross, Chairman