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Old Lyme Area Cable Advisory Council Minutes 07/07/2011
Old Lyme Area Cable Advisory Council
7 July 2011, 7:30pm
Town of Lyme offices (directions below)
Attending: Peter Sielman, Pam Munro, Robin Purcell, Tim Devlin, Russ Gomes, Cathy Frank; John Bairos, Lynn Perry

Chairman Peter Sielman called the meeting to order at 7:35 pm.
A motion was made by Russ Gomes, seconded by Pete Sielman to approval the minutes
of the 14 April 2011 meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
Comcast Report  Lynn Perry, access coordinator~at the Old Lyme Comcast studio, announced that a PSA (public service announcement) had been taped by Old Lyme First Selectman Tim Griswold about that town’s new single stream recycling program. The PSA is currently airing after meetings in Old Lyme.
Lynn has scheduled an Open House at the Studio on Thursday, July 28 from 5 to 7pm.
John and Lynn were asked to include Advisory Council members on their press release about the event for posting on Town websites. Council members are encouraged to attend the Open House.
Because of the new Comcast digital adapters, Lynn has had a lot of visitors looking for the customer service center in Old Lyme. She takes advantage of the opportunity to give the visitors a studio tour.
She also reminded Council members that Comcast On Demand includes a section of  videos featuring local attractions. Lynn has produced a few videos for the local section and has submitted proposals for other local attraction videos.
John Bairos reported on some programming additions and changes. Peter had contacted John with a question about cable tv boxes and energy use. There is an EPA website that lists energy usage of various cable boxes. John said that Comcast customers can request
an energy efficient model. It is also possible to turn off a Comcast cable box that is not being used as an energy efficiency alternative.
Sue McKinlay is out of town but had raised a question about the cost of program access at Hale-Ray High School in East Haddam via e-mail to Peter. Comcast provides 3 digital adapters to each school and public library in Council towns and service is provided free to schools and libraries. John understood that Sue’s East Haddam issue was related to the studio in the high school, but Peter and Cathy believed the issue involved the cost of multiple adapters required at the high school. John will follow up with Sue for clarification.

Robin Purcell distributed a Treasurer’s Report (attached to these minutes). A motion was made by Cathy Frank, seconded by Russ, to accept the Report. Motion passed unanimously.

Peter announced (with pleasure) that he had narrowly avoided being elected President of the Statewide Video Council. He is pleased that the Council now has a website as well as a Facebook page and that the Council actively supported a piece of legislation regarding cable television in the most recent legislative session.
Old Business
Public Access Promotion was discussed. Cathy and Pam volunteered to develop some initial materials about public access that can be distributed at local libraries and Town Halls. A motion as made by Peter, seconded by Russ to authorize them to spend up to $100 for public access promotional materials.

New Business
A revised Grant application from Lyme-Old Lyme/Regional District 18 via Town of Lyme was presented. The equipment and cost listed in the application are identical to those in the original application. The new application included more detail about the need for the equipment.
Cathy confirmed that she had written the District 18 Superintendent of Schools requesting a revised application with new cost estimates developed with assistance from Council member Tim Devlin. Tim confirmed that he spoke with Dist. 18 Director of Facilities John Rhodes about the need for a revised application. Peter questioned the equipment costs provided, stating that less costly equipment is available.
A motion was made by Cathy, seconded by Russ, to approve $1,000 for District 18 equipment.
Peter stated that he would prefer to table the application until the next (October) meeting. Russ, who is a member of the District 18 Board of Education, stated that he would address the application status with Dist. 18 officials and clarify the Council’s request for details on the equipment that has been identified.
Cathy and Russ withdrew their motion. A motion was made by Peter, seconded by Cathy to table the District 18 application,  pending receipt of the equipment details.
Motion passed unanimously.

The Council approved the existing Scholarship Program for 2012. Pam and Cathy will provide information on the 2012 scholarship to public high schools in our Towns.  Information will not be provided directly to private schools, however, Cathy will send press releases about the scholarship program to local newspapers.

A motion was made at 9pm by Cathy to adjourn.

Cathy Frank

2011 Meeting Schedule
Meetings take place at 7:30pm unless otherwise indicated.
January 13, Old Lyme Town Hall
April 14, Nathan Hale-Ray High School Library
July 7, Lyme Town Hall
October 13, Salem Town Offices