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ZC minutes 070907
Monday, July 9, 2007 at 7:30 p.m.
First Floor Conference Room –Town Hall


Chairman Friedmann called the special meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


Attendant Members         Absent Members
Robert Friedmann, Chairman                                 Walter Harris, Secretary                                  
Elizabeth Steffen, Vice Chairman
Madeleine Fish, Regular Member                                      
Paula Stuart, Regular Member
Geraldine Lewis, Alternate Member       
Charles Sohl, Alternate Member   
Arcangela Claffey, Alternate Member
Attendant Staff                                                      Absent Staff                                                                                                Eric Knapp, Legal Councel                                       Christina Costa, ZEO                                                                                    Maura Farbotka, Recording Clerk                                      

Alternate G. Lewis will be seated for Secretary Walter Harris.

                186 – unit affordable housing development – North Main Street
                 Map 39, 40/Lots 9, 3, 6-1, Shopping Center, B-2 District; Jandim Realty Co.

Chairman Friedmann gave a thorough review of the history of the original application regarding Saybrook Commons.  He also reviewed with the members each time this application came before the Zoning Commission. He specifically discussed the most recent proposal, which included movement of the buildings, and a change in the square footage of each building.  The new plan also changed the number of one and two bedroom units.  The commission viewed these changes to be sufficiently different from the stipulated judgment, and that it should be considered a new application. The applicant argued the changes were minor and after the Zoning Commission’s actions brought a motion to the Housing Judge to have the stipulated judgment upheld.
On Monday, July 2, 2007 all interested parties met with Housing Judge Levine.  At that meeting the possibility of increasing the number of affordable housing units was discussed.  A tentative addition of 6 more units in addition to the original 46 units was proposed.  This new number of units would bring the percentage of affordable units to 28-29% of the new plans.
Discussion was held with regard to the emergency accesses at the Grouse Perch and Burger King sites.  This access does not make the Grouse Perch property non-conforming, and would still meet all minimal landscape requirements for the B-2 District.
The Commission confirmed that the Burger King property would not be made more non-conforming due to the emergency access.

Chairman Friedmann read for the Commission a letter from First Selectman Mike Pace, dated 07/09/07.  In that letter Mr. Pace listed numerous concerns of the Saybrook Commons plans including:
Increased traffic at intersection of No. Main and Boston Post Rd.
Emergency access locations
Large concentration of single-family residences in a small area of town
Impact on town services and school system
Lack of compatibility of project with town’s plan of conservation and development
The adequacy of the septic system.

The commission discussed at length and agreed with many of Mr. Pace’s concerns.  It was noted however that none of these issues apply under section 8-30g with the exception of the septic system.  Attorney Knapp suggested that the approved septic/sewage system be a condition of approval.

MOTION to approve the recent modifications, (presented  to the commission on 2/20/07);   186 unit affordable housing development, North Main Street; Map 39, 40/Lots 9, 3, 6-1, Shopping Center, B-2 District; Jandim Realty Co.;  with the following conditions:
1. That we obtain 6 more affordable units than twenty-five percent, for a total of 53; 30 one bedroom and 23 two bedroom units;  2.  That the adequacy of the proposed community sewage system servicing the property and the proposed provisions for its maintenance and replacement be acceptable to the WPCA and the DEP; 3.  That an updated affordability plan be submitted to Law Offices of Branse, Willis and Knapp and must be met with their satisfaction.  MADE: by Elizabeth Steffen;  SECONDED:  by R. Friedmann; DISCUSSION ON THE MOTION:  M. Fish and G. Lewis both concur with the concerns of First Selectman Pace, however state statue 8-30g governs what is happening in this application; all members agreed.  All commission members feel that even though they have concerns, they are bound to follow the affordable housing act.  They believe that a delay would bring no new evidence to support a denial. VOTING IN FAVOR: R. Friedmann, E. Steffen, M. Fish, P. Stuart, G. Lewis; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINING: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0.


Chairman Friedmann adjourned to meeting at 8:10 p.m. until the next regularly scheduled meeting to be held on Monday, July 16, 2007 at the Pasbeshauke Pavilion, Saybrook Point Park, 155 College Street Extension at 7:30 p.m.

Respectively submitted:

Maura Farbotka, Recording Clerk