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ZC Minutes 120108
Chairman Robert Friedmann called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


Attendant Members                                           Absent Members         
Robert Friedmann, Chairman
 Walter Harris,   Secretary                                 Paula Stuart, Regular Member
Madeleine Fish, Vice Chairman                          John Duhig, Alternate Member                                           
Carl Garbe, Regular Member                
Geraldine Lewis, Alternate Member
Charlie Sohl, Alternate Member                           

Attendant Staff    
Christina Costa, Zoning Enforcement Officer
Eric Knapp, Legal Councel
Maura Farbotka, Recording Clerk

Alternate G. Lewis will be seated for Regular Member P. Stuart.

           A. MINUTES

-Correction should be made on page 2, under CRERPA.  Should read “Roles”, not Tolls.
-Commission clarified at bottom of page 2 that Alternate J. Duhig was seated for voting after Regular Member P. Stuart left the meeting.  Alternate C. Sohl was seated at the beginning of the meeting.

MOTION to approve the minutes of the November 17, 2008 meeting as amended; MADE: by W. Harris; SECONDED: M. Fish; no discussion on the motion; VOTING IN FAVOR: R. Friedmann, M. Fish, W. Harris, C. Sohl; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINING: none; APPROVED: 4-0-0.
MOTION to approve the minutes from the Special Meeting of October 10, 2008 at the Dirt, LLC site, 47 Spencer Plains Road, (Map 25/Lot 25) as presented; MADE: by M.
Fish; SECONDED: G. Lewis; no discussion on the motion; VOTING IN FAVOR:  M. Fish, W. Harris, G. Lewis, C. Sohl; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINING: none; APPROVED: 4-0-0.



MOTION to approve the 2009 Schedule of Zoning Commission Meeting Dates as presented, with the meetings to be held at the Old Saybrook Town Hall, 1st floor conference room, whenever scheduling permits; MADE: by R. Friedmann; SECONDED: G. Lewis; no discussion on the motion; VOTING IN FAVOR: R. Friedmann, M. Fish, W. Harris, C. Garbe, G. Lewis; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINING: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0.

V.  DISCUSS REQUEST FOR RETURN OF BOND: Remaining $5,000.00 Landscaping
     Blue Point, Inc. – CZC #05-147; 9,200 s.f. office bldg., 205 Old Boston Post Rd.,
     Map 28/Lot 41-1

Discussion held with commission about the site.  R. Friedmann clarified with ZEO Costa that Blue Pt. Inc has complied with the mowing schedule, and dead/fallen trees have been replaced.   

MOTION to approve the release of the remaining $5,000.00 Landscaping bond to Blue Point Inc; MADE: by R. Friedmann; SECONDED: W. Harris; no discussion on the motion; VOTING IN FAVOR:  R. Friedmann, M. Fish, W. Harris, C. Garbe, G. Lewis; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINING: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0.

       A. Application for Modification to Special Exception Permit # 06—092 & Coastal Site Plan
        Review Application for addition of 128 s.f. deck to Unit 8 – CZC #08-178
       North Cove Landing, 446 Main Street, Map 22/Lot 22, Residence A District
       Applicant:  North Cove Landing Association

W. Harris stepped down for this agenda item.  Alternate member C. Sohl will be seated.

ZEO Costa reviewed the 2006 Modification to the Special Exception and Coastal Site Plan Application, explaining 2 of the 3 requested decks were constructed.  The third deck, at unit 8, was not built, and the unit was sold.  It was noted that the extension, requested by the new owners could not be granted due to the expired permit.
ZEO confirmed plan meets all setbacks.  No SE/SC required.  
R. Friedmann opened hearing to the public.  No comments.

MOTION to close public hearing MADE: by R. Friedmann; SECONDED: by G. Lewis; VOTING IN FAVOR: R. Friedmann, M. Fish, C. Garbe, G. Lewis, C. Sohl; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINING: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0.

MOTION to approve the application for Modification to Special Exception Permit #06-092 & Coastal Site Plan Review Application for addition of a 128 s.f. deck to Unit 8; CZC #08-178; that it be approved because it is consistent with all applicable coastal policies and includes all reasonable  measures to mitigate adverse impact; MADE: by  G. Lewis; SECONDED: by M. Fish; VOTING IN FAVOR: R. Friedmann, M. Fish, C. Garbe, G. Lewis, C. Sohl; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINING: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0.

W. Harris reseated; C. Sohl to step down.


            Contractors’ businesses, storage, Buildings ((1) 1221 s.f. and (2) 564 s.f.),
           parking and site improvements – CZC 08-165
           47 Spencer Plains Road, Map 25/Lot 25, Gateway Business B-4 District
           Applicant:  Dirt, LLC (Thomas Van Epps/Paul Burdick)    Agent: Atty Edward Cassella

Attorney Cassella gave the commission a letter dated 12/01/08 granting an extension, if necessary.  He also advised the commission that this application is still in front of both the Old Saybrook and Westbrook Inland Wetlands Commissions.   Attorney Cassella stated he hopes the dispute as to where the wetlands/property line is will soon be settled.  The soil scientists are close to reaching an agreement with the help of old DEP maps that were found.
He discussed the court agreement which stated all approvals would be met by 12/31/08, and advised that due to the scheduling of the numerous commission meetings, he does not think this will be met.  He asked the commission if they would have any objection to allowing an extension,
if granted by the court.  Attorney Cassella is requesting an extension to February 3, 2009.  After a discussion with the commission, R. Friedmann stated they would have no objection for the court to extend the time from for the approvals to be met, with the understanding that if this extension is not granted, the injunction against Dirt, LLC will go forward.  

MOTION to continue to the next regularly scheduled meeting to be held on Monday December 15, 2008 at the Pasbeshauke Pavilion at 7:30 p.m. MADE: by R. Friedmann; SECONDED: by G. Lewis VOTING IN FAVOR: R. Friedmann, M. Fish, W. Harris, C. Garbe, G. Lewis; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINING: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0.


-ZEO advised the commission that a hair salon /spa is interested in the former location of Diastole, 1254 Boston Post Road.  She reviewed the proposed Statement of Use, and advised the plan is currently being reviewed by the Health Department.
The commission agreed the ZEO can handle administratively.

-ZEO Costa advised the commission that work continues on the Incentive Housing plan, focusing on density information.

Chairman Friedman adjourned at 8:45 p.m. until the next regularly scheduled meeting to be held on Monday, December 15, 2008 at the Pasbeshauke Pavilion at Saybrook Point Park, 155 College Street Extension at 7:30 p.m.

Respectively submitted,

Maura Farbotka
Recording Clerk