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ZC Minutes 111306


Chairman Robert Friedmann called the Special Meeting to order at 7:30p.m, at the first floor conference room at the Old Saybrook Town Hall, 302 Main Street.


Attendant Members:                                                              Absent Members:
Robert Friedmann, Chairman                                                   Kathy Edgar, Alternate Member                                                                                            
Elizabeth Steffen, Vice Chairman                                            
Walter Harris, Secretary
Madeleine Fish, Regular Member
Paula Stuart, Regular Member
Geraldine Lewis, Alternate Member
Charles Sohl, Alternate Member

Attendant Staff:
Christina Costa, Zoning Enforcement Officer
Eric Knapp, Legal Counsel
Maura Farbotka, Recording Clerk

Alternate Member G. Lewis will be seated for W. Harris

It should be included that members E. Steffen and P. Stuart left the meeting at 8:00 p.m.

MOTION to approve the Minutes of November 6, 2006 as corrected MADE E. Steffen:,  SECONDED: by M. Fish; no discussion on the motion; VOTING IN FAVOR: R. Friedmann, E. Steffen, , M. Fish, P. Stuart; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINING: G. Lewis; APPROVED:4-0-1.

Old Saybrook Zoning Commisison                                       Meeting Minutes November 13, 2006

W. Harris arrived @ 7:35 p.m., and will be seated for voting.   G. Lewis will step down


R. Friedmann noted numerous letters received from Chalker Beach residents, including:
Mr. and Mrs. Dolan, Mr. McCartney, Mr. Darrow, Mr. Fritsche, Mr. Chiarella, Mr. and Mrs. Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Knobel,Mr. and Mrs. Gelbstein, and Mr. Williams.

MOTION to pay Branse and Willis: invoice #13840 for $768.50, , MADE by E. Steffen; SECONDED: by W. Harris; no discussion on the motion; VOTING IN FAVOR: R. Friedmann, E. Steffen, W. Harris, M. Fish, P. Stuart; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINING: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0.

           63,400 S.F. one-story Big Y grocery store; six additional one-story retail buildings consis-
           ting of a total of 72,500 S.F. – Boston Post Road/Spencer Plains Road
           Map 25/Lots 28, 29, 30, 32, 32-1 and Map 26/Lots 2, 6-10, 6-11, 6-12 &  6-16, B-4 Zone
          Applicant:  Max’s Place, LLC                                            Agent: Attorney David Royston

Attorney Royston gave a summary to the commission, reviewing the major points that would be covered, including drainage, traffic, and architecture.  
Attorney Royston stated the applicant and developers met early with Mr. Platus, of the Yale Urban Design, noting that the original site plan was modified based on Mr. Platus’ comments in order to adhere to the study.  It should be noted that when Mr. Platus wrote his report dated 11/08/06 that he did not have the amended statement of use, (dated 11/06/06).  This statement of use adjusts the 1st phase of development, now having the two front buildings (on Spencer Plains Road), built at the same time as the Big Y.  

Attorney Royston mentioned the IWWC permit addressed all drainage concerns by the Chalker Beach Residents, and also noted the numerous Chalker Beach Residents in favor of the project, as per their =========petition.
Attorney Royston would welcome any feedback from the commission if any further architectural revisions are suggested, again noting that this project was previously approved by the ARB.  He reiterated all the preliminary meetings the applicant held with Mr. Platus (Yale Urban Study), the ARB, and the Zoning and Planning Commissions.

Old Saybrook Zoning Commission                                       Meeting Minutes November 13, 2006

Drainage:  Attorney Royston wanted to point out that a permit was issued by the IWWC with regards to activities on the site.  The permit was issued, after modifications were made based on recommendation from G. Jacobson. All drainage issues have been addressed, including the attention of the detention basin, to help the existing town’s system.   David Ziaks addressed all drainage issues in his most recent report, dated 10/31/06, including a revised site plan.    G. Jacobson received his copy on 11/06/06, but did not have a chance to review or comment
Attorney Royston noted that added detention basin corrects the deficiency in the existing storm water system.  
Architecture:  Mr. Patrick Moore of Pepin Associates again spoke of height issues.  As per the 11/06/06 Zoning Meeting, the height will be based on the natural existing average grade.  They are working to now ensure this is done.  These height adjustments will primarily affect the Big Y building.  Discussion continued with regard to scenic lofts/and cupolas, and their height restrictions.  
Chairman Friedmann opened meeting to the public regarding any architectural issues.

Mr. Peter Thomas Vice President of development for Big Y Foods wanted to emphasize the past work and planning that was done when meeting with all Boards and Commissions, and that the applicant believed all proper steps were taken to plan the project accordingly.  He was quite surprised with some of the recommendations by the Planning Commission, after all the reviews that had been done, and after reviewing suggestions with the Commissions so closely.

Traffic:  Mr. Scott Hesketh of FA Hesketh spoke summarizing communications and data between him, and Bruce Hillson of Traffic Engineering Solutions, (most recently, Mr. Hillson’s 11/02/06 report).  Mr. Hesketh reiterated his traffic study is compiled with 2008 design year.

Many of the “problem” traffic areas were discussed including:
-Trip generation calculations
-Trips assigned to the site drive on Route 1
-Traffic volume in/out
These items have been satisfactorily addressed, per Traffic Solutions, in addition, the calculation error for the site driveway volumes has been revised and corrected.
Also included in discussion:
-Analysis of highway ramps on Spencer Plains Road, (queue lengths, and available storage).
-Route 1 at site drive
-Route 1 at Center Road.  Applicant will be applying to state for installation of traffic signal.  This would be both funded and installed by the applicant, if approved.  The applicant realizes that past requests from Chalker Beach residents for a traffic signal were turned down by the DOT, however Mr. Hesketh notes, they did not meet state requirements for  a signal.  Suggests both applicant and town meet with DOT when requesting traffic signal, and also suggested including a second traffic signal at the Chalker Beach entrance.  This combined timing of traffic signals would greatly improve traffic conditions.  Mr. Hesketh understands there is no guarantee that the

Old Saybrook Zoning Commission                                       Meeting Minutes November 13, 2006

traffic signals would be approved, however per the DOT requirements, 3 out of 4 of the major traffic warrants have been met.

Definition of trips/visits was clarified.  A trip equals one way.  Two trips would equal one visit.

Per Bruce Hillson, #7 had typo in table 5R.  Should read 635 foot queue.  

Regular member P. Stuart mentioned several traffic concerns with project, stating regardless of approval of traffic signal, traffic issues will still remain.
Chairman Friedman opened to public:

-Ron Bolduc, Jr., a resident of both Orchard Lane and Chalker Beach, cited major traffic concerns.
-Ron Bolduc, Sr., a resident of Chalker Beach against project due to traffic concerns.
-Roberta Smith, a Chalker Beach Resident is concerned with emergency vehicles getting through   with the increased traffic.  Feels increase in tractor trailers will only add to dangerous conditions.
-George Crute, a Chalker Beach resident suggested removing trees by GiGi’s hair salon, to improve the line of sight.  Stated traffic is an issue no matter where he travels, and is in favor of the project.

Attorney Royston stated there are still architectural, traffic, and other revisions being made.  There is additional data, yet to be submitted.  The grading/utility/plan and profile as been changed, and will be provided to the commission.  

MOTION to continue public hearing SPECIAL EXCEPTION USE APPLICATION –             CZC #06-204, Applicant Max’s Place to the next regularly scheduled meeting of November 20, 2006, at the Pasbeshauke Pavilion, Saybrook Point;  MADE by E. Steffen; SECONDED: by P. Stuart; no discussion on the motion; VOTING IN FAVOR: R. Friedmann, E. Steffen, W. Harris, M. Fish, P. Stuart; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINING: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0.

Attorney Royston thanked the commission for scheduling this special meeting to continue Public Hearing.

Chairman Friedmann adjourned the meeting at 8:40 p.m.  Next regularly scheduled meeting to be held on Monday, November 20, 2006 at 7:30 p.m., at the Pasbeshauke Pavilion at Saybrook Point Park, 155 College Street Extension.  

Respectively submitted,

Maura Farbotka, Recording Clerk