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Flood and Erosion Control Board Minutes 05/17/2010

 Old Lyme Flood & Erosion Control Board
Meeting Minutes
May 17, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 5:05 PM by Chairman Steve Ross.

Present: Steve Ross, Todd Machnik, Ellie Czarnowski – alternate
Absent:  Gary Smith, Steve Martino, Bob Chapman, Dave Roberge (ex-officio member)
Guests: Paul J. Rowean (Old Lyme Shores), Doug Whalen (Old Colony Beach)

NOTE:  Ellie Czarnowski will be seated in place of Bob Chapman.

1. Correspondence
Steve Ross will discuss an email sent from Paul Graml (OLS) under Old Business.

2.  Approval of April 19, 2010 Meeting Minutes
Todd Machnik moved to accept the meeting minutes for April 19, 2010 as presented.  Ellie Czarnowski seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

3.  Old Business – Sheffield Brook
Steve Ross read an email received from Paul Graml of Old Lyme Shores.  Mr. Ross had forwarded this to the board members on May 14.  Mr. Graml wrote that Old Lyme Shores Association Board views the Town’s unwillingness to partner with them to seek FEMA funds as a significant blow to the Sheffield Brook project.~ The OLS Board is not convinced that the Town, as grantee, would be committed to this application.~ Mr. Graml stated that the beach association is completely dependent on the Town's effort, since they cannot seek these funds on their own, or in partnership with Old Colony Beach Association. The OLS Board is considering whether this is the best use of their limited time and resources, or if there are things that they can do on their own to help correct the problems with flooding in the area.  Mr. Graml thanked the FEC Board for all they had done.  Mr. Ross will contact Mr. Graml to clarify what he meant by "the Town’s unwillingness to partner with them to seek FEMA funds" as the FEC Board is still very much committed to finding a solution to fund the study and helping to secure grants.  Mr. Ross stated that the denial of funds by the Board of Finance does not mean there is no help coming from the Town. The FEC Board, the Board of Selectmen and Dave Roberge continue to be involved and supportive

Results of association meeting(s)
Paul Rowean (OLS) stated that the Old Lyme Shores Association board members felt that to continue to pursue the matter of funding a study was a lost cause, as without funding from the Town the two beach associations could not pay for the entire study.  Mr. Rowean questioned how they could fix the flooding if they don't know what is causing it, and that the association was very upset with the Town for not agreeing to pay one-third of the cost of the study.  Todd Machnik stated that the FEC Board has worked very hard to help the beach associations, and he understands why the Town did not approve funding for a study to be done on private property.  Mr. Ross agreed with Mr. Machnik and stated that the Board of Finance had kept budget increases to a minimum.  It was clear from the beginning that it would be a stretch to expect the Board of Finance to agree to fund the study in part.  Mr. Ross continued to say that Old Lyme Shores should not consider this a lost cause as we have worked together for over a year and in his opinion had made five steps forward and one step backward.  The FEC Board is a Town Board so the Town is continuing to assist the beach associations.  If the two beach associations could come up with the money to fund the study, then the Town would still back them and work with them to obtain grant money.  Mr. Ross would like the beaches and the Town to continue to work together to find a solution.  Mr. Ross asked how many properties are severely affected by the flooding. Mr. Rowean indicated the affected homes are located south of the stop sign on Sea Spray Road. Mr. Ross said he believes that there are thirteen in that section of Sea Spray.  

Discussion of options and alternatives developed at last meeting:
Funding balance - Doug Whalen (OCB) stated that he appreciated the work that the FEC Board has done thus far and felt that much progress had been made.  He stated that he had reported flood damages from the March storm on the State 211 website hoping to receive FEMA assistance and advised Mr. Rowean to do the same for OLS.  He did not want to work piece meal on this project.  Mr. Ross stated that funding received from the Town was not the only way that the Town could assist.  Mr. Ross requested that both beach associations write to Dave Roberge requesting his assistance in pursuing other avenues of funding.  Ellie Czarnowski suggested that an option to keep costs down for the associations might to be to hire a graduate student to do the grant writing.  

Condition of brook-cleanout needed, obstructions, tree growth, etc. – no report from beach associations

Inspection of existing pipes for size, etc. – no report from beach associations

WMC response after review of proposal aimed at reducing scope/cost – Mr. Ross reported that WMC had not responded to this yet.

4. New Business
Low Impact Development Strategies – recap by Ellie Czarnowski
Ellie Czarnowski recapped a presentation that she had attended on Low Impact Development made by Steven Trinkaus on February 22, 2010 at a special meeting of the Old Lyme Zoning Commission.  Discussion followed.

Discuss CGS statute Sec 25-87 Assessments – tabled

Other New Business
Todd Machnik reported that he had inspected the Roger's Lake dam and was working with Dave Roberge as to an estimate of needed repairs.

Steve Ross reminded the board that FEC Board member Bob Chapman was to follow up with the Roger's Lake Association asking them to provide a list of items that needed attention from the Town.  

5. Next Meeting
Chairman Steve Ross suggested that the June meeting of the FEC Board might be cancelled as the beach associations were not meeting until just before the scheduled June meeting.  Mr. Ross will confirm and notify the FEC Board members as to the date of the next meeting.
6. Adjournment
Steve Ross moved, and Todd Machnik seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 5:55 PM. SO VOTED.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Ellen Garbarino
Guests                                  Affiliation     

Paul J. Rowean                  VP OLSBA
Mary K. Howley                  OLSBA
George Howley                   OLSBA
Sally Howley                            OLSBA
Shawn Getman                    OLSBA
Dave Wheeler                            OLSBA
Steve Andrzejewski                      WMC Engineering