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Flood and Erosion Control Board Minutes 05/06/2008

Old Lyme Flood & Erosion Control Board
Meeting Minutes
May 6, 2008

The meeting was called to order at 4:21 PM by First Selectman Tim Griswold.
Present: Robert Chapman, Todd Machnik, Steve Ross.
Absent: Tom Penfield, Gary Smith
Guest: Dave Roberge

Tim Griswold appointed Steve Ross as Acting Chairperson.
Tim recapped a meeting that was held 4/22 to inspect various areas of concern as identified by the Board. Due to a communication miscue, the notices to the members of the Board were not sent so it was not an official meeting. Attending with Tim were: Keith Neilson from Docko, Inc., Harry Plout, Feration of OL Beaches, Ron Bianca, Hawks Nest BeachClub Association, Mark Phelan, Old Lyme Shores, Joseph Wren, P.E., Indigo Land Development.
The areas inspected included:
        Sheffield Brook outlet at OL Shores & Old Colony Beach
        Hawks Nest Beach Club structure at LIS
        Mile Creek outlet to LIS
        White Sand Beach- Fox property
Mr. Wren was hired to do a proposal for OL Shores regarding the Sheffield Brook outlet.
Mr. Neilson feels the HNBCA structure just needs repair. He feels the solution for Mile Creek is to widen the channel and move the sand excavated farther from the water so it doesn’t blow & wash back in so readily. He does not feel that DEP would allow another jetty and it might not be the solution, either.
The Fox property is a difficult situation that needs further study and discussion.

The Priority of projects was discussed. It was agreed that the ease of implementation was: 1) HNBCA structure repair, 2) Mile Creek channel widening, 3) Old Lyme Shores additional pipe.
Dave Roberge commented that the hazard mitigation order of priority would be: OL Shores, HNBCA, Mile Creek since the consideration involves risk factors.

Todd discussed the types of backflow valves available for a situation like the HNBCA structure, one is a hinged flapper, another is like a duckbill.

Tim asked Todd what the cost might be for the Mile Creek excavating. Todd said it would be would be approximately $5000, exclusive of permit(s).

Dave Roberge discussed the application process for hazard mitigation grant money. The Sheffield Brook site would involve OL Shore & Old Colony with the Town of Old Lyme. Factors involved are: 1) cost, 2) benefit of impact, 3) timeliness, 4) feasibility.

Steve commented that some grant projects involve so much complexity and additional costs that the amount of money received may not be worth the higher cost of using a grant process. He then suggested we determine the order of projects we wish to begin and suggested HNBCA structure, then Mile Creek and OL Shores Sheffield Brook.

Tim commented that since Sheffield Brook is on private property, the town can assist but not with public funds.

Steve & Dave asked Todd if he would inspect the HNBCA structure to identify what repairs are needed. He agreed to do so. Todd also suggested that we consider extending the structure farther into LIS. The cost of construction might be well offset by reduced maintenance & repairs in the future.

Tim asked Dave Roberge to research a grant for hazard mitigation funds to determine the requirements more specifically.

Officers for the Flood & Erosion Control Board were elected following nominations from the floor.
Chairman - Steve Ross was nominated by Todd, second by Bob. No other nomination, elected unanimously.
Vice Chairman – Bob Chapman was nominated by Steve, second by Todd. No other nomination, elected unanimously.
Secretary – Todd Machnik was nominated by Steve, second by Bob. No other nominations, elected unanimously.
The Minutes of the March 31, 2008 meeting were approved as presented by unanimous vote.
The minutes of this meeting will be written by Steve pending the availability of a recording secretary budgeted for July 1, per Tim Griswold.

The Board agreed that the next meeting will be June 2 @ 5 PM, Christ the King Church.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 PM.

Submitted by Steve Ross, Chairman