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Zoning Commission Minutes 03/0/42013
Monday, March 4, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.
Town Hall, 302 Main Street
1st floor conference room


Chairman Friedmann called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


Attendant Members                                               
Robert C. Friedmann, Chairman                           
Member Madge Fish, Vice Chair
Geraldine Lewis, Secretary                                      
John T. Talbott, Regular Member                         
Elizabeth Steffen, Alternate seated for Charles Sohl
Thomas C. Farnham, Jr.

Absent Members                
Charles E. Sohl, Regular Member
Robert Richards, Alternate Member       

Attendant Staff
Christina Costa, Zoning Enforcement Officer
Stella Beaudoin, Administrative Clerk

There were three members of the audience present.

The following corrections were noted:
  • Page 3; Line 9, second bullet:  “Planning Commission”.
  • Page 4; Item C, last bullet::  “There have been no comments received from Chamber of Commerce or the Harbor Management Commission”.
  • Page 4, the third line of the Motion: the sentence is to end with the word prohibitions.
  • Item IV:  The national chain of boats is “Bassett” to be changed consistently throughout the Minutes.
  • Under ZEO Report: “Pats Kountry Kitchen”, the Commission has authorized the ZEO to handle this matter administratively.
MOTION to approve the Minutes from the February 19, 2013 Regular Meeting, as amended; MADE: by J. Talbott; SECONDED: by G. Lewis; VOTING IN FAVOR: R. Friedmann, J. Talbott, M. Fish, G. Lewis, E. Steffen; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINING: APPROVED: 5/0/0

  • CORRESPONDENCE – No correspondence

          A.   Application for Special Exception Permit by Tractor Supply Co., for a 19,097 s.f. retail sales building and a 15,000 s.f. outdoor sales area, 401 Middlesex Tpke., Map 52/Lot 96, B-4 District, Aquifer Protection Area
                    Applicant: NERP, Holding & Acquisitions, LLC    Agent:  James P. Cassidy, P.E.
                ACTION: Continue public hearing; Close by 3/4/13 (NLT 4/15/13); Deliberate and act.

James Cassidy, Agent, presented on behalf of NERP Holding & Acquisitions.  Mr. Cassidy reviewed with the Commission, the comments made by Geoffrey L. Jacobson, P.E. in their letter dated
March 1, 2013.

Mr. Cassidy stated the IWWC has approved a permit for this application at their February 21, 2013 meeting.  Additionally, the town engineer has responded to this application and the items noted in his letter have been addressed and incorporated into the plans for this application.  Mr. Cassidy stated that a minor revision has been made to the plan whereby the parking has been re-calculated as per the suggestion of the Zoning Commission.  Mr. Cassidy stated that there are 72 proposed spaces with four spaces deferred, which is well under the 20% reserve, as per the zoning regulations.  Mr. Cassidy indicated that based on engineering review most of the requested changes were minor.  So as to allow for a left turn into the complex, Mr. Cassidy proposes to widen a section of Route 154 by four feet so there are no backups on Middlesex Tpke.

Mr. Cassidy stated that he submitted plans for an encroachment permit to the CT Department of Transportation.

Mr. Cassidy reviewed with the Commission two issues as stated a memo from Traffic Engineering Solution dated March 4, 2013.  

Mr. Friedman summarized:  
  • The Commission is in agreement with painting the 30-inch concrete base for light poles in the color yellow for better visibility.   
  • The Commission is in agreement with the installation of wheel stops versus bollards in the front of the store.  Mr. Friedmann noted that on two separate occasions, motor vehicles have driven into two Old Saybrook businesses and in one case, a motor vehicle drove into the CT River despite the fact that there where wheel stops in place.  Mr. Friedmann stated that the wheel stops need to be located so that the vehicle wheel hits the wheel stop and the overhang does not interfere with pedestrian access to the front door.  Mr. Friedmann stated that in terms of the installation of street trees, the regulations state that for every forty feet, a tree may be planted.  
  • Mr. Friedmann commented on the perimeter buffer plantings noting that there is proposed a heavy planting plan at the southern boundary where there is a 10 foot buffer. Mr. Friedmann stated that the applicant will not be required to install evergreen perimeter plantings on southern boundary near to Route 154 in order to provide additional snow storage. Mr. Friedmann sated that with regard to lighting, all packs will be full cut off.
  • Mr. Friedmann stated that the applicant will change the angle of the truck, plus trailer spaces from southwest to northeast.  
Ms. Costa stated that the Zoning Commission has heard from everyone on this application and referrals went out in November.  The applicant has address all of comments and concerns previously stated.

Mr. Friedmann asked if anyone wished to speak in favor or in opposition to this application. There was no public comment.

MOTION to close the Public Hearing for Tractor Supply Company; MADE: by R. Friedmann; SECONDED: by E. Steffen; VOTING IN FAVOR: R. Friedmann, J. Talbott, G. Lewis, M. Fish, E. Steffen; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINING: None; APPROVED: 5-0-0.

MOTION to approve a Special Exception Permit for Tractor Supply Company for a 19,097 s.f. retail sales building and a 15,000 s.f. outdoor sales area, 401 Middlesex Tpke., Map 52 Lot 96, B-4 District; Aquifer Protection Area with the following conditions:  1) Street trees with a minimum 3 ½ inch caliper must be planted at intervals no further than 40 feet apart along Route 154. The tree species for new trees are to be chosen by the applicant.  .  Established trees will be counted to meet this requirement. 2) Mixed evergreen trees must be staggered at intervals of 10 feet along the southern property boundary to create a perimeter buffer.  The trees must be a minimum of 6’ in height and 3 ½ caliper diameter at breast height. Low vegetation will be permitted as the southern edge of the parking lot as to maintain adequate area for the designated snow shelf. 3) The three interior diagonal truck/trailer parking spaces located to the south of the outdoor storage entrance will be realigned to go from the southwest to northeast direction. 4) All interior islands will have trees with a minimum size of  3 ½ inch caliper diameter at breast height and 6 feet in height. 5) All building wall pack lighting fixtures will have be shielded for full cutoff with the exception of the wall pack fixture located on the western side of the building that illuminatesthe outdoor display area for security as long as the light does not spill over the western property line; MADE: by R. Friedmann; SECONDED: by E. Steffen; VOTING IN FAVOR: R. Friedmann, J. Talbott, G. Lewis, M. Fish, E. Steffen; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINING: None; APPROVED: 5-0-0.

Ms. Costa reported:
  • Coastline Motorsports, Boston Post Road East is not going to be applying for Motor Vehicle Special Exception Permit at the site occupied by Ocean Performance.
  • Stop and Shop, 665 Boston Post Road has submitted an application for it’s annual outdoor greenhouse in the Elm Street parking lot.  The Commission authorized the ZEO to handle administratively as long as the proposal is the same as previous years.
  • The ZEO advised Chief Spera has advised that the Old Saybrook Miniature Golf Course, College Street is going to receive FEMA grant money to reconstruct the damaged course.  The Commission advised that as long as the size of the course was to remain the same, no habitable structures are proposed to be increased in size and if there are no changes to the parking lot configuration that a permit will not be required to repair and replace the golf course structures.
  • The ZEO advised that a retail self service yogurt shop is proposed at the Old Saybrook shopping center. The Commission advised Ms. Costa that the she can  handle this application administratively.
  • Ms. Costa and Mr. Friedmann continue to work on the sign regulations.
  • There is no new business for the upcoming March 18th meeting.  Commissioners agreed to cancel the regularly scheduled meeting for                March 18, 2013.
  • The Commission inquired on the status of the Food Works relocation from Main Street to the former West Marine location at the corner of Ledge Road and Boston Post Road.  The ZEO advised that administrative permits were issued and that it is her belief that the store will be opening shortly.
MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 8:17 p.m. to the Monday, April 1, 2013 meeting at the Old Saybrook Town Hall, 1st floor Conference Room, 302 Main Street at 7:00 p.m.: MADE: by J. Talbott; SECONDED: by R. Friedmann; VOTING IN FAVOR: R. Friedmann, J. Talbott, M. Fish, G. Lewis, E. Steffen; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINING: None; APPROVED: 5-0-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Stella Beaudoin
Recording Secretary